Dear Friends and Family,
Does everyone have plans for Valentine's Day? If your plans include a box of chocolate, please remember not to put it where your pets can get to it.
Chocolate is very dangerous for animals when consumed and can cause extreme sickness and, in some cases, death.
Tele-Workshops and Tele-Class Scheduled
I have scheduled two Animal Communication tele-workshops beginning in March. I have also been asked by the Animal Spirit Healing & Education Network to teach a tele-class on Communicating with Lost Pets.
To register for either of my tele-workshops on Animal Communication, please click here.
To register for the Communicating with Lost Pets tele-class that I will be teaching, please click here.
Glucosamine for Your Animal Companions
I have received several calls recently about pets having problems with their leg joints. This includes horses, cats and dogs. You may have heard about glucosamine for people. Well, they also make glucosamine for pets.
Our dogs were having a few issues with their leg joints and our vet suggested that we add glucosamine to their daily routine. She recommended Cosequin for our dogs because they are chewable and the dogs typically like the taste. We've had them on Cosequin for over a year now and their leg joints aren't showing any signs of problems.
Of course, there are several makers of glucosamine for pets. So if your horse, cat or dog is showing any signs of joint issues such as limping or stiffness, ask your vet about adding glucosamine to their daily routine and the brand that they recommend.
February 2: Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk show on Blog Talk Radio from 10:00PM - 11:00PM Eastern
February 2: Pam Atherton's A Closer Look show on Achieve Radio from 4:00PM - 5:00PM Eastern
February 9: Dawn Stanfield's The Dawn Stansfield Show on KKNW 1150 AM (Seattle, WA) from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
The web site links to listen live to any of the radio shows on which I am a guest are on my web site's Radio page.
Upcoming Events
 I have been invited to participate in the following events during January:
February 1 - Vickery Creek Middle School - I have been invited to speak to the students from five of the 8th grade language arts classes about how I became an author and the process that I went through to get my book published.
February 6 - Chattahoochee Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club - I have been invited to speak with the members of the CVBMDC club at their monthly meeting and also do a book signing immediately following the meeting. February 16 - Griffin Georgia Kennel Club - I have been invited to speak with the members of this club during their monthly meeting and also do a book signing immediately following the meeting. For more information on these and other events in which I will be participating (including the Through the Veil metaphysical event, the Angels Among Us rescue organization fundraiser, High Meadows school and Gwinnett Humane Society's fundraiser) please check my web site's Upcoming Events (radio and special events) and my Book Information (book signings) page.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A Tale®".
Tim Link