Dear Friends and Family,
Recently, I had the opportunity to help a stray dog. He was a young, black and tan, mixed breed (pictured with me below) that I saw wandering at a local shopping plaza. I watched him for about 20 minutes before going into the store to ask employees if they had seen the dog's owner.
 The employees told me that they had seen the dog for about a week wandering the shopping plaza before one of their employees took him home and tried to locate the dog's owner. When that proved unsuccessful, the employee returned the dog to where he had found him (in front of the store).
So, I went outside and decided to approach the dog. I told him that I was there to help him and that he should get into my car. Thankfully, he jumped up in my car without hesitation.
I called my wife on the way home and told her what I had done and that I was on the way home with a stray dog. Being the "Ellie Mae Clampett" that she is, she didn't mind at all. When I arrived at our house, I put a collar and leash on the dog and took him out to the grass so he could potty. As he was investigating the grassy areas around our home, he decided to lay on his stomach and scoot around. I guess he liked the dew that was on the grass.
From that point on, I called him "Scooter". After spending two days at our home, the Humane Society of Forsyth County found a foster home for Scooter. He stayed at the foster home for a very short time and then went to his new forever home.
Don't you just love a happy ending?
Doing My Part to Help the Animals Along the Gulf Coast

Thank you to everyone that purchased a copy of my book via my web site during June and July.
Based on those sales, I will be sending a donation to one of the local non-profit organizations that have been on site helping to clean birds and animals and restore the natural habitat of these animals.
Financial Assistance for Pet Owners Unable to Afford Food, Medicine or Veterinary Care for Their Pets
You may know someone that is struggling financially and cannot afford to pay for their pet's care. This may be a recent development in their life due to losing their job or losing their home due to a natural disaster. They may think the only alternative is to turn their pets into a rescue organization so that they will receive the care they need. I've read several of these stories lately due to the current economic downturn as well as a lot of unexpected disasters.
Thankfully, there are a lot of organizations that will help pay for medicine, veterinary care and food for families that are unable to afford this on their own. One such organization here in Georgia is Daffy's Pet Soup Kitchen. Also, a lot of animal rescue organizations will provide food for animals if they know someone cannot afford to purchase food for their pets.
So, if you know someone that is facing financial hardship and is thinking about giving up their pets because they cannot afford to care for them, please let them know they have options. Please refer them to the following web sites or research what is available in your local area to help them keep their furry, finned and feathered family members: Help for Pet Owners Financial Assistance for Struggling Pet Owners
Animal Communication Workshop Scheduled for Oct. 2-3, 2010

Please remember to register for my in-person Animal Communication workshop being held on October 2-3, 2010. It will be held at Meditating Mantis in Roswell, Georgia.
To find out more details about this workshop or to register, please click here.
August 28-29, 2010: Suwanee Book Festival (Suwanee, GA) - I will be at the book festival both days. At 4:00pm on Sunday, I will be speaking on the main stage. For additional information about these events and more, please visit my web site's Upcoming Events page. |
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
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Critter Corner Radio Show
On the All Paws Pet Talk Radio Network
Each Friday night and Sunday afternoon my co-host, Colleen Gordon, and I will interview great guests and have discussions about all things pet-related on our Critter Corner radio show.
The Friday night show is from 7:00 - 7:30pm ET and the second half of our show is from 8:30 - 9:00pm ET. The show can be heard LIVE on WTAN 1340 AM or via their station's web site.
The Sunday afternoon show is from 1:00 - 2:00pm ET.The show can be heard LIVE on WLBE 790 AM or via their station's web site.
The Friday night shows can be downloaded on iTunes and will be archived on the All Paws Pet Talk and Pet Life Radio web sites. |
A Tasty, Healthy Frozen Treat for Your Dog
I recently learned about a healthy, frozen treat for dogs from my vet.
My dog, Buzz, absolutely loves Lick A Lots.
Lick A Lots are made from all-natural ingredients including low fat yogurt, banana puree, honey and peanut butter.
For more information about Lick A Lots, please click here. |