Volume 4 Issue 1
January 2011
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Dear Friends and Family, 

Party CatHappy New Year! 


I look forward to continuing to help everyone build the best relationship possible with your pets throughout 2011.  

My New Show on
Pet Life Radio
If you've enjoyed all of the great pet-related book authors that I have had the pleasure of interviewing on my Critter Corner radio show on All Paws Pet Talk Radio, then please join me as I continue that tradition on my new radio show, Animal Writes, on Pet Life Radio beginning this month.

Animal Writes Logo


My guests this month will be Allen & Linda Anderson (Dogs & the Women Who Love Them), Larry Levin (Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love), W. Bruce Cameron (A Dog's Purpose) and Glenn Plaskin (Katie Up and Down the Hall).

The podcasts for each of these shows will be available this month on Pet Life Radio, through iTunes and RSS feed. 

Future shows will feature bestselling pet-related authors, award-winning journalists and writers that focus on stories about animals and bloggers with interesting topics to share about pets. 
For more information about my guests, please click on the links above or click here

Colorado State University Program Helps Pets Stay in Their Homes
Pocket Min. Schnauzer

Every now and then I read an article about something that instantly brings a smile to my face. I thought that I would share one such article with all of you to brighten your day as well.   

On Christmas Day, there was an Associated Press article in my local paper that told the story about Pocket, a miniature schnauzer. Because of a program called Pets Forever that is offered through Colorado State University, Pocket is able to receive in-home treatment for his diabetes by a veterinary student and, thus, continue to reside with his disabled, elderly owner.  

When more and more elderly and disabled people have to give up their pets because they can't take care of them anymore, it was nice to read about a program that is trying to make a difference and change the outcome for the better in these circumstances.

If you want to read the full article, please click here.

If you know of anyone at the many veterinary schools, please forward the article to them. Maybe they'll implement a similar program at their university.

Writing and Publishing Workshop Begins
January 18th
Animal Spirit & Healing Network

Do you have a story to share with the world? Are you an expert in your field and others could learn from you?

In my four-part Writing and Publishing for Self Growth and Profit tele-class, I will share what I have learned about the publishing industry from publishing my book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale. This includes how to attract a literary agent through query letters and proposals, writing articles and being published in magazines, blogs, and newspapers, and getting recognized as the expert. I will also discuss the different types of publishing houses (e.g. traditional publishing house, self-publishing companies, and small press publishing houses) that are available to publish your book.

A private mentoring option is available at time of course registration. 


For more information about this workshop and to register, please click here.

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales

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In This Issue
Pet Life Radio Show
Colorado State Uni. Program Helps the Elderly
Writing and Publishing Workshop
Pawesome.net Blog Interview
Critter Corner Radio Show
Floppycats.com Blog Post
Have Dog Blog Will Travel Blog Post
2011 Workshops

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Interview with P. Kitty and Biggie Smalls

P. Kitty
P. Kitty

Recently I was interviewed by Sarah Han for her Pawesome.net blog. As part of the interview, she included my conversation with her two cats, P. Kitty and Biggie Smalls. To read this very in-depth blog post, please click here.

Critter Corner Radio Show

On All Paws Pet
Talk Radio

Pet Life 1

Please continue to join me each Sunday afternoon from 1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern as my co-host, Colleen Gordon, and I interview pet experts, rescue organizations and other pet-related guests.
The show can be heard LIVE on WLBE 790 AM or via the internet from the station's web site.

Colleen and I also answer questions about pets from our listeners. If you would like us or any of our pet experts to answer a question about your pet, please complete the online form on the All Paws Pet Talk Radio web site.

Conversation with Rags
Rags from Floppycats Blog

I was recently asked by Jenny Dean to communicate with Rags, her first Ragdoll cat, who passed away in March of 2009.
To read this heartfelt conversation on Floppycats.com, please click here.

Have Dog Blog Will Travel

Cici the Dog

CeliaSue Hecht recently interviewed me for her blog, Have Dog Blog Will Travel.
The insightful interview can be read online by  clicking here.

Upcoming Workshops in 2011

Animal Spirit

I will be teaching 13 new workshops through the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network in 2011.
The workshops include how to clear your chakras, intuitive body scanning for animals, guided meditations, dowsing, small animal behavior and more.
Details about all of my upcoming workshops are posted on my web site. For more information and to register for any of my workshops, please click here