Wagging Tales - Top 10 Winner!
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I am pleased to announce that Wagging Tales is a top 10 winner in Startup Nation's 2008 Home-Based 100® competition in the "Boomers Back in Business" category.
Thank you very much to everyone that voted for my business during the month of October. Without the 442 votes that were cast and the wonderful comments that were left on the site, this would not have been possible. 
Winner's emblem
As one of the winners, I will be able to add the yellow winners emblem shown on their web site to my web site and any other promotional material associated with my business. 
Thank you again to all of you that showed your support in this competition.
Being in the top 10 will certainly help to bring greater awareness to what I do as an animal communicator and allow me the opportunity to give more animals a voice with their wonderful human companions.