Phoenix Goddess Temple Newsletter                 August 2009
"The Metaphysics of Tantra" with
Reverend Jimmy Sails
We are so happy to welcome Jimmy back to the Phoenix Goddess Temple / Temple of 1! He will be teaching Freya's "Sex Ed For All" this Friday evening 7pm-9pm.  "Breaking the eons of anti-sex programming -A look at the history of our religious programming and how to release it. "
Please join us in celebrating his return, Jimmy's teachings are always insight-full and he is known to serenade us with a song or two, appropriate to the topic.  No RSVP needed!

Cuddle Party
Leela Face
Hosted by Leela

Saturday, August 22nd, 7pm, doors close at 7:30pm

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Healings w/ Guru Karam
Guru Karam

" I just want to tell you the Sunday deal was pretty powerful! The breathing was so strong...  I cannot go this Sunday, but the result was pretty incredible. You need to keep him on... Whenever I am open on Sunday, I will return." Class is 4-6pm Donation of $10 - $20 is appreciated
Phoenix Goddess Temple on KFNX Radio
We've had so much great feedback on temple's first radio appearance in July. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to share our message of love and healing through a new medium, the airwaves. So much so, that we are currently working our own Goddess Talk Radio at KPHX, the valley's liberal voice! To listen to the interview w/ Radha & Tracy, please visit our homepage and click play

Temple was happy to take part in the worldwide meditation "" last Tuesday, Avalon and Temple Man Ron both stopped by to inspire us to tune in to this amazing energy /thought groove... more meditation, dance, music & art to come!Ongoing Shift of the Matrix of Life!
In June, Temple moved from Scottsdale to central Phoenix: We were unable to transfer our longstanding phone #, so please, change your speed dial from 480.275.4953 to
602-956-0600, xxoo
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Aquarian Nude GoddessFULL MOON IN AQUARIUS
This is the Full Moon to honor freedom, idealism, humanitarianism, egalitarianism, and the revolutionary impulse toward reform, without causing harm to anyone. Aquarius is the impulse to raise-up everyone and leave no one behind. So in service to these calls to action, become responsible and find out what is really happening around you. Get involved in your community, volunteer your time, and raise awareness in your neighborhood. It's summer, have a block party and raise funds for a good cause.
Hello Be-Loves!

