Dear Friends and Family,
With the official start of summer just around the corner, if you take your pets with you to run errands, please remember not leave them in the car even for a very brief time.
Animals can very quickly succumb to the rapidly rising heat inside your parked car. If your pet becomes overheated, they could suffer from heat stroke. For more information about the signs of heat stroke in your pet and how you can treat it, please click here.
Animal Communication Workshop Scheduled for Oct. 2-3, 2010

After receiving a lot of inquiries recently about an in-person Animal Communication workshop, I have decided to schedule one on October 2-3, 2010. It will be held at Meditating Mantis in Roswell, Georgia.
To find out more details about this workshop or to register, please click here.
Does Your Search Engine Give Back?
You may or may not have heard about a search engine that donates to the charitable organization of your choice. It is called Good Search.

The site donates about a penny per search to any one of the over 90,000 registered non-profit organizations. You simply make Good Search your default search engine and then select the non-profit that you want to receive credit for each of your searches. Good Search then sends the charitable organization a check based on the accumulated number of searches on a regular basis. If the charitable organization that you support is not listed, ask them to register.

Good Search has a partner shopping site called Good Shop. It is affiliated with over 1,000 online retailers. If you begin your shopping experience from Good Shop, they will donate between 3-30% of the purchase price to a registered non-profit organization of your choice.
For more information on Good Search or Good Shop, please click here.
Doing My Part to Help the Animals Along the Louisiana Coast

As most of you have seen on television, the oil leak off of the Louisiana coast is having a severe impact on both humans and animals that make this area their home. I encourage everyone to do what they can to help restore this area to its original pristine state.
As part of my continued commitment to help animals, I will donate half of the proceeds from the sale of my book via my web site* now through the end of July 2010.
Non-profit organizations that are helping to care for the animals that have been negatively impacted by the oil leak off of the Louisiana coast will be the recipients of the donations.
*This does not apply to books sold through any online bookseller (e.g. Amazon.com, etc.) or bookstore (e.g. Barnes & Noble, etc.) since I am unable to track those sales.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
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