Volume 3 Issue 12
December 2010
Wagging Tales Banner

Dear Friends and Family, 

Happy HolidaysChristmas is almost here. Do you have all of your shopping done? 


If you know someone that would like to know what their pet is thinking, gift certificates for a consultation with me are available from my web site.


Remember to keep your pets away from the poisonous plants that are traditional at this time of year. These include poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe.  

For a complete list of poisonous plants and their side effects, please take a look at the ASPCA'sweb site. For other holiday safety tips, please take a look at this article on the American Kennel Club's web site. 

Buy 1, Get 1 Promotion
If you're looking for a great gift idea for your friends, family members or other pet-loving people in your life, I'm offering the following special promotion: 



Purchase one 15-minute (1 pet), 30-minute (for up to 2 pets), 45-minute (for up to 3 pets), or 1-hour (for up to 4 pets) consultation or gift certificate from December 1 - December 31, 2010 and get the equivalent length and type of consultation or gift certificate at no charge.

*You may give your free consultation to someone else as a gift. Please let me know that you want to do this ahead of time so that I may update your file.
*You will have until December 31, 2011 to redeem both the purchased and free consultations.
*This promotion is applicable to gift certificates, telephone, e-mail or energy consultations only. It is not applicable to in-person or lost pet consultations.
*There are not separate Google Checkout or PayPal buttons on my web site for this promotion. Simply use the Google Checkout or PayPal buttons that are already present on my web site to purchase a consultation and then send me an e-mail to let me know that you want the "buy 1, get 1" promotion.


My Feral Friends
Itty Bitty

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen  photographs of the 10 feral cats that my wife and I take care of regularly outside of our home. The picture above is of Itty Bitty. He's the most friendly and lets us pet him while he purrs and purrs. He also loves to eat!
Four of the ferals are adults (Charles, Momma Kitty, Natasha and Miss Cali) and six are 4-5 month old kittens (Itty Bitty, Skitty Bitty, Rusty, Pumpkin, Cole and Ash). As I am writing this article, all but Rusty has been spayed/neutered. But, as soon as I can catch him, he will also be neutered.  

If you have feral cats that have made your house their outdoor home, you may wonder what you can do to help them stay warm this winter....especially at night.  

I recommend putting towels or straw in covered litter boxes for them to sleep in. Since most of us will get rain and snow this winter, I suggest putting these covered litter boxes where they won't get wet. We have some on our covered front porch. And, thankfully, the cats do sleep in them. 

Due to my allergies to cats, I never thought I would be able to have a cat. Now I have ten! But, thankfully, since these all stay outside, I don't have to worry about my allergies.

If you want to see the other photos of my feral friends, take a look at my page on Facebook.

Writing and Publishing Workshop Begins
January 18th
Animal Spirit & Healing Network

Do you have a story to share with the world? Are you an expert in your field and others could learn from you?

In my four-part Writing and Publishing for Self Growth and Profit tele-class, I will share what I have learned about the publishing industry from publishing my book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale. This includes how to attract a literary agent through query letters and proposals, writing articles and being published in magazines, blogs, and newspapers, and getting recognized as the expert. I will also discuss the different types of publishing houses (e.g. traditional publishing house, self-publishing companies, and small press publishing houses) that are available to publish your book.

A private mentoring option is available at time of course registration. 


For more information about this workshop and to register, please click here.

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales

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In This Issue
Buy 1, Get 1 Promotion
My Feral Friends
Writing and Publishing Workshop
The Perfect Holiday Gift is a Wet Nose

Join Our Mailing List

The Perfect Holiday Gift is a Wet Nose

Dog Present

If you are thinking about getting a new pet this holiday season (for yourself or anyone else), you may want to read my article, The Perfect Holiday Gift is a Wet Nose, that was recently published on Cherie Miller's "Pet Peeves" blog.

Critter Corner Radio Show

On All Paws Pet
Talk Radio

Pet Life 1

Please join me each Sunday afternoon from 1:00 - 2:00pm Eastern as my co-host, Colleen Gordon, and I interview celebrities, authors, pet experts and animal advocates.

Guests in December:
December 5th -
 Jon Katz (author of many pet books including Rose in a Storm)
 Michelle Akers (Olympic gold medal winner in women's soccer and the founder of the Sundance Horse Rescue and Outreach organization)
December 12th -
 Jim Gorant (author of The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption)
 Holly Firfer (former CNN host and co-host of Victoria Stilwell's "Positively" podcast)
December 19th -
 Greg Kincaid (author of Christmas with Tucker)
 Janet Elder (Senior Editor at the New York Times and author of Huck
 Dena Harris (humor columnist for Cats and Kittens magazine and author of Who Moved My Mouse?: A Self Help Book for Cats Who Don't Need Any Help). 

Links to our guests' web sites are posted on my web site.
The show can be heard LIVE on WLBE 790 AM or via the internet from their station's web site.
Colleen and I also answer questions about pets from our listeners. If you would like us or any of our pet experts to answer a question about your pet, please complete the online form on the All Paws Pet Talk Radio web site.