News From Wagging Tales
Volume 1 Issue 2
May/June 2008
Tim Dear Friends and Family,

Welcome to this edition of my newsletter. Things have been very exciting over the last couple of months.

I have had the opportunity to participate on some great radio shows and internet radio shows which, in turn, allowed me to be the voice for even more animals. The hosts have been great about posting my appearances on their internet schedules and getting their listeners to call in with questions about their pets.

I have also had the opportunity to participate in holistic fairs being held around the Atlanta metro area. This, too, has allowed me to assist many animals and their human companions.  

Please check my web site for the latest schedule of events....and call in to the shows if you can. It's free and your pet may have something to say to you!
In This Issue
Lost Animals
Tips for Finding Lost Animals
Upcoming Seminars and Workshops
Contact Me
Subscribe to Our Newsletter!
CatLost Animals

Recently, I have been contacted by the human companions of animals that have left their homes and I have been asked to help each of them find their way home. These cases range from coast to coast and even internationally. So, I thought that I would focus this month's newsletter on the reasons that animals leave their homes and why they may be found or not. In the next section, I will also provide some helpful tips that can be used while trying to search for, and hopefully find, a lost animal.

When an animal leaves its home, it can be due to varying reasons.
In addition to the obvious reasons (i.e. something frightened them, neglect or abuse, they are in heat and/or they have an overwhelming desire to go out and explore their surroundings), there is also a not-so-obvious reason that I have found. Like us, animals come into this realm of existence with a mission. Some refer to this as your life's path. Not all animals have more than one mission during a given lifetime, but some do. So, some animals, therefore, have been known to leave because their life's mission may be taking them in another direction.

When I am contacted to assist in locating a lost animal, the first thing I do is establish a connection with the animal. Once the connection is established, I ask the animal if it is still in body or not. If the animal is still in body, I ask him/her if he/she wants to return home. If the animal does want to return home and is not prohibited from doing so on its own (i.e. not locked up in someone's home), I proceed with helping the animal find its way back home. If the animal is too confused about where it is in relation to its home or, is scared to return home (i.e. because there are predators in the area), I use the technique of map dowsing to locate the animal (usually within a few blocks) and provide this information to the human companion. The human companion can use this information while out looking for the animal. In conjunction with the approximate location, I also relay
to the human companion the description of the surroundings that the animal communicates to me. This helps the human companion to know what to look for when they search for their pet and, in some instances, has been enough information for the human companions to locate their pet.

On occassion, when an animal's intent is not to return home, I can communicate with them for a short time. And then, because they do not want to be found, they cease to have further communication with me.

So, I always hold out hope when it comes to reuniting pets with their human companions. It may take a few days, weeks, months or years. But, if it is meant to be, they will come home or be found.
Tips for Finding Lost Animals

There are many things, in addition to contacting me as soon as possible for assistance, that can be done to increase your chances of reuniting with your lost animal. 

1. Create a laminated 'lost animal' sign that contains a recent picture and description of the animal, the location and date of where the animal was last seen and the name and phone number to contact if the animal is seen by someone or found.

2. Post the sign around the neighborhood, at local veterinarian's offices, at the county animal control shelter and at local animal rescue shelters.

If you live in a major city with a lot of restaurants nearby, provide each restaurant with the 'lost animal' sign. Afterall, the animal will find food wherever it is convenient.

4. If your animal is microchipped, contact the company (i.e. Avid) to ensure that they have your current information on file in case someone contacts them about finding your pet.
5. Visit the local county animal control shelter and local animal rescue shelters to see if your pet is among those at the shelters.

6. Place an ad in the local newspaper about the lost animal. Include the same information that you have on the 'lost animal' sign.

7. Check 'found' pet ads in the local newspaper and on local shelter web sites.

8. Canvas a three-block radius around your neighborhood from your home and talk to your neighbors about your lost pet's description. But, unless you see your pet, please do not call for them while you are searching your neighborhood.
The reason for this is if they do happen to hear you, you would be gone by the time they get to where you were when you called for them. Instead, either call for them from the front yard or backyard of your home or, if you do look for them by car, look silently.

9. If your lost pet is a cat, set out a humane trap around your home. Do this for at least a week or two. Be sure to put a bowl of fresh soft food and water in the trap to lure the cat into the trap. You may catch other animals as well, but you might also catch your own pet.

10. Actively keep searching for your pet no matter how much time has elapsed. Lost animals can turn up weeks, and sometimes months, after they've been lost.
Upcoming Seminars and Workshops

I am in the initial stages of planning various seminars and workshops.

If you would like to attend or host one of the seminars or workshops, please contact me for more information at or 404-422-6355. Hosts that assist in the coordination of the seminar or workshop can attend at no charge.
Upcoming Events
Every Wednesday at 4:00pm Eastern
I will appear as the featured guest on Lisa J. Smith's For the Soul From the Soul internet radio show. The phone number to call if you have questions for me about your pet(s) during this show is 248-424-1978. Please send a picture of your pet(s) to me prior to the show by e-mail,  The link to the show is

May 6, 2008 from 10:00pm-11:00pm Eastern

I will be making my second guest appearance on Annette Jones' Paranormal Talk internet radio show. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the web site after the show. If you have a question for me about your pet during this show, please all 646-915-8522. It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your pet prior to the show. So, please e-mail a picture of your pet(s) to me ahead of time at The link to the show is 
May 23, 2008 from 3:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern

I will be making my second guest appearance on the Natural Horse Network internet radio show. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the website after the show. If you have a question for me about your horse or other pets during this show, please call 347-326-9161. It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your horse and/or other pets prior to the show. So, please e-mail a picture or pictures to me at The link to the show is
May 27, 2008 from 8:00pm-9:00pm Eastern

I will appear as the featured guest on Jean Adrienne's Innerspeak Soul Adventures internet radio show. You can listen to the live show from your computer or access the archived broadcast from the web site after the show. If you have a question about your pet for me during this show, please call 1-866-472-5795.
It is beneficial for me to have a picture of your pet prior to the show. So, please e-mail a picture of your pet(s) to me ahead of time at  The link to the show is

I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Until next time, please remember that
"Every Animal Has A Tale™".