Time to get the word out ...
Svaroopa® yoga is deceptively simple, extremely safe and profoundly healing! Move with ease and reduce mental stress and fatigue. Check out FREE Monday & The Bliss Program!
Howdy, It's been a while, glad to be back in the newsletter "saddle" again. I trust you have been well since we've last seen each other. Here's an update KrishnaYoga. Stop by and say hello. I'd love to see you especially if it's been awhile!
There are times to be present for meditation and reflection, times for nurturing our personal relationships, times for integrating what we've realized and times to put ourselves and what we do, out there! I am feeling passionate about Inner-Directed Therapy (aka, supported self inquiry) and combining embodyment® and class for a Bliss Program!
The yoga and therapy services I provide support a direct experience of your self. We've all received wonderful bodywork or the right words from someone to relieve anxiety that feels great in the moment ... but haven't you found your most profound discoveries through your direct experience, not what someone has told you?
Building dependency on others to validate who we are creates suffering. Have you noticed that people who are happy are also comfortable in their skin, empowered and secure in who they are, confident in their decisions? Dependency inhibits a solid trust in ourselves and our experience! Trust creates loving relationships and relaxation in ourselves. A student brought in a quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, "Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live." Directly experiencing your emotions, sensations and body creates space for waves to rise and fall within, to flow. Have you noticed you are more trusting of your self since practicing yoga? Inner-Directed Therapy is another way to access your self. It is thrilling to guide someone into their direct experience and see the shifts in perceptions, attention, relaxation in someone's face, the cadence of speech and the comfort in their body as a session unwinds. The simplicity of presence is profound!
Inquire about a session for yourself, or refer a friend or colleague. Health care professionals seem to be attracted to this work. Health insurance is accepted.
I'm introducing two new programs this month: Free Monday, the first Monday of each month the 7 PM class is free to all new students and is free to anyone who brings a new student. The second program I am introducing is The Bliss Program. Learn more below.
I hope you take a moment to enjoy the sweet meditation from Thich Nhat Hanh. Be Alive! Krishna |
I've been introducing new students to svaroopa® yoga using this program for several months and have noticed incredible results. It dawned on me that this program is not limited to new students, it's also great to deepen an existing practice! Choose the 4 week Bliss Program to jump start your practice or go deeper!
This program gives you a customized program to maximize your benefits in just 4 weeks! You will schedule 2 sessions a week for 4 consecutive weeks; 1 class and 1/1 hour private session. This program is for those looking for change!
Be within your self in a new way. You will come out of pain, move with ease and reduce mental stress and fatigue. Enjoy mental clarity as this core opening affects both body and mind. Suddenly, you feel calmer and more relaxed. Your stress levels will reduce as you release into the bliss within.
The practice of Svaroopa® yoga is based on a sequence of deceptively simple poses that are fully supported with blankets and blocks, meeting your body where it is. Because of this support, Svaroopa® yoga releases deep spinal muscles allowing for a core opening or decompression of your spine. This is a profound healing system that affects both body and mind. You feel calmer and more relaxed. You also gain a renewed sense of energy. Your mind settles down as your body unwinds.
Free class for new students! Once a month I will be offering a free class for new students. New students that attend the free class will also receive a great discount on a series of 3 classes! When you bring a friend to the free class, you receive that class for free as well! Free first Monday of the month at 7pm. Let me know your coming!
Yoga is preparation for meditation! We are profoundly comforted by an internal release through our direct experience. Here is a sweet meditation used with children. Adapted from Thich Nhat Hanh's "Living Without Stress or Fear".
Prior to beginning this meditation practice, you will need to gather four different pebbles each representing distinct aspects of your true nature to live in happiness and free of fear and suffering. The first pebble shall represent a flower; the second a mountain; the third, still water; and the fourth, space. This is a practice you can easily do along with your children. Let's sit for this joyful, mindful meditation in a posture that is both comfortable and stable. Place your four pebbles to the left of you. Again,we will begin by just tuning into the breath for a moment or two and the body as a whole, and dropping into silence- giving it full care & attention moment by moment- just feeling the whole body sitting here breathing... dropping into the breath with the entirety of your attention... riding on the waves of the breath.
When ready, breathing in and out three times, pick up the first pebble, look at it and visualize it with the mind's eye as a flower. As you breathe in, see yourself as a flower, as you breathe out, you feel fresh. This is done three times. Mentally, one says flower... fresh. The point here in breathing with this visualization is to transform yourself into a real flower- fresh, beautiful & light. Not that you want to be something else, but the human body, the human being is like a flower in the garden of humanity. As adults, many of us don't know how to maintain our freshness, our flowerness that is very apparent and inherent to us as children, but as we grow older, many of us lose some of this. The matter here is how to recover your flowerness... to become fully a flower again. So, breathing in, you see yourself as a flower. You are a flower & nothing less. You have confidence that you have the nature of this flowerness within you... and you can recuperate or recover this essence. You relax & you smile. You help the flower within you to manifest fully. Breathing in I see myself as a flower, breathing out I feel fresh. And then mentally, you repeat flower (in breath), fresh (out breath) three times. Then, do the same in the palm of the right hand. click here for 3 more pebbles |
Ensure a deeper home practice, place your blanket order today! A daily practice will change your life. Try it, I dare you!
KrishnaYoga Sunflower Market Place
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675