Hoping all is well with you! As summer draws to a close, we have more teachers & practitioners joining us in temple, but first, a recap of recent events:
  • The Goddess Way series completed during the month of July.  Over a dozen temple women (members and practitioners) attended with strong interest in the art of the Courtesean.  Well, interested just doesn't quite capture it. Ecstatic is more like it. The new Goddess One certification program will soon be offered at the Phoenix Goddess Temple. Stay tuned to hear about the amazing instructors who will be joining divine forces. Our goal is to become the leading international school of Courtesan Arts & Goddess spiritual sexuality. Plus, there will be awesome courses for men too. More soon...Feel free to visit Amara's blog w/fun pix on the Yummy Yang class at
  • The Feast of Mary Magdalene was delectable! With fresh French cuisine and flickering candles, we had the pleasure of reintroducing ourselves to Temple and taking a chance to look at how far we've come since Janet, Radha & Tracy opened the PGT July of last year.  All shared our thoughts on Mary Magdalene's legacy, and  why we gathered to celebrate Her memory. We were happy to honor our sisters, both present and those who live in other parts of the country for their love and labor in launching the temple.  It was an uplifting and enlightening experience for all! A highlight was the unveiling of an amazing gift of a Goddess Statue, Rebecca the Water Bearer.  The near life-size statue  now resides in the Blue / Water Chamber while we search for the right marble basin to activate her as a water fountain, please call if you have a lead.Feast of Mary Magdalene
Lovevolution Playshop - Sat. Aug. 8th -  7pm - ??
DreamingBear Join us in welcoming DreamingBear currently on his Lovevolution World Tour. Through spoken word artistry, playful creative exercises, and indigenous world music, the Lovevolution Tour aims to inspire the world to take a quantum leap forward in the consciousness evolution revolution. Come play in this explosive burst of creativity & new thought for LOVEVOLUTION, languaging for the new paradigms, & Spontaneous Community Combustion. Sliding Scale $6-$33 Listen to Dreaming Bear Lovevolution here
Light refreshments provided, please bring your own beverages to share or just bring yourself & a friend! Comfy, playful attire!
A year ago July at the Phoenix Goddess Temple...
 I was camped out in another vacation rental home in north Scottsdale with Radha, Robin, Nikol, Cherie & Kat as we rode out an intense investigation of our healing practices.  Maricopa County and the City of Scottsdale, in conjunction with the F.B.I., were conducting a valley-wide sweep of nearly 100 people on charges of felony prostitution.  We were first visited, then challenged at all levels,  my 24 year old son Ben was even taken in for questioning by Scottsdale police for information about  'his mother's cult'! ( I was somewhat pleased, at least the word cult is associated with both religion and culture).  Our knowledge, commitment and love were the factors that caused the turn-around in law enforcement's perception of our temple and the practices of the Mystic Sisters.  It will take a book to truly give thanks to all who aided us, those who were directly involved with support include Web Guru Mead Rose, Temple Mother Janet Craven, Sisters Carrie Star & Chavarra, Domestic Goddess Miza & my son Ben Wade.  Baba Dez Nichols of Sedona Temple and Ray Stubbs of ASEP in Tuscon provided us with the protection of a regional and national tribe (YOU!) and many of our temple men continued to visit even though they were aware of the potential hazards involved.  One year later, we are now secure and happy in Phoenix, with plans to open a second temple in Scottsdale in 2010.  Much gratitude to all who stood by us in that difficult time, and to all of our real estate agents, landlords (there were many) who chose to see the temple the way we see it: a strong community resource for education around sex and spirit.  Of course, we were truly carried through the darkness by our deep devotional love for Her, the Ma * Matter * Mother in all of Her many names and forms.   We continue to be blissfully "In Her service" !  Lately though, we've been feeling like we need to change our motto  to " SHE IS RISEN", what do you think?     Tracy Elise, Mother Priestess of the Phoenix Goddess Temple
August 2009 Events * We gather for fellowship @7 pm, begin @7:30 pm unless otherwise noted *
 8/1/09- First Saturday Puja with Crystal Dawn Morris
8//7/09- The Metaphysics of Tantra the Rev. Jimmy Sails
8/08/09- Lovevolution Party w/Special Guest Dreaming Bear
8/14/09- Healing with Raw Food by new Sister Starheart. This introductory class will be a taste of Starheart's weekend workshop that she'll offer at the Goddess Temple. Come and find out about the powers of Raw Foods to heal and whole your body, and the way to gently transition from cooked to cold.
8/21/09- Introduction to The Enneagram with Leela. Discover the nine distinct personality types and deepen your understanding of yourself & your ability to relate to others
8/22/09- CUDDLE PARTY with Leela * Dress Comfy & Free
8/28/09- Creating Sacred Space w/new Sister Reine des Forest. Learn how to create sacred space everywhere at home.
8/29/09- 8/30/09- " Opening the Path to Bliss" full weekend workshop with Crystal Dawn. Saturday & Sunday Times TBA
8/29/09- 8/8/09- Daka/ Dakini * Week long Intensive with Baba Dez, Robin Lynn & Triambika. see
Every Sunday- Kundalini Yoga & Gong Healings 4pm-6pm  with Guru Karam * Breathe, Feel, Listen, Stretch, Be Healed!
Every Sunday - Indigo Brother Sheldon leads "Spiritual Warrior" for men each Sun-day @ 7pm * learn from this amazing former U.S. soldier on the marital arts / spiritual practices which make facing your fear (any fear) a done deal.  Amazing presence and power can be yours by spending time with this young man!
Thanks for reading our messages, we are happily still
"In Her Service",
The Mystic Sisters & Temple Men of Phoenix Goddess Temple