Wagging Tales Newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 3
March 2009
Dear Friends and Family,

Photo Shoot HeadshotWelcome to March! Spring is almost here.

We have selected the cities that I will be visiting as part of my book tour in May and June. They are Atlanta, New York, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix and San Diego. As events and appearances are finalized, I will publish the dates in upcoming newsletters and on my web site.

Please check my web site's '
Book Information' page for updates about my book including scheduled book signing events, appearances during the book tour and to read the reviews I have received.
Vaccines for Pets
Do you know about titering?
Vaccine Pix
Early last year I found out that veterinarians can draw blood from each of my dogs to determine whether or not they would need to have some of their annual vaccinations. The official test is referred to as a vaccine titer.

A vaccine titer can determine whether or not your dog or cat currently has adequate protection against a particular disease. Low titers indicate that a vaccination is necessary to provide immune protection.

Also, although the rabies vaccine is required by law and is not available to be titered to avoid giving your pet a rabies vaccine, you can request that the 3-year version of the vaccine be given rather than the 1 year version. I recommend this to anyone that has a pet that has had an adverse reaction to the rabies vaccine in the past. We decided last year to have our dogs vaccinated with the 3-year rabies vaccine because they had an adverse reaction the year before.

In addition, we have found it helpful to spread out when the vaccines are given to our dogs. Too many vaccines given during the same visit hasn't worked well for our dogs in the past. If this is true of your pet, ask your vet to spread out the vaccines over at least two visits.

For more information about vaccine titers, which vaccines can have a titer done or the 3-year rabies vaccine, please
consult with your veterinarian.

March Promotion
Buy 2 and Get 1

DollarFor those of you that like packages, I'm offering a 'buy two get one free' package in March.  
The details of this promotion are as follows:
* Promotion is effective March 1-31, 2009.
* Purchase 2 of the same type and length of consultations (during the month of March) to be used at any time throughout 2009 and receive 1 consultation of that type and length free.
* This promotion pertains to any type and length of consultation except in-person or lost pets.
* The free consultation must take place by the end of 2009.
* The free consultation can be given to someone as a gift. Please let me know if you decide to do this so that I may update your file.
Fish as Pets
Are you considering adding an aquarium?

FishWe've had fish as pets for
many years. Currently, we have four fish tanks filled with tropical fish. They aren't too much trouble and they are fun to watch. But, if you don't want to have to clean an aquarium at least once per month, I wouldn't recommend adding fish to your family.

The biggest challenge we have with our tanks is controlling algae growth. We have installed small internal UV sterilizers in most of the tanks and this seems to help. The other thing that we have found that controls algae growth is to keep the aquarium away from any windows that have direct sunlight coming through them.

We have also learned over the years that there are several categories of fish from which to choose. However, whatever you decide to include in the aquarium must get along. For example, you wouldn't want to put a community fish like a guppy in with a more aggressive fish like a cichlid. So, before purchasing any fish, do your research to find out what types of fish get along with each other.

Finally, when setting up an aquarium for the first time, you must allow the water to cycle for at least two weeks between 72-78 degrees before adding any fish. This means that you must set up the tank with everything that you would need for fish to live in it (water, heater, light, filter, thermometer, plants, decor, an air pump, an air regulator and air stones).

Most importantly, don't forget to add chlorine remover to the water. If you forget to put chlorine remover in the water, your fish will die. This may seem obvious, but I know someone that couldn't understand why her fish kept dying. When I asked if she was putting chlorine remover in the water, she said she wasn't. Obviously, the pet store never told her she needed to.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ".


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Vaccines for Pets
March Promotion
Fish as Pets
Possible April Workshop
March Radio Shows
Join Our Mailing List
Possible April Workshop

I have had several requests to hold an animal communication workshop in April in the Atlanta area. 

The initial request for a host for the workshop has yielded two possible locations on April 25-26, 2009 from noon-6:00pm each day. I will need at least 3 participants plus the host in order to schedule this workshop. So, please send me an e-mail or give me a call if you will be registering for the workshop.

For more details about what you will learn during the workshop and the cost, please click here

Please remember to visit my BLOG. It is accessible from my web site's Home page or by clicking here.
Feel free to leave your comments on any of the topics that are posted.

Check back often as I intend on posting a new BLOG at least once per week.

March Radio Shows

In March I am scheduled to appear on three internet radio shows.
The first show is Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk on Tuesday, March 3 at 10:00pm Eastern.
The second show is W.B. Ward's Skeptic Beliefs show on Thursday, March 5 at 6:00pm Eastern.

The third show is Colleen Carr's Natural Horse Network show on Friday, March 6 at 3:00pm Eastern.

For more information about each of these shows, the call in phone numbers for each of the shows (if you'd like to ask a question about your pet) and  other shows that may be added to my schedule after I have sent out this newsletter, please click here