Volume 4 Issue 5

May 2011

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Dear Friends and Family,  


May is one of my favorite months! I celebrated my birthday on May 1st and at the end of the month, my wife and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. 

We'll take our boy, Buzz, with us to the beach to celebrate Beach

this momentous occasion.


He's never walked on sand before. So, this should be an fun adventure for all of us.


If anyone knows whether sand fleas bother dogs on the beach, please e-mail me or send me a message via Facebook to let me know (and what you use to keep them away).

Animal Communication
Coming in

Workshop Bitmap

As a reminder, I have scheduled my Animal Communication workshop to begin on June 8th, 2011.
In this LIVE 4-week tele-workshop, you will learn the techniques used in communicating with animals including what is animal communication, breathing correctly to achieve the perfect state to communicate with animals, using guided meditation exercises, and practicing listening and receiving information from pictures of the workshop participants' animals. 
Be sure and register early since class size is limited. A workbook will be provided for this workshop. A link to the recordings of each night's tele-class will also be provided.
NOTE: This may be the only time that I offer this workshop LIVE in 2011.
For more information and to register for this tele-workshop, please click here.

My Tele-Classes on ASN
Animal Spirit

This month I will be teaching more tele-classes on the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network.
For more information and to register for any of these classes or any of the additional workshops that I'm teaching through the ASN, please click here

Do You Like Trivia?
Free Kibble.com Logo


Now you can answer trivia questions and feed pets at the same time.

Freekibble.com was founded in 2008 by a young girl named Mimi Ausland. At the time, she was 11 years old. When she visited a local animal shelter and saw how many cats and dogs needed to be fed on a daily basis, she decided to do something to help out. She launched the freekibble.com web site. Now, rather than just helping her local shelter, freekibble.com helps many rescue shelters across the United States with the assistance of Halo pet foods.

For the whole story and to find out more about feeding pets in shelters simply by answering trivia questions correctly, please click here.  

May Guests on "Animal Writes" on Pet Life Radio
April featured an exciting line-up of pet-related authors and one very popular blogger.

Each interview will be available for download at no charge from iTunes and on Pet Life Radio's web site. 

Animal Writes Logo


Four more fantastic guests have been scheduled in May!

Check out their respective links below to find out more about each of them and what we'll be talking about during their episodes of Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.


Sue Chipperton - A Famous Dog's Life: The Story of Gidget, America's Most Beloved Chihuahua

Linda Francis Lee - Emily & Einstein

Darlene Arden - The Complete Cat's Meow

Victoria Stilwell - It's Me or the Dog

For information about the previous guests on Animal Writes, please click here

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link


P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales

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In This Issue
REMINDER: Animal Communication Workshop - June 2011
Tele-Classes on ASN
Do You Like Trivia? Freekibble.com
Guests on Pet Life Radio Show
Trust Funds for Pets
Gwinnett Humane Society's PAWFest Event

Join Our Mailing List

How to Set up a Trust Fund for Your Pets

Trust Document

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your pets should they outlive you? That may be a question that families with parrots and turtles may have thought of since those animal typically have a long life expectancy. But, what about horses, cats, dogs, rabbits and other animals? 
To find out how to set up a trust fund for your pet, please click here.  

Gwinnett Humane Society's PAWFest

PAWFest 2011 Logo

I'll be participating in Gwinnett Humane Society's annual PAWFest event on May 7th from 10am - 4pm Eastern.
Stop by with your pets to see me for a consultation (10-minutes for $25) and to show your support for this fantastic rescue organization! 
For more information, please click here.

Critter Corner Radio Show

On All Paws Pet
Talk Radio

Pet Life 1

All Paws Pet Talk Radio will soon be airing on more channels. 
Please stay tuned for updated information on this show, and the other shows that are part of All Paws Pet Talk Radio, as we move forward with  exciting new changes!