Dear Friends and Family,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and did not eat too much.....like I did.
As an update on my new book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has A Tale, will be available in stores and online on May 1, 2009. The advance review copies will be out the first part of February. The advance review copies are released specifically to book critics with the intent that they read the book and write a review about the book prior to the official release date. I am holding the intention that I receive many positive reviews.
Please check my web site's 'Book Information' page for updates about my book.
Pet Insurance Do you have the coverage you need for your pet?
 How many of you have medical insurance on your pet(s)? How many of you know that medical insurance for pets exist? Do you know what types of coverage are available?
As everyone that has at least one pet knows, a trip to the veterinarian can be very expensive these days. A good way to offset some of the expense is to have a medical insurance policy for your pet. This is especially true if your pet is diagnosed with an illness or disease that requires ongoing treatment.
Some policies only pay for medical problems or accidents. Others will also pay for preventative health care such as spays/neuters, parasite control and vaccinations. Of course the coverage you have will determine the premium you pay.
Some policies will also cap the total sum they pay out in a year or have a cap on a particular disease or event. Most pet insurance will require that you pay the bill and then submit it to them for reimbursement.
The largest pet insurance company in the US is Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) www.petinsurance.com. We have policies on both of our dogs through VPI and have been pleased with their service. If, however, VPI doesn't have the type of coverage that you want, there are other pet insurance companies out there from which to choose. An informative article to read about how to compare pet insurance is at the following link: How to Compare Pet Insurance. There is also a web site that reviews each of the 13 companies that offer pet insurance at the following link: Pet Insurance Review.
Reiki for Horses
Reiki energy healing can be used on any animal (and even humans). Horses in particular respond well to Reiki.
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that can help to balance a horse physically, mentally and emotionally. Typically, energy healing is used on animals that have suffered an illness, traumatic injury or event, are anxious or stressed. But, it can also be used on a healthy animal to maintain general well being.
I am a Reiki master which means that I can give Reiki energy in-person or remotely to any animal. Horses are very sensitive animals by nature, so I always start out slowly when doing a Reiki energy healing consultation for a horse. While the Reiki energy is flowing to them, they will go into a very calm state as if they were sedated. After the treatment, they will remain in a very relaxed, almost sleepy state, or they will be very rejuvenated and energized. The reaction is based solely on the animal.
During a Reiki energy healing consultation, I slowly focus my attention on each of of the 8 chakras (or energy centers). If an energy fluctuation in a particular chakra is detected, I will focus Reiki energy on that area until the energy fluctuation (or blockage) is eliminated.
After a Reiki energy healing session, the horse should be allowed to come out of the relaxed state in their own time. This will allow them to absorb all of the energy healing that has just been given to them. It's like when we receive a massage. Afterwards we typically feel relaxed and refreshed. You wouldn't want to lose that feeling by immediately putting your body under stress.
Please note that although Reiki is an alternative medicine treatment, it is not a substitute for veterinary care. Reiki should only be used as a complementary therapy and used with traditional medicine.
If you would like more information on the benefits of Reiki for your horse (or other pet) or to schedule a Reiki energy consultation, please contact me at 404-422-6355 or by e-mail at timlink@wagging-tales.com.
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ" and have a wonderful 2009.
Tim Link
Newsletter Changes
I have had several requests from friends and family to send out my newsletter more frequently.
So, I've decided to send out my newsletter on a monthly basis (beginning this month) instead of every other month as I did in 2008.
If there is a topic that you would like to see covered in my newsletter, please let me know.
Some of the ideas for future issues that have been suggested are dental care for pets, the latest information on vaccines, services offered by pet sitters and what to look for in a pet sitting company, homeopathic vs. traditional vets, transporting your pets safely in your car, making provisions for your pet after your death, adopting a pet from a rescue shelter and how to determine which pet is right for you.
So, as you can see, I have a lot to write about. I hope you enjoy all of the information that will be coming in the months ahead. .