Volume 1 Issue 3
July/August 2008
Dear Friends and Family,
Welcome to this edition of my newsletter. Thankfully, the last couple of months have continued to be very busy!
In addition to the great radio and internet radio shows on which I have had the opportunity to appear, I have also been the guest on a couple of TV shows and have been written about in several newspaper articles. All of this activity continues to provide me with ways to reach more people and be the voice for even more animals. All of the TV, radio and internet radio show hosts have been wonderful about posting my appearances and contact information on their web sites so that their viewers and listeners know how to reach me.
I continue to participate in two holistic fairs that are held in the Atlanta-metro area. This, too, has provided me with yet another way to assist many animals and their human companions.
Please check my web site's Upcoming Events and News page for the latest schedule of events....and call in to the radio and internet radio shows if you are available. It's free and your pet may have something to say to you! |
Intuitive Body Scanning on Animals
Many of you have asked me how I can tell if an animal is sick or has the beginning stages of a potential health problem. One way is simply to ask the animal during a consultation if they are experiencing pain anywhere in their body. Another method is for me to guide my hands over their entire body to see if I can detect any fluctuations in their body's energy. I get different sensations in my fingers, hands or body depending on the animal and the severity of the problem. For example, the fluctuations can be warm or cool or can cause a tingling in my fingers or hands.
As part of any of my consultations, I routinely scan for fluctuations in the animal's energy. If I detect a problem in a certain area of the animal's body, I let the human companion know. The human companion can then take the animal to their vet and give the vet some idea about where a potential problem may exist. In one example, I was able to detect a problem in a cat's kidney area. The cat was taken to the vet, the appropriate tests were done and it turned out that the cat did have the early stages of a kidney problem.
So, although I am not a veterinarian, I can tell you if your pet is experiencing any health issues by either what they tell me or what I feel when I do a scan of their body's energy. Then your vet can pinpoint the problem with the appropriate tests and, hopefully, remedy the health issue.
Disclaimer: The information obtained during a consultation with me should never be used as a substitute for professional medical care and advice. Always consult a veterinarian for any concerns regarding your animal companion's well being. |
Health-Related Tips for Animals
Some of the following health-related tips are listed on my web site. Some are from my upcoming book. This is information that I have learned from having several types of animals of my own (dogs, turtles, fish, rabbits, hamsters and birds) as well as from the experiences of others. I hope that you find them useful with your own pets.
1. If your animal has seizures, ask your vet to do an allergy test for food allergies. One of our dogs began to have "chewing gum" seizures shortly after we brought him home from the shelter. When he had this type of seizure, his teeth would chatter like ours do when we get really cold. Our vet had a comprehensive allergy test done and discovered that he had many allergies (cigarette smoke, bermuda grass, chicken, rice, etc.). The food that he was eating was made up primarily of chicken and rice. Thus, we changed his food to one of those listed on the 'approved foods and treats' list provided by the testing company. Since changing his food, he has not had another seizure. So although food allergies may not always be the cause for seizures, it is worth investigating with your vet.
2. If you suspect that your pet has ingested a poisonous substance, seek veterinarian assistance immediately. If it is after hours, contact the nearest after-hours emergency facility for animals. Try to bring a sample of whatever the animal has ingested or has been bitten by if it is safe for you to do so. For example, one of my dogs had picked up a really big spider in his mouth and quickly spit it back out. I assumed the spider had bitten him in his mouth. So, I put the spider in a plastic bowl and took my dog to the after-hours emergency vet for treatment. Fortunately, since I had the spider with me, the vet could tell me that it was a type of spider that was not poisonous.
3. If you have a cat that likes to go outdoors, provide a protected area for this purpose. There are pet supply companies that have everything from enclosed cat strollers to chain linked tunnels that a cat can walk out through and sit on the grass. Using one of these options satisfies your cat's need to get out of the house and keeps them safe from cars, predators and pet theft.
4. Prepare for disasters. Make sure you have a plan in place in the event of a hurricane, tornado, fire or flood.
5. Unless you are a professional breeder, I always recommend spaying or neutering your pet. There are millions of animals in rescue shelters that are euthanized each year because there aren't enough homes for all of them. Spaying and neutering your pet will help to put an end to the pet overpopulation problem that we are currently facing. In addition, there are several health benefits to an animal being spayed/neutered that your veterinarian can tell you about. I have always spayed or neutered my pets (including my rabbits). It tends to make them calmer, less aggressive and less likely to want to get out and explore areas that are away from their home.
NOTE: None of this information is to be used as a substitute for professional veterinary care.
Upcoming Seminars and Workshops
I have scheduled an Animal Communication workshop for the weekend of July 12-13. This is the first workshop in a three part series. More information can be found on my web site at the following link: http://www.wagging-tales.com/upcomingeventsandnews.html
If you would like to attend or host one of the seminars or workshops listed on my web site, please contact me for more information at timlink@wagging-tales.com or 404-422-6355. Hosts that assist in the coordination of the seminar or workshop can attend at no charge. |
Upcoming Events:
Every Wednesday at 3:30pm and 5:00pm Eastern
I am scheduled to appear on Lisa J. Smith's For the Soul From the Soul radio/internet radio show. Lisa is a natural born intuitive healer/medium/energy reader and is now one of the premier intuitive hosts of CBS's Psychic Radio Network. The phone number to call if you have questions for me about your pet(s) during this show is 248-424-1978. Please send a picture of your pet(s) to me prior to the show by e-mail, tim.link@wagging-tales.com. The link to the show is http://wycd.com/pages/1862368.php.
The First Tuesday of Every Month from 10:00pm - 11:00pm Eastern
I am scheduled to appear on Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk internet radio show. Annette is a professional tarot card reader and psychic. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the web site after the show. If you have a question for me about your pet during this show, please all 646-915-8522. It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your pet prior to the show. So, please e-mail a picture of your pet(s) to me ahead of time at timlink@wagging-tales.com. The link to the show is www.blogtalkradio.com/Annette.
July 5, 2008 from 3:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern
I am scheduled to appear on Anne Marie Evers' The Anne Marie Evers internet radio show. Dr. Evers is a best selling author of many books on the power of affirmations, a motivational speaker and talk show host. She is also the co-author of Wake Up and Live the Life You Love in Spirit with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the web site after the show. The link to the show is http://www.contacttalkradio.com/hosts/annemarieevers.htm.
July 10, 2008 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm Eastern
I am scheduled to appear on Louise Aveni's Now That's What I'm Talking About internet radio show. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the web site after the show. If you have a question for me about your pet(s) during this show, please call 646-200-0636. It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your pet(s) prior to the show. So, please e-mail the picture(s) to me at timlink@wagging-tales.com. The link to the show is www.blogtalkradio.com/stations/sedonatalkradio/louise-aveni.
July 18, 2008 from 3:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern
will be making my third appearance on the Natural Horse Network internet
radio show. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the
archived broadcast from the website after the show. If you have a question for
me about your horse or other pets during this show, please call 347-326-9161.
It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your horse and/or other pets prior
to the show. So, please e-mail a picture or pictures to me at timlink@wagging-tales.com.
The link to the show is www.blogtalkradio.com/NHN.
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I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that "Every Animal Has A Tale™".