Wagging Tales Newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 9
September 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

Buzz with TimIf you haven't been to the HOME page of my web site lately, you may not have seen my new video in which I describe the various ways that I am able to help you and your pet.

Check it out when you have a chance and let me know what you think.

I also have added a "Refer a Friend" button to the right side of the HOME page so that you are more easily able to send your pet-loving friends a direct link to my web site.

Lastly, you may have also noticed three groups' logos that have been added to my web site's HOME page: Cat Writers Association, Georgia Writers Association and the Atlanta Writers Club. As a new member of each of these groups, I have enjoyed attending all of the workshops that these groups sponsor and meeting a lot of great fellow writers. If you love to write, you may want to check these groups out, too.  
Social Networking - Are You On These Sites?

My profile is on a lot of social media sites. However, there are three that I highly recommend as being both user-friendly and useful for keeping up with day-to-day activities.
First, there's Facebook. Events, updates, videos, links to other sites, etc. can be posted on Facebook.

Facebook Logo

Second, there's Twitter. Short updates (140 characters) to this site can be posted to this site to let your followers know what you are doing at any given time during the day. 

Twitter Logo

Finally, there's LinkedIn. This is a business social networking site. You can connect with people you know here, too, but for more business-related reasons.
LinkedIn Logo

Each of the links above will take you directly to my profile on these sites. Please connect with me on any/all of these sites by selecting the underlined links above. This will allow us to keep up with  each other on a more frequent basis.

Do You Have An Electronic Reader?
An electronic copy of my Book Is Now Available as an E-book

Book Cover 1

My book has now been formatted for use in electronic reading devices such as the Kindle and in the Sony Reader. If you'd prefer to use your PC or other supported PDA devices, you can download the Mobipocket eBook Reader software from their web site. This software supports being able to download electronic copies of books to your PC and other supported electronic devices (e.g. Blackberry, PalmOS, Windows Mobile,  Symbian OS, etc.).

If  you have either an electronic reader or other supported device, you are now able to purchase my book in electronic format from the following sites:


Once you have read my book, please remember to post your review on any of these web sites regardless of where you purchased my book.

The reviews and rankings will really help. Thank you to all of you that have posted your reviews already.
Introducing a New Pet into Your Home

CatsLike any new pet that you introduce into your home, you must be willing to give them some time to get used to their new environment. This is true regardless of whether other pets already live in the home.

Of course, if other pets do live in the home, I always recommend letting them know that you plan on adding a new pet, especially if it is one that they will interact with on a regular basis. If possible, allow them to meet ahead of time to see how they interact with one another.

One way to make the new pet feel welcome in your home is to get the new pet their own things (e.g. litter box, water bowl, toys, bed, etc.). 
If you've read my book, you know about Boots. He was brought into a home where several other cats already lived. They didn't like him in "their stuff". So, while this may not matter to some pets, to other pets it does.

Another important thing to do before allowing your new pet to interact with any existing pets is to make sure they are healthy. So, a trip to the vet is always recommended.

If your new pet seems a little shy at first, don't force them to interact with you or other family members until he/she is ready. In fact, if you provide a hiding place that is not used by another pet and can serve as their space (e.g. crate, pet bed, pet taxi, etc.), it will make him/her more secure and comfortable during the initial adjustment period.

Lastly, provide a set routine for feeding, litter box changing, playing, etc. This will establish a regular schedule of when you will be around and when you won't. Animals love their routines.

Upcoming Events
I have been invited to participate in the following events during September:

September 5, 2009 - Decatur Book Festival - from Noon - 12:40PM - Brief talk about my book at Twain's Prose Stage and a book signing immediately afterward. Address: 211 E. Trinity Place in Decatur, GA 30030.

September 5, 2009
- Decatur Book Festival- from 1:45PM - 2:45PM - Brief talk about my book at the Emerging Writers Tent and a book signing immediately afterward.  Address: The event is set up in downtown Decatur, GA.

September 6, 2009 - Decatur Book Festival - from Noon - 2:00PM - Eagle Eye Books has invited me to their tent for a book signing. Their tent will be set up in the downtown Decatur, GA area during the Decatur Book Festival. 

September 20, 2009
- Trinity Center for Spiritual Living - Brief talk during the 11:00AM morning service followed by a book signing after the service. Address: The Frazer Center located at 1815 S. Ponce de Leon Ave. in Decatur, GA 30307.

September 26, 2009
- Responsible Dog Owners Day sponsored by the Cocker Spaniel Specialty Club of Georgia and The North Georgia Hound Assn. - from 12:30PM - 3:30PM - I will be doing 15-minute consultations for $25 and selling autographed copies of my book during this event. Address: Collins Hill Park located at 2200 Collins Hill Rd. in Lawrenceville, GA 30043.

A portion of the proceeds from the books sold during each of these events will be donated to animal rescue organizations.

For more information on these and other events, please check my web site's Upcoming Events (radio and special events) and my Book Information (book signings) page.
    TV and Radio Appearances in September and the Beginning of October

September 1: Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk show on Blog Talk Radio - 10PM-11PM Eastern

September 2:  Sara Transeau's All God's Creatures show - 12:00PM - 12:30PM Eastern - WTHU 1450 AM (Thurmont, MD)

September 2, 2009: Reverend George Whitton's Life is Meant to Be Good show - (taping) - To Be Aired on WMKV at 6:00PM Eastern and WAIF at 10:00AM Eastern (both out of Cincinnati, OH) on Sunday, Sept. 6, 2009

September 14, 2009: Gail Cohn's Book Talk with Gail show - 1:00PM - 2:00PM Eastern - in studio at Radio Sandy Springs (Sandy Springs, GA)

September 17: Dr. Pat Baccili's The Dr. Pat Show - 1:30PM - 2:00PM Eastern - KKNW 1150 AM (Seattle, WA)

September 19: Susan Marie Campbell's Doggie Diva show - 11:00AM - Noon Eastern - (Sarasota, FL)

September 29: Dianne Gregg's Health Watch Radio show on Blog Talk Radio - 4:00PM - 5:00PM Eastern

October 1: Family Net TV - The Mornings with Lorri & Larry show - 8:23AM - 8:35AM. This show also broadcasts on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 161. This show accepts call-in questions for guests at 1-877-FAM-NET-1 and e-mails at mornings@familynet.com

**Please see my web site's Upcoming Events
page for the latest information on special events in which I am participating and upcoming and archived radio appearances. Please see my web site's TV Appearances page for upcoming and archived TV appearances.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Social Networking
My Book in E-book Format
Introducing a New Pet Into Your Home
Upcoming Events
September & Beginning of October TV and Radio Schedule
Thank You for Referrals
Join Our Mailing List

Thank You for Your Referrals


Thank you to everyone for referring your friends and family to me for consultations.

That is the nicest complement that  anyone could ever give me.