Senator Heather Steans

The Conference of Women Legislators (COWL) is a not-for-profit organization and a bipartisan coalition of women legislators in the Illinois General Assembly. They have recently announced the 2012-2013 Scholarship Award Program. The scholarship program was created as part of their mission to promote economic independence, community services and leadership development. Each grant will be $2,500 and is geared toward assisting mature women who are seeking college degrees.


To qualify, the applicants are required to enroll in an Illinois accredited college or university for a minimum of six credit hours. This makes the scholarship available to part-time students.


Applications must be postmarked by March 30, 2012. Awardees will be notified of the decisions by April 30, 2012.


All of the scholarship materials (the Applicant Letter, COWL Scholarship Application, and the Waiver of Confidentiality form) may be downloaded from the COWL website at


For additional information and questions, you may email


The Edgewater Development Corporation is proud to present Spotlight on Edgewater -

Performing Arts Showcase

running March 5 through Sunday March 11, 2012.

Go to

for details.


Summer employment

opportunities for High School Students: Chicago Summer

Business Institute (CSBI)

provides a six-week paid

internship program for high

school sophomores and juniors

each summer. These internships take place at various banks, accounting, law and engineering firms. To obtain an application,

ask your high school principal or guidance counselor, or download

an application from CSBI website


Applications are due

March 30, 2012.


Chicago Botanic Garden's is now

accepting applications for Science

First and College First summer

science programs for Chicago

Public School students.  

Students are bussed daily

from various locations throughout

the City of Chicago to the

Chicago Botanic Garden located in

suburban Glencoe. Additional

information and a downloadable

application are available at the

 Garden's website here and  here

Applications are due by April 13


City Colleges of Chicago are providing information on the 10,000 Small Businesses program on March 27 at Truman College, Conference Room 146, 1145 West Wilson from 8:30 a.m. - 1030 a.m. This program helps small businesses gain practical business knowledge and skills. Go to to obtain more information and to apply.
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Dear Neighbor,


The General Assembly's budgeting process has begun, with the House and Senate adopting the same revenue estimate with bipartisan support. We estimate the State will have $33.7 billion in General Revenue Funds to appropriate for state operations in FY13, about $600 million higher than FY12's estimated GRF revenue of $33.1 billion and $200 million lower than the $33.9 billion estimated GRF revenue in the Governor's introduced budget.


As indicated in the Governor's introduced budget, we have significant challenges to achieve a balanced budget. The State has two major pressures that increase costs. First, pension contributions increase $1.1 billion, well over our revenue growth for the year. Second, Medicaid costs are expected to rise 5% if unchecked. The Governor proposes keeping the Medicaid appropriation flat, which requires $2.7 billion in cost savings in the program if we do not want to simply add to our unfunded Medicaid liability. In addition to these current budget concerns, Illinois continues to have over $7 billion in unpaid bills that must be addressed.


There are bipartisan groups working to accomplish reforms in Pensions and Medicaid. Results from these efforts are critical pieces to the State's budget. Democrats and Republicans will work together to develop a budget in both the House and Senate. The Governor's Office has also convened appropriation chairs from all 4 caucuses to ensure there is a five party discussion (House and Senate Republicans and Democrats and the Governor's Office). This cooperation to date - unlike previous years - may be critical to passing a balanced budget this year given the enormity of the cuts to state operations that are needed. The Senate did begin with a small, but symbolically significant first step, voting to cut our own pay for the fourth straight year (see here for legislation).


As a chair of one of the Senate Appropriation Committees and the Senate Democratic chair of the Medicaid working group, I am committed to making the difficult decisions that are needed.  Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information about the budget, Medicaid, or other legislative matters by contacting my office at 773-769-1717 or at




Heather A. Steans