Legacy Ministries Newsletter
June, 2010
In This Issue
Friday Freedom
Summer Workshops
Savvy Saver Workshop
Walking in the Spirit
Teamwork in Ministry
Tune in Monday Night, June 14, at 6:00 PM to hear Tammy interviewed on BlogTalk Radio
2010 women's conf logo
Tammy will share about her book and Legacy Ministries. Click here to go to the website and tune in.
Friday Freedom at the Legacy Equipping Center 
2010 women's conf logo
The next Friday Freedom will be Friday, June 25 from noon - 1:00 PM. Join us for a time for worship unlike other corporate worship services. Friday Freedom is a refreshing time to find a place to get alone with God and "soak" in His presence while a worship leader quietly plays and sings. Feel free to drop in anytime during the hour.
Quick Links...
"...for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..." 
 Ephesians 4:12 (NKJV)
Here it is! The unveiling of the new book cover for the 2010 Revised Edition of Tammy's book:

Loving God Cover

We are now taking pre-orders for a discount of $12 instead of $16 for all who order a book by Father's Day, June 20.  You may order securely with a credit card over the internet through paypal by going to our website. You may also send an order with checks made out to Legacy Ministries ($12 each plus shipping). You may call if you have any questions. 404-643-9042. 
2 opportunities to be in a small group with Tammy teaching Loving God With All Five Senses: 
1. Trinity Fellowship Church on Wednesday nights during the summer at 7:00-8:15 PM - for men and women
2. At the Legacy Equipping Center on Tuesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 AM starting June 22 - for ladies only
Respond to this email and let us know if you are interested in attending either of these Bible Studies.
Summer Format for Workshops at the
Legacy Equipping Center 

We are taking the summer to tape various trainings to post online. We need a taping audience! Come see first-hand what everyone else will see online. There will be no charge. Offerings of any amount will be accepted. Childcare is available for an additional fee. Just let us know ahead of time!  See below for the workshops that will be offered in June.

Savvy Saver Workshop
Thursday, June 24 - 10:00 - 11:30AM
Taught by Pamela Gibson
Come find out how to cut your grocery bill in half while having more to give to others in need and filling your freezer and pantry at the same time! Pam will show you how she purchased over  $100 of groceries for around $26!

Please RSVP so we can be prepared with handouts. Contact us by responding to this email or by calling 404-643-9042. If you need childcare for an additional fee, let us know. 
How to Walk in the Spirit & Not in the Flesh - Friday, June 25 - 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Taught by Carol Winkles
As a Christian, do you ever get tired of finding yourself walking in the flesh instead of staying in the overcoming flow of the Spirit? Carol has a great way of motivating the audience to have a desire to seek God's freedom of walking in the Spirit. You will walk away with fresh insight to help keep you focused and living victoriously no matter what may come your way! 
Carol Winkles is part of Victoria's Friends Ministry, a member of Trinity Fellowship and has ministerial credentials with Servanthood Ministries.
Please RSVP so we can be prepared with handouts. Contact us by responding to this email or by calling 404-643-9042. If you need childcare for an additional fee, let us know. 
Teamwork in Ministry Workshop
Friday, July 2 - 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Taught by Tammy Melton
It does not matter what kind of ministry--children, youth, women, men, deacon board, etc--ministry is more effective with teams than by individuals.  This workshop is designed to help teams learn how to work together more effectively by teaching how to get behind the leadership, serve the people and encourage one another on the team. You will also learn a  "potpourri" of ministry helps of which to be aware. 
Please RSVP so we can be prepared with handouts. Contact us by responding to this email or by calling 404-643-9042. If you need childcare for an additional fee, let us know.
Thank you for your continued prayer and support of Legacy Ministries. We can continue because of people like you. Your offerings are tax-deductible and allow us to continue to equip believers from across the denominational lines.
Please let us know what kind of workshops you would like to see us offer. Hopefully we will have online courses soon.
Bill and Tammy Melton
Legacy Ministries