Dear Friends and Family,
Summer is definitely here! For a couple of weeks, it was over 100 degrees here in Atlanta. We rarely get that hot even though the city is nicknamed "Hotlanta".
As a follow-up to my last newsletter, many media outlets have now posted my helpful lost pet tips on their sites.
If the tips that I've shared help even one missing animal to be reunited with their families, then I consider that to be a success.
I have provided links to the articles on my web site's News Articles page along with other articles which have been written about me recently.
Have a great summer! |
In Memory of My Furry Boy,
December 1, 2002 - May 23, 2012
I am dedicating this issue of my newsletter to my schnauzer, Buzz, who went to the Rainbow Bridge at the end of May.
He joins his brother, Woody, who passed away 2 years ago.
If there was one word my wife and I would use to describe Buzz it was "joy". No matter what he was dealing with on a daily basis with his many health challenges, he was always happy, always wanted to play and loved being with us.
At 1:00 PM every afternoon, he'd come into my home office, sit down and stare at me until I recognized him. I'd look at him, knowing exactly what he wanted, and would ask him, "Do you want to go to the park?" He'd let out one little bark and then head for the door.
When we got to the park, I'd put his leash on him, get him out of the car and we'd both take off running up the slight hill. All the way up the hill, he'd let out these very soft little "barks" of excitement.
He really loved this time of day and so did I!
My wife and I will always have a special place in our hearts for Buzz and cherish the memories of the many ways he expressed his joyfulness with us on a daily basis. |
Tim Appears on The Pet Show with Dr. Katy - Finding Lost Animals
July 14, 2012 Show
I recently appeared on The Pet Show with Dr. Katy which aired on Washington D.C.'s News Channel 8.
Dr. Katy Nelson, DVM interviewed me about the work I do with lost animals and what you should do first if your pet goes missing.
To watch the 4-minute interview segment, click here and advance to the 8:25 minute mark. Or, you can watch the whole show, too, while you're there. |
Daniel Won His Category and is a Finalist for the 2012 Hero Dog Awards!
As an update to my last newsletter article about Daniel the Beagle....He won his category, 2012 Emerging Hero Dogs, for his efforts to help ban the use of gas chambers on animals. He is now 1 of 8 finalists for the overall 2012 Hero Dog Award. You can vote for him once per day through October 5, 2012 by clicking here. Thank you to everyone for continuing to vote for this amazing dog!
He also has his own Facebook page. To follow all of his latest activities, click here and send him a friend request. |
James Rollins on
Animal Writes
I recently interviewed New York Times bestselling author and veterinarian, James Rollins about his latest novel, Bloodline: A Sigma Force Novel, on my Animal Writes show on Pet Life Radio. This is the 8th novel in his Sigma Force mystery series.
Also during the interview, we discussed his recently released e-book, Tracker, which served as a short story lead-in for the Bloodline novel.
To listen to the interview with James Rollins on my Animal Writes show on Pet Life Radio, please click here.
If you'd like a copy of Bloodline and the paper copy of the e-book, Tracker, you'll need to download and listen to the interview and then be the first to e-mail me at
What military group invited James to tour with them?
Please also include your name and mailing address in your e-mail and, if you are the first to provide the correct answer, I'll send them to you at no charge.
I only have one copy of each. So be sure to reply quickly! |
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ" and have a great Summer!
Tim Link
Sketches of "My Furry Boys" by Suzie Treachler
I was introduced to Suzie Treachler earlier this year. She is a very talented artist!
When I first saw her sketches of animals on her Facebook page, my first thought was how wonderfully she captured the essence of the subjects she had sketched.
When Buzz passed away, my wife and I thought it would be great to have Suzie do a sketch of both Buzz and Woody.
As you can see from Buzz's sketch above and Woody's sketch below, Suzie did a fantastic job!
To contact Suzie for a sketch of your beloved pets, you can
e-mail her at sketchshoppe@gmail.com
Tim's Been in the News
Over the past couple of months, I've been interviewed by several different publications.
Arts a la Carte- I was asked to interview Cody, a celebrity dog actor, about his acting roles, what he thinks about acting and whether he wants to continue acting in more films in the future.
Luxury Las Vegas magazine - I was asked to provide a quote in the July issue in the article titled Rescue Pets: the New Black (pg. 69).
Pet Info Cafe - During this interview, I was asked about animal communication in general, what some of my favorite pet communication experiences have been and whether animals have ever randomly reached out to communicate with me.
Dogster.com - Maria Goodavage, bestselling author of Soldier Dogs, recently interviewed me for a feature article on her popular blog. We discussed what it's like when I communicate with an animal, how I "turn on" and "turn off" the communication, and my extensive work with lost animals of all types.
NBC Atlanta 11Alive.com - The article, Expert Pet Finder Offers Tips to Locate Lost Animals Faster, Gets Tails Wagging, provides pet owners with my recommendations on ways to locate lost animals, was posted on this site in June.
To read the full articles, which are also posted on my web site, please click here and scroll to the particular ones that you are interested in reading. |