Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Thanksgiving! Can you believe it's almost here?
At this time of year, I stop to think about what I am thankful for. At the top of my list, is my family (including the furry, finned, feathered and scaled animals that reside in our home).
I am also thankful to all of my family, friends and clients that have allowed me to help them with furry, finned, feathered and scaled family members.
What's on your list to be thankful for this season?
Buy 1, Get 1 Promotion
If you're looking for a great gift idea for your friends, family members or other pet-loving people in your life, I'm offering the following special promotion:

Purchase one 15-minute (1 pet), 30-minute (for up to 2 pets), 45-minute (for up to 3 pets), or 1-hour (for up to 4 pets) consultation or gift certificate from November 1 - December 31, 2010 and get the equivalent length and type of consultation or gift certificate at no charge. PLEASE NOTE: *You may give your free consultation to someone else as a gift. Please let me know that you want to do this ahead of time so that I may update your file. *You will have until December 31, 2011 to redeem both the purchased and free consultations. *This promotion is applicable to gift certificates, telephone, e-mail or energy consultations only. It is not applicable to in-person or lost pet consultations. *There are not separate PayPal buttons on my web site for this promotion. Simply use the PayPal buttons that are already present on my web site and send me an e-mail to let me know that you also want the free consultation.
Alternative to Micro-chips for Pets

Earlier this year, I was contacted about a missing Doberman Pinscher. As in most lost pet cases, I asked whether the dog was micro-chipped or had any other identifying marks on it. That's when the owner said that his dog had a tattoo on his stomach. l hadn't heard about tattooing a pet before, but I thought it was an interesting alternative to micro-chipping a pet as a means of identifying them. Recently, I heard about the company, Tattoo-A-Pet. From what I've read on their web site, tattooing a pet is a simple procedure that can be done by a veterinarian or by an authorized agent. For more detailed information about how the tattoo procedure is done and the pros to having your pet tattooed, please click here. For additional information about Tattoo-A-Pet and to read how a tattoo helped saved a dog from being sold to a lab for testing purposes, please click here. |
 November 6, 2010: Georgia Writers Association's Red Clay Writers Conference (Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA) - I will be at this event from 12:00pm - 5:00pm and speaking on a writer's panel from 2:20pm - 3:20pm. If you're already a writer, or aspiring to become a writer, this is the event for you.
For additional information about these events and more, please visit my web site's Upcoming Events page.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
Critter Corner Radio Show
On All Paws Pet Talk Radio
Please join me each Sunday afternoon from 1:00 - 2:00pm Eastern as my co-host, Colleen Gordon, and I interview celebrities, authors, pet experts and animal advocates.
Our guests in November include Jim Gorant, Susan Sims, Karen Sussman, Rita Mae Brown, Holly Firfer, Allen & Linda Anderson, Janet Elder and Dena Harris. I will post links to each of our guests' web sites on my web site.
The show can be heard LIVE on WLBE 790 AM or via the internet from their station's web site.
Colleen and I also answer questions about pets from our listeners. If you would like us to answer a question about your pet, please send your pet's name and picture as well as your question to pettalk@live.com.
For more information about All Paws Pet Talk Radio, please click here.
Pet Friendly Accommodations
If you'll be traveling in the near future, and you want to take your pets with you, there's a great web site that lists pet-friendly, 3-star or better accommodations by country, city and state, and by the pet's weight.
For more information, please click here.