Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Although chocolate is regularly eaten by most of us during the Valentine's Day holiday, please remember not to give any chocolate to your pets.
If you have a dog that loves the flavor of chocolate, offer him/her carob drops by Vitakraft instead. You can find them online and in major pet store chains (Petsmart, Petco, etc.). Of course "everything in moderation" goes without saying with this or any treat for your pets. |
February Guests on "Animal Writes" on Pet Life Radio
January was a great month featuring four best-selling authors on my show on Pet Life Radio. Each interview is available for download at no charge from iTunes and on Pet Life Radio's web site.
Episode 1 featured Allen & Linda Anderson.
Episode 2 featured W. Bruce Cameron.
Episode 3 featured Glenn Plaskin.
Episode 4 featured Larry Levin.
Most of the authors that I interviewed had their books featured on Oprah's "16 Books for Dog Lovers" list. And, W. Bruce Cameron's book, A Dog's Pupose, will soon be a movie by DreamWorks Studios.
My guests this month are:
For more information about my guests, please click on the links above or click here. |
A Well-Coordinated Search Leads to Daisy Mae Being Found
Daisy Mae
As you all know, one of the main areas that I focus on is assisting with lost animals. In addition to communicating with the lost animal, I also do map dowsing in order to determine their general location.
Recently, I was contacted by Ali Frohman, a volunteer with Furry Friends Network, to help locate Daisy Mae, a 7 year old German Shepherd mix who escaped when she was being transported from one rescue group to another.
If you followed the story on Facebook, you know that this story had a happy ending. But what I was so impressed with was how well-coordinated the group of volunteers were in searching for Daisy Mae. They created hundreds of flyers and posted them everywhere, they created a page on Facebook, and they asked everyone that worked outdoors in the area where Daisy Mae went missing to keep an eye out for her.
During my communication with Daisy Mae, she was seen by a turnpike worker. Part of my communication with Daisy Mae was to ask her to show herself and allow someone to help her.
From what I understand from Ali, as volunteers approached Daisy Mae, she didn't run away from them like she had before when approached. This allowed her to be taken to safety and then on to her new foster home.
I thought I would share Daisy Mae's story with all of you because it had a very happy ending. |
New Service Offered
One of my clients recently suggested that I offer monthly "check-in" consultations for pets. I thought that was a great idea!
So, I am now offering a 6-month "subscription". At the beginning of each month, I'll check in with one of your pets and share with you how he/she is feeling and any other information that they would like for me to relay to you.
The link to the downloadable 5-8 minute recording will be delivered to you via e-mail at the beginning of each month.
For pricing and to sign up for this new service, please click here. |
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
Pet Peeves Blog Posting
My article, My Escapades with Feral Cats, was recently featured on the Pet Peeves blog.
To read all about the feral cat colony that frequents our house, please click here. |
Recent Book Reviews
My book is still receiving great reviews!
One review was listed on Pure Politics. The other review is listed on Pets Blogs. So, if you haven't yet read my book, be sure and check out both of these positive reviews to see what others have to say about it.
Critter Corner Radio Show
On All Paws Pet Talk Radio
Please continue to join me each Sunday afternoon from 1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern as my co-host, Colleen Gordon, and I interview pet experts, rescue organizations and other pet-related guests.
The show can be heard LIVE on WLBE 790 AM or via the internet from the station's web site.
Colleen and I also answer questions about pets from our listeners. If you would like us or any of our pet experts to answer a question about your pet, please complete the online form on the All Paws Pet Talk Radio web site. |
My Workshops in 2011
Don't forget to register for the workshops that I'm teaching on the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network in 2011.
There's something for everyone!
Many of you have asked me when I will be teaching a LIVE Animal Communication workshop. As it looks right now, I am planning on doing that in June. More details will be posted to my web site about this very soon.
For more information and to register for any of my scheduled workshops, please click here. |