Volume 3 Issue 4
April 2010
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Dear Friends and Family,

Bunnies and PuppyHappy Easter! 
It's finally spring. I know we've all had a challenging winter with too much snow and ice. I am looking forward to getting outside more and enjoying the warm air and abundant sunshine.

Our two Schnauzers are really enjoying being outside and having the screen door open to the back porch.

Tele-Class Scheduled - Reminder

Animal Spirit & Healing Network

There's still time to register for my April 20th tele-class on Communicating with Lost Pets. It is being sponsored by the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network.

To find out more details and to register for the Communicating with Lost Pets tele-class that I will be teaching, please click here.

Thinking About Getting a Rabbit?

Kitten and RabbitAren't rabbits one of the cutest animals? They are soft, quiet, don't require a lot of maintenance and can make great additions to your furry family.

If you are thinking about adding a rabbit to your family this Easter season, please do your research. Rabbits come in many sizes and breeds. They can also live for about 12-15 years depending on the breed.

It is recommended that you get your rabbit spayed or neutered so that they don't become aggressive. Daily exercise is essential for your rabbit. We have a 9-foot in diameter playpen for our rabbit to play in on a daily basis. Our vet also recommended that we feed our rabbit fresh vegetables, timothy hay, and rabbit pellets. She advised us not to feed our rabbit any foods containing alfalfa because it contains too much calcium for rabbits which, with long term use, can cause problems. Lastly, their teeth and nails need to be trimmed regularly.

For more information on rabbits, please click here.


April 6: Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk show on Blog Talk Radio from 10:00PM - 11:00PM Eastern. I will be answering questions for listeners about their pets.

April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30: Will Thomas' All Paws Pet Talk Radio show on WTAN 1340 AM (Clearwater, FL) from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern. I will be co-hosting a 15-minute segment during this this show entitled "Hot Spot" where I will cover important pet-related topics.
The web site links to listen live to any of the radio shows on which I am a guest are on my web site's Radio page. Archives from some of the shows are also on this page.


April 24, 2010: I have been invited to participate in the 1st Annual Barkstock Festival from 11:00am - 4:00pm at the Simpsonwood Retreat in Norcross, Georgia. The event is sponsored by Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. Bring your pets or pictures of your pets to the event. I will be doing brief consultations and will also have signed copies of my book for sale during the event. A portion of my proceeds earned during the event will be donated to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. For more information about the event, please click here.

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Tele-Class Available
Thinking About Getting a Rabbit?
April Radio Appearances
Appearances in April

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