Dear Friends and Family,
Welcome to June!
So far, Kim and I have been to Dallas, Denver and New York City as part of my official book tour. We've met a lot of nice people and their pets in each city. Each time we meet someone new and are able to help them with their pets, it reminds both of us of how lucky we are to be able to do what we do!
In about a week, we're off to Phoenix followed by San Diego. As part of the three book signing events in these cities, we will be donating our portion of our profits from the sale of my book to Arizona Golden Rescue and PAWS of Coronado, respectively. These groups, as with the other rescue groups we selected in each of the previous cities, have been invited to appear with me on the TV and radio shows on which I will appear. This will assist them in gaining additional exposure for their organizations and, hopefully, in placing the animals that participate on the shows in great forever homes.
Please check my web site's 'Book Information' page for the latest information about my book tour. |
Holistic Alternatives for Pets
You may ask, what does the term 'holistic' mean? The word holistic is derived from the word 'whole'. Holistic veterinary medicine, therefore, refers to the treat ment of the whole organism rather than the treatment of individual body parts or simply the removal of symptoms. For example, if a cat is diagnosed by the veterinarian with a urinary tract infection, the veterinarian may prescribe pharmaceutical medication to treat the cat. Where the holistic veterinarian may provide advice on improving the cat's overall health through the use of holistic methods in addition to, or instead of, antibiotics to treat the urinary tract infection. Thus, the cat's overall well being is being addressed and improved rather than just the ailment that the cat has acquired.
Under the heading of holistic veterinary medicine are many modalities including acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbs, supplements, flower essences, energy healing modalities such as Reiki, magnetic therapy and nutrition.
Thankfully, holistic alternatives are more readily available for pets than in the recent past and their use is growing in popularity among many veterinarians. They can be used as complimentary therapies in conjunction with your pet's regular veterinary care. For example, if your pet has a broken leg your veterinarian would need to do surgery to repair the break. In addition, a holistic therapy could also be used to help speed the healing process and decrease the amount of pain and inflammation that would accompany a broken leg. This is how traditional veterinary care and holistic veterinary medicine are used to complement one another to the benefit of an animal's health. The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association's web site, www.holisticvetlist.com, is a great resource to locate a veterinarian in your area that is certified in holistic modalities. I would recommend seeking holistic alternatives for your pets in addition to any traditional treatments that are available.
Do You Own a Paper Shredder?
 I thought that I would share a helpful hint that I read about recently.
A lot of us have paper shredders in our homes. Many of us leave the setting on 'auto' so that we don't have to turn the machine on and off in between uses. However, you should actually leave the machine in the "off" setting or unplugged when not in use to prevent possible injuries to your pet(s). Apparently, there have been cases of animals getting their tails, tongues and paws caught in the shredder.
TV and Radio Appearances in June
June 1: Good Day Atlanta (FOX) TV show 7:50AM Eastern (Atlanta, GA)
June 1: WHRV 89.5 FM (NPR) Hearsay show Norfolk, VA (taped to be aired June 25th)
June 1: Blog Talk Radio, Suzane Northrop's show from 5:55PM - 6:40PM Eastern
June 2: WSBC 1240 AM Morning Break show Chicago, IL from 11:15AM - 11:45AM Eastern
June 2: Blog Talk Radio, Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk / Pet Talk show from 10:00PM - 11:00PM (or longer) Eastern
June 3: WSGE 91.7 FM Consider This show Charlotte, NC 6:00PM - 6:30PM Eastern
June 3: KLLI 105.3 FM Better Living show Dallas, TX (taped to be aired June 7)
June 3: BBS Radio Dr. Pat Baccili's Street Smart Spirituality show from 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern
June 4: WLBK 1360 AM Walking on Air show Chicago, IL (taped to be aired June 5th or 8th)
June 5: KBUL 970 AM The Morning Bulletin show Billings, MT from 10:30AM - 10:55AM Eastern
June 5: Blog Talk Radio, Colleen Carr's Natural Horse Network show from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
June 9: Good Morning Arizona (WB) TV show at 8:15AM Pacific (Phoenix, AZ)
June 9: The Pat McMahon TV show on KAZT at 9:00AM Pacific (Phoenix, AZ)
June 9: Arizona Midday (NBC) TV show between 1:00PM - 2:00PM Pacific (Phoenix, AZ)
June 10: Sonoran Living Live (ABC) TV show between 9:00AM - 10:00AM Pacific (Phoenix, AZ)
June 11: Theatre of the Mind Radio, Kelly Howell's show from 2:00PM - 2:45PM Pacific
June 12: NBC 7/39 News in the Morning (NBC) TV show at 6:15AM Pacific (San Diego, CA)
June 17: KWNG 105.9 FM The #1 Morning Show Minneapolis, MN from 9:10AM - 9:15AM Eastern
June 21: Laws of Attraction Talk Radio, Jewels Johnson's show from 7:55PM - 9:00PM Eastern
June 23: Achieve Radio, Donna Voll's Spirit Connections show from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Eastern
June 24: Energy Talk Radio, Markandeya's Life Without Limitations show from noon - 1:00PM Eastern
June 29: Mornings with Lorri and Larry (Family Net) TV show from 8:23AM - 8:50AM (Atlanta, GA)
June 29: WCUB 980 AM The Breakfast Club show Manitowoc, WI from 10:30AM - 10:45AM Eastern
**Please see my web site's Upcoming and Archived Events and News page for the latest information on my scheduled appearances.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".
Tim Link
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I have had several existing and new clients ask me if, because of my book tour, I am too busy to schedule appointments. The answer is "No".
Even though I am back and forth to Atlanta touring with my book, I am still scheduling consultations in between events from wherever I may be.
Detroit Free Press Article |
If you live in the Detroit area, you may have seen me on the front page of the Detroit Free Press newspaper on May 27th.
The article, written by Mary Lendzion, is very informative. If you didn't have a chance to read the article in the paper, it can be read on my web site's Upcoming and Archived Events and News page or on the Detroit Free Press web site by clicking here. | |