Wagging Tales Newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 4
April 2009
Dear Friends and Family,

Photo Shoot HeadshotHappy Easter everyone!

We have selected the dates for the cities that I will be visiting as part of my book tour in May and June. They are Atlanta (May 6-9), New York City (May 14-16), Dallas/Ft. Worth (May 20-21), Denver/Boulder (May 26-27), Phoenix (June 9-10) and San Diego (June 11-12). Some of the book signings have already been confirmed and posted on my web site. As more events and appearances are finalized, I will publish the information in upcoming newsletters and on my web site.
Also, you can now preorder your copy of my book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale, on Amazon'sBarnes & Noble's and Borders' web sites. Also, once you have read my book, please provide your comments on these sites. I've heard it helps to have positive reviews.

Please check my web site's 'Book Information' page for updates about my book including scheduled book signing events, appearances during the book tour and to read the reviews that I have received.
What I've Learned About Rabbits
With Easter right around the corner, I thought I would write about rabbits.
We have had the pleasure of being the 'parents' of four dwarf rabbits over the last 23 years.
Our latest edition, Ripley, is almost a year old and is the color of a rabbit that you could find in your backyard... cotton tail and all. As with all of the rabbits that have been with us, they are kept inside rather than in outside hutches.
In my opinion, rabbits are great pets for children over the age of 12 and adults. They are quiet, can be potty trained and, if spayed/neutered, are very calm animals. They can live to be around 13 years old, so please keep this in mind if you bring one home as a pet.
It may surprise you to learn that they need their back teeth (and sometimes their front teeth) trimmed. Their teeth continue to grow and if they get too long, it becomes quite painful and they will stop eating.
The other interesting fact about rabbits that we have learned is that, like cats, rabbits can develop hairballs. However, unlike cats, rabbits cannot get rid of them as readily as cats do. Instead, they have to be given pineapple juice (per your vet's recommended dosage) in order to break down the hairball so that it will be passed. 
Rabbits like to get out of their cage for exercise every day. We have a 9 foot exercise pen for Ripley to run around in each day. He also likes things to chew on. So, we put wooden blocks, woven grass mats and timothy hay in his playpen for him to chew on and eat.

For more information about rabbits and how to care for them, please visit the Fuzzy Rabbit site.
April Promotion
Buy 1 Telephone or E-mail Consultation and Get 1 Energy Healing Session for the Same Amount of Time

DollarTo help spread the knowledge about and show the benefits of Reiki energy healing, I am including complimentary energy healing sessions with each paid telephone or e-mail consultation in April. For example, if you book a 15-minute telephone consultation, then you will receive a 15-minute energy healing session for your pet at no additional charge.
The details of this promotion are as follows:
* Promotion is effective during the month of April, 2009.
* Purchase 1 telephone or e-mail consultation (during the month of April) and receive 1 energy healing session for your pet for that length of time at no charge.
* This promotion pertains to telephone and e-mail consultations only.
* The energy healing session will take place in conjunction with the telephone or e-mail consultation.
How Are Your Pet's Teeth?
Dental Checkups for Pets
Dog Teeth
Did you know that it is important to have your pet's teeth examined at least once per year?

If you can see tarter on your pet's teeth or you can see that their gums are red and/or inflamed, your veterinarian may recommend a professional dental cleaning.

We have this done once per year for our dogs because Schnauzers are prone to having bad teeth. Our vet always does a blood test prior to the dental cleaning to ensure that our dogs are healthy enough for general anesthesia to be used during the dental cleaning. If any gum disease is detected, she gives an antibiotic for several days to fight the infection.

There is also an annual vaccine available to help prevent dental disease in pets. If you are interested in finding out about this vaccine, please consult with your veterinarian.

For more information on dental care for pets, please visit the Pet Dental web site. 

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Rabbits as Pets
April Promotion
Dental Checkups for Pets
April Workshop
April Radio Shows
Join Our Mailing List
April Workshop

I have scheduled an animal communication workshop to be held in Dacula, Georgia on April 25-26, 2009 from noon-6:00pm each day. 
The deadline to register for this workshop is April 19, 2009 unless you contact me for a later date prior to the workshop. 
A workbook and certificate of completion will be distributed to each participant.

For more details about what you will learn during the workshop and the cost, please click here
April Radio Shows

I am scheduled to appear as a guest on the Natural Horse Network and Paranormal Talk internet radio shows (April 3 and April 7, 2009, respectively).
For more information about these shows and  others that are added throughout April, please click here.