Dear Friends and Family,
The July 4th holiday is right around the corner. While fireworks are a traditional part of this holiday's festivities, the sudden loud noises when the fireworks are detonated can frighten our pets.
Please keep your pets indoors if fireworks are being set off in your neighborhood and spend time with them if you are going to be home. If you won't be home, you may want to turn on a radio or TV to help mask the noise of the fireworks.
You can put one of your old t-shirts on your dog to help him/her feel more secure and less anxious. This can also be used if your dog is fearful of thunderstorms.
You may also want to add Rescue Remedy by Bach to their food or water that day to help with any anxiety that they may feel in response to the fireworks.
A Tribute to Our Schnauzer, Woody
December 1, 2002 - June 28, 2010
I am dedicating this issue of my newsletter to my boy, Woody. In the short time he was with our family, he taught us many things. He always gave great hugs and sang the Schnauzer 'woo-woo-woo' perfectly in anticipation of receiving his daily KONG toy with treats in it.
From the day that we brought him home from Jennifer's Pet Rescue (Dallas, Georgia) in October 2003 to the day he made his transition this week, he was the perfect dog. He loved his brother, Buzz, and our family unconditionally.
Buzz and Woody
He was a master teacher and shared many lessons with me in an effort to help the animals that I work with. He was always in the room when I worked with pets and their families and he stayed beside me when I wrote my book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale. I often refer to him as my 'little muse'. Every animal that comes into our life does so with a specific purpose or mission. His was to help me with my work for the animals.
We are grateful that his transition was peaceful and happened at home. For now, my wife, his brother and I are going through the process of healing from our loss. He will be missed dearly by all of us.
Instructor at the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network

I have been invited to teach a 4-week lost pet workshop on the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network. The workshop will be held on four consecutive Tuesdays beginning August 10, 2010.
To find out more details about this workshop or to register, please click here.
Pet Tales with Tim Link
I will be a guest host on WRHB 1410 am radio (Leesburg, FL) from 9:30AM - 10:00AM Eastern every other Wednesday beginning June 30, 2010.
My "Pet Tales" segment is part of Barb Simon's daily Heartbeat Sunshine with Best Life Barb show. I will be answering questions about listeners' pets during my segment.
To listen to the live show from your computer, please click here and select the LIVE STREAM icon on the left side of the screen. |
Animal Communication Workshop Scheduled for Oct. 2-3, 2010

As a reminder, I will be teaching an Animal Communication workshop on October 2-3, 2010. It will be held at Meditating Mantis in Roswell, Georgia.
To find out more details about this workshop or to register, please click here.
Doing My Part to Help the Animals Along the Gulf Coast

As a reminder, I will donate half of the proceeds from the sale of my book via my web site* now through the end of July 2010 to non-profit organizations that are helping to care for the animals that have been negatively impacted by the oil leak off of the Gulf Coast.
*This does not apply to books sold through any online bookseller (e.g. Amazon.com, etc.) or bookstore (e.g. Barnes & Noble, etc.) since I am unable to track those sales.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link