Wagging Tales Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 5
November/December 2008
Wagging Tales Newsletter
Dear Friends and Family,

Photo Shoot HeadshotI hope this holiday season finds everyone doing well and in good health.

In the last newsletter I mentioned that my new book, Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has A Tale, would be coming out soon. Well, as some of you know, I had initially planned on publishing my book through a print-on-demand self-publishing company. Well, I am happy to announce that, instead, a traditional publishing company has agreed to publish my book for me. This particular publishing company only accepts 3% of the manuscripts that are submitted to them. So, I consider myself very fortunate and grateful that this unexpected opportunity has been offered to me. I anticipate that my book will now be coming out towards the end of the first quarter of 2009.

Please check my web site's '
Book Information' page for updates about my book. 

Colleen Carr, Annette Jones and Lisa J. Smith continue to allow me the honor of being a guest on their internet radio shows each month. More information about each of their shows can be found on my web site's '
Upcoming Events and News' page. Please call in to these shows with questions about your pet(s). It's free and you may learn what's on your pet's mind.

Holiday Dangers
Plants and Foods that Can Present a Danger to Your Pet
Danger Bitmap
I thought it would be worth mentioning that there are several toxic plants that are commonly brought into the home during the holiday season. These plants, if ingested by your pet, can be fatal or can induce symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

This list would include holly, mistletoe and poinsettia.

For a more inclusive list of plants and the symptoms that can occur from ingesting these plants, please visit the
ASPCA's web site or the Humane Society of the United States' web site.
Speaking Engagement
Podium 2
I am pleased to announce that I have been invited to speak at the monthly meeting of the Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club on November 12, 2008.

I will be sharing information with the group about what I do as an animal communicator and how I can help them with their pets.
If you would like for me to speak at your club's, group's or association's meeting, please contact me at timlink@wagging-tales.com or 404-422-6355. 
How Much Litter?
Have you ever wondered how much litter to use in your cat's litter box?
I recently read that the most effective way to determine how much litter to use in your cat's litter box is to fill the litter box about 2 ˝ inches then tilt the box so the litter is deeper at one end (about 4 inches) and shallow at the other end (about 1 inch).

Watch to see which end your cat uses, then fill the litter box to that level.
Also, to encourage your cat to use the litter box each time, please ensure that the litter box is kept clean, there isn't loose litter on the floor around the litter box, the litter box is big enough for your cat and the litter box isn't kept next to a washer or dryer that is noisy.   
Finally, I have found that cats like to have their own litter boxes. So, if you have a multiple-cat household, you may want to consider getting one litter box per cat. 

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A TaleŽ" and have a wonderful holiday season.


Tim Link

P.O. Box 2068
Cumming, Georgia 30028
Wagging Tales
In This Issue
Holiday Dangers
Speaking Engagement
How Much Litter?
Gift Certificates Available
Gift Certificates Available

Holiday Wreath

I have had several requests from friends and family to be able to purchase gift certificates for my services from my web site.

I am happy to announce that this feature has recently been added to my web site's 'Appointments and Fees' page.

This is a unique gift idea for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or any other occasion. And best of all, the gift certificates don't expire.
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