Are Diet Drinks Evil?
The evidence is strong that cutting back on sugary drinks - or eliminating them altogether - may help with weight control and will almost surely lower the risk of diabetes and maybe even heart disease. However, the evidence is less clear-cut for artificially sweetened drinks, so are diet drinks evil or not?....Read on
The Rise of Meat-eating Vegetarians
Yes, you read that correctly. Meat-eating vegetarians do exist, and in fact, they are rapidly growing in numbers as studies continue to yield results that look upon the meat-centric American diet unfavorably. Could you be next to join the club?...Read on
The Great Debate: Weights or Cardio?
You know there's no magic exercise that's going to miraculously transform your body in an instant - at least you should know that. But even if you really do plan to put in the hard work, you'd at least like some direction on how to get the biggest bang for your buck, right? So which is better for weight loss - cardio or weights?....Read on