Volume 3 Issue 1
January 2010
Wagging Tales Banner

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy New YearHappy New Year!

I can't believe that it is a new year and also the start of a new decade. It seems like yesterday when my wife and I were celebrating the 2000 New Year in Honolulu.

I'm looking forward to all of the exciting developments that this new year is going to bring. I'll of course keep everyone posted as things develop.

Have You Heard of H3N8?

We've all heard about the H1N1 vaccine for people. Black Lab Puppy
But, have you heard about the H3N8 vaccine for dogs?

I recently read information about the canine influenza virus (CIV) that has now been documented in 30 states.

The vaccine is recommended for dogs that are housed with several other dogs such as in kennels or in shelters. Your veterinarian would be able to help you determine whether your dog should be vaccinated against CIV.

For more information, please review the information on the dog influenza web site. More information can also be found on the American Veterinary Medical Association web site.

January 5: Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk show on Blog Talk Radio from 10:00PM - 11:00PM Eastern

January 8: Colleen Carr's Natural Horse Network show on Blog Talk Radio from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern

January 28: Pair A Normal Guys Inc. show on Blog Talk Radio from 10:00PM - 11:00PM Eastern

January 30: Contact Talk Radio - The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show from 3:00PM - 4:00PM Eastern

Please see my web site's Upcoming Events
page for the latest information on special events in which I am participating and upcoming and archived radio appearances. Please see my web site's TV Appearances page for upcoming and archived TV appearances and clips.
Upcoming Events
I have been invited to participate in the following events during January:

January 21 - Vickery Creek Middle School - I have been invited to speak to the students from the Pet Club and the Language Arts Club about pets, being an author and how I help people with their pets. Getting kids involved with pets at a young age is very beneficial to them and our furry friends.

January 23 - Miniature Horse Club of North Georgia -  I have been invited to speak with the members of the MHCNG at their monthly meeting and also do a book signing immediately following the meeting.

For more information on these and other events, please check my web site's Upcoming Events (radio and special events) and my Book Information (book signings) page.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Have You Heard of H3N8?
January Radio Schedule
Upcoming Events
YouTube Videos
Speaking at Clubs

Join Our Mailing List

YouTube Logo

Some of you may have viewed the videos of my two ads and my appearances on various TV shows posted on YouTube.

The TV segments that are posted include FOX & Friends, Good Day Atlanta, Good Day Arizona, The Pat McMahon show and many others.

If you haven't seen them yet, please take a look at them when you have a chance.

Positive ratings on the videos are greatly appreciated.

Speaking at Clubs, Schools, Organizations, etc.


I have been speaking at several churches, clubs and organizations over the last few months.

If your group would like for me to speak at their monthly meeting or if your school would like for me to come and speak with the students about pets or to read stories from Wagging Tales, please contact me.