Choice Moms LLC
April 20, 2012
Celebrating 50! 
I turned 50 on Monday, after a great weekend of community connecting. New and old friends (ranging in age from 23 to 73) came to my house Saturday for a music jam and conversation that was truly heart-warming and fun. My kids had their groups of best buddies on hand, because of the connections to those parents I've made over the years. The next night, I went dancing with a friend for hours. On my actual birthday, I received in the mail a life book about ME that I'd created (since when aren't these photo/storybooks all about our children?). It was a quick chronicle of the highlights and images of my first five lives; I'm now in life 6 -- full-on motherhood -- with life 7 in view as my kids need me less. I shared the book with my loved ones, followed by dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant. Today... I get a tattoo!
Sometimes, it's nice to have it be all about Mom.  
In this process of turning 50, I spent a lot of time reflecting back. What had my aspirations been when I was in my early 20s (I found the journals!)? How has life "measured up" since then?
Honestly, I read how earnest I was about career goals in my early 20s -- how little confidence I had socially -- already on the verge of being a workaholic. And now, as the mom of a young woman on the verge of 13, and an 8-year-old son, I can laugh at myself. Yes, that was me. And yes, that can still be me. But how wonderful it is to let go and transition and evolve into Who We Want To Be over time. Motherhood is great for that. Milestone birthdays are great for that. Setting new goals -- perhaps, more importantly, new dreams -- is great for that.
When I became a mother in 1999, my known donor asked why I wanted to leave the single, non-mom life behind. "I want to expose a child to all the amazing things you can do in the world," I replied.
I could have added, "And in doing so, discover all the amazing things I can do, too."
I welcome your stories. How are you embracing life, pre- or post-motherhood? Share yours here at and celebrate with me.
Balitmore/New York City Event Registration Coming   
I'll write more soon about the fabulous women I met at our Choice Mom networking event in Chicago. In the meantime, here is what is coming up next: Baltimore (June 23), New York City (June 24), Austin (September 9) and San Diego (October 21). Registration will open as soon as the hotel site is picked. Click on the Events tab at for updates.
New on   


Five Myths About Choice Motherhood


Updated: Support from city to city 



Highlights: Choice Mom Resources


Regional Guides: "So you want to be a Choice Mom in Toronto"


Directory: Choice Mom-friendly fertility clinics 


E-Guide to Embryo Donation -- especially useful for women whose eggs might not be viable. 


The Choice Chat podcast is a great tool for hearing from experts and fellow moms; this post will lead you to all of them. 


Storybook for Children: "I Felt You Flutter in My Heart," illustrated by six Choice Kids, and the perfect size for young fingers. A simple and bright story about how much we love them


Talking Amongst Ourselves   
A Choice Mom in Boston has volunteered to help us put together a new community discussion place at Big Tent. We'll be testing it this spring. If you'd like to help us create a great dynamic new space, let me know ( In the meantime, join us at:


(general one, offers specialized topics and stages, from Thinking to Being, just like


Choice Mom Ning (newest!)
(puts faces to names, especially in certain localized communities)


(for the challenges of becoming or being an "older" mom)


Choice Moms on Twitter: @ChoiceMoms
Visit for ongoing resources dedicated to connecting and informing the Choice Mom community.