Dear Friends and Family,
The holidays are here!
If you are like my wife and I, you love to decorate your home for the holidays.
Sometimes that includes bringing colorful holiday-specific plants into your home. However, some of them (poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, etc.) are poisonous to your pets. So, to help ensure a happy holiday season for all of your family, please remember to keep them out of reach.
For a complete list of poisonous plants and their side effects, please take a look at the ASPCA's web site. For other holiday safety tips, please take a look at this article on the American Kennel Club's web site. |
Medical ID Tags for Pets
You may have seen or heard about medical ID bra celets or hang tags for people with diabetes or other serious medical conditions. Well, they
make these tags for pets, too.
I recommend getting a medical ID tag for
your pet if they are on insulin for diabetes or another medication that
is vital to their health.
By putting a medical ID tag on your pet,
this will help anyone groomer, trainer, dog walker, vet, etc.) know
that your pet has a special medical need in case they need to be
treated. In addition, if your pet was lost, this information would be
helpful to anyone that finds him/her.
For other helpful tips, please check out my blog.
Holiday Promotion Reminder
 If you are looking for gift ideas this holiday season for your friends, family members, or other pet-loving people in your life, I'm offering two promotions below.
For each set of two books purchased through me from my web site from November 23 - December 15, 2009, I will send you one additional copy of my book at no charge. Each book can be personalized per your request.
PLEASE NOTE: *This pertains to hardcover copies of my book only (not e-book format). *The books must be ordered directly through me (not Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.). *All of the books that are ordered will be shipped to the same address. *Please send me an e-mail after payment to let me know what address to mail the books and to how you would like each of the books inscribed. *There are not separate PayPal buttons on my web site for this promotion. Simply use the PayPal buttons that are already present. For example, if you want a total of 6 books, place an order for 4 books. I will know to include 2 extra copies in the shipment.
Purchase one 30-minute (for up to 2 pets) or 1-hour (for up to 4 pets) consultation or gift certificate from December 1 - 31, 2009 and get the equivalent length and type of consultation or gift certificate at no charge.
PLEASE NOTE: *You may give your free consultation to someone else as a gift. Please let me know that you want to do this ahead of time so that I may update your file. *You will have until December 31, 2010 to redeem both the purchased and free consultations. *Pertains to gift certificates, telephone, e-mail or energy consultations only. It does not pertain to in-person or lost pet consultations. *There are not separate PayPal buttons for this promotion. Simple use the PayPal buttons that are already there and send me an e-mail to let me know that you also want the free consultation. |
Upcoming Events
 I have been invited to participate in the following events during December:
December 5, 2009 - Humane Society of Forsyth County's Pets With Santa - I will be dressed up like Santa from 10:00AM - 12:30PM at the PetSmart located off of GA400's exit 14 in Cumming, GA. Please bring your pets by and get a holiday photo with me. A portion of all proceeds from the sale of the photographs will benefit the Humane Society of Forsyth County (Georgia).
December 12, 2009 - Barnes & Noble Booksigning (Norcross, GA) - I will be signing copies of my book from 2:00PM - 4:00PM Eastern. For more information, please click here. A portion of my proceeds from the sale of my books during this event will benefit Good Mews, a no-kill, no-cage cat rescue organization located in Marietta, Georgia. For more information on these and other events, please check my web site's Upcoming Events (radio and special events) and my Book Information (book signings) page.
December 1: Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk show on Blog Talk Radio from 10:00PM - 11:00PM Eastern
December 4: Colleen Carr's Natural Horse Network show on Blog Talk Radio from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
December 5, 2009: Contact Talk Radio - The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show from 3:00PM - 4:00PM Eastern (this show was rescheduled from Nov. 14)
**Please see my web site's Upcoming Events page for the latest information on special events in which I am participating and upcoming and archived radio appearances. Please see my web site's TV Appearances page for upcoming and archived TV appearances and clips.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
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Book Review Contest

Thank you to everyone who has written a positive review about my book on Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com.
To encourage more of you to add your positive comments about my book to these sites, I am having a contest.
During the month of December, for each newly added, positive review to either of these sites, I will have a drawing for a free 15-minute telephone consultation ($35.00 value).
For example, if there are ten positive reviews posted to these sites (combined) during the month of December, I will draw from those ten postings and award a free 15-minute telephone consultation to the winner.
I will contact the winner by e-mail. So, be sure that I have your e-mail address on file by letting me know that you posted a review.
A minimum of 10 positive reviews needed to hold the prize drawing. Limited to one entry per person.
Speaking at Clubs, Schools, Organizations, etc.

I have been speaking at several churches, clubs and organizations over the last few months.
If your group would like for me to speak at their monthly meeting or if your school would like for me to come and speak with the students about pets or to read stories from Wagging Tales, please contact me.
Recordings of Telephone Consultations Available

Recordings of telephone consultations are available for an additional charge of $15.00.
If you would like to have the telephone consultation recorded, please use the combined telephone consultation with recording option listed on my web site.
For more information, please go to the Telephone Consultation section on my web site's Appointments and Fees page.