Choice Moms LLC
September 2, 2011
Growing up in the Choice Mom community  Mikki and kids
Gad, time is flying! My son just started second grade, my daughter is starting seventh. I realize that my usual family portrait here is quite outdated. Much as I'd like to think my charming children still blend into Mom as easily as they did in the picture at right -- it's not quite up to date. My daughter is now my height and puberty is here. My son will still sit on my lap, but not so much in public, and he certainly doesn't run and jump into my arms anymore after a day at school. They are becoming much more independent, leading me to find DIFFERENT ways to simply be ME.

We're ALL growing up. Including the website, our discussion boards, and the workshop formats. I'm in the process of refining all. Focusing more attention on the areas we need most -- based on the feedback I get from you, the website traffic numbers, and the cities with the most active local coordinators -- and letting other aspects go.

As we embrace Fall, look for these changes and plans to be announced here in the e-news. 


New on

Q&A: When are you too old to parent?, a discussion from the Choice Moms Over 40 online group   
why we need a power of attorney document 

BEING: storybooks about alternative family building to share with our kids  


FINAL SALE: Last 10 books from my Voices of Donor Conception series, before it goes out of print



Special Choice Mom Resources


Guide to Embryo Donation -- especially useful for women whose eggs might not be viable. 


A compilation of Choice Mom bloggers -- add yours!


Would you like a phone consultation?


Choice Mom Guide to Sperm Banks -- Offer YOUR COMMENTS AND CRITIQUES of how well you've been served by a sperm bank, anonymously or publicly using the Comments field. Let women know if you were happy with the service.

Compilation of some of's best resources, on everything from Profiles to Adoption to Podcasts. 


The Choice Chat podcast is a great tool for hearing from experts and fellow moms; this post will lead you to all of them.   

Finding support, from city to city  


Events Coming Up   
I am considering Culver City Hotel as our destination for the November 5 event in Los Angeles. I've also had requests from Orange County, and further north. Essentially, if I have 15 women in a local community who will attend, and can then line up a sponsor to help defray costs, I can build a networking event for us while I'm in the area. But it needs your help to make it happen! Or I can help a local coordinator get an informal event going, such as Lisa is doing in Chicago on September 25. See the home page of for ongoing details, and to help bring an event to your area.
I will be in Orlando the week of October 16 for the annual ASRM convention of reproductive medicine professionals. Let me know if an event there interests you and I'll keep you informed.

Our growing Ning network has groups of Choice Moms in particular cities, for ease of private communication at a local level.

Visit for ongoing resources dedicated to connecting and informing the Choice Mom community.