8| December 19, 2007
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Proper Idle Switch Adjustment
Many folks call me with the complaint that their Vanagon is not idling properly.
Either they are idling too high or too low (stalling) or the idle isn't steady.
There can be several factors that contribute to this problem however most of the time
the culprit is an out of adjustment idle switch on the throttle body. This switch
is located below the throttle body on 85-92 Vanagons and most folks don't even
know that it exists. However if the computer is looking for a signal from it and
is not seeing it, then it thinks it that the van is still driving down the road and not
sitting at the light. I am going to give instructions for inspecting and adjusting this switch
for 85-92 Vanagons.
Go to the rear of the van with the engine not running. Remove the engine lid and set it aside.
At around the middle of the engine compartment you will see the throttle body attached to the
metal air distributor for the intake.
Use your fingers to move the throttle arm on the top of the throttle body from where it is at rest
(idle position) to the full throttle position (as far as you can move it). Right when you are getting
to the full throttle position you should hear a small "click" noise.
Now slowly move the throttle arm back to idle position. Right before you get to this
position you should hear the same small click.
If you don't hear it then the switch is out of adjustment.
If you hear it then test the switch for continuity with a multimeter.
It should have zero resistance at idle and full throttle position. If it doesn't
then you need a new one.
If you need to adjust the switch, the easiest way to this this that I have found is
to remove intake boot and the two phillips head screws that hold the throttle body to the intake.
Flip the throttle body upside down. Now you should see a black plastic cover that goes over the switch.
Pull it off and set it aside. You will see the metal arm of the switch that rides up against
the plastic cam that actuates the switch. The end of the arm is in the shape
of a "U". Use a pair of needle nose pliers and tweak the end of the arm.
You want to bend the part of the "U" that touches against the cam so that the "U" is
just a little bit wider than it was (not a bunch, just a tweak).
Now flip the switch over and try the test again. Tweak the "U" until the switch
works properly at idle position. Now put everything back together and start the van.
It should idle properly at around 950 rpms.
Some folks try to work around this problem
by raising the rpm or unplugging the idle stabilizer valve on the center of the engine.
If you notice this valve unplugged, plug it back in. If the RPMS are still too high you
might want to check your timing with a timing light. If the timing is on the money (7 degrees BTDC)
then adjust your rpms down by turning the idle air screw (large slotted screw on the top of the
throttle body) in a little. Count your turns so that you can put the screw back to where
you had it originally if you find your real problem isn't this screw.
If you are still have a problem with your idle after doing all of this then
either your idle air stabilizer valve or the idle control unit are faulty.
I would try cleaning the valve with carb cleaner and see if this helps. If not
then swapping in a known good idle air valve or ISCU would be a great way
to troubleshoot this problem. If known good ones aren't available to borrow
then you just need to flip a coin and decide which of these two expensive
parts you want to try to replace first. Smell your ISCU (located behind the
tail light on the passenger side. If it smells burnt then it probably is and needs
to be replaced. I know they are expensive but having a properly functioning
idle control circuit is important to keep your van running well, cut down on
fuel usage, and keep the van from stalling when using the A/C or turning.
Email me and let me know if this write up helps you with this issue.
At Van-Again we're out to prove that we're not only your VW parts source
but also the place to go to get your VW Van questions answered.
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Fall is also a great time to get some great deals on parts here at Van-Again
We are looking at some parts that we have had sitting around for a while that would probably
have a better home installed on your van and we are slashing prices to get them there.
Here is a list of things that are close-outs and specials that is only being advertised through this email list:
Brown sliding door interior panels for all Vanagons 84-87 with brown/tan interior.- $199 (SOLD)

Performance Digijet ECU- $250 (1 left)
This ECU is a brand new VW unit that was made for 2.2l water boxers that were sold in Europe.
It has a more aggressive fuel map which should give you some more power out of either a 1.9l
engine or a larger water boxer that is using the Digijet fuel injection system. This system was
used in 83.5-85 1.9l Water boxers only here in the US.
Vanagon front heater core- $199
Diesel VW Rabbit/Jetta/Vanagon Fuel Pump (brand new)- $695
We will be updating and changing our list of clearance parts as we sell things and stumble across other items.
Since these are clearance items they are NOT available through the webstore. Email us or call if you are interested.
New Items at Van-Again!
We're excited to announce some new items that we've
been working on for a while now.
Vanagon Alloy Wheels
At the moment we have three styles of alloy wheel available for the Vanagon!
When it rains it pours. We have the Rhein alloy which is an OE wheel from South
Africa. It is 15x6.5 and has been a favorite over the years.
We also have the Rondel Wheel which is 15x7 with a ET 25 offset.
Last but not least we have what is being called buswheel1.
This wheel can be found in either 15x6.5 size or 16x7.
All of the wheels are $199 each and can be purchased online or over the phone.
Van-Again Gift Certificates! Just in time for Christmas we are offering
gift certificates for sale on our website. Don't know what to get that
special someone on your list? Get them a Van-Again Gift Certificate
so that they can put their van back on the road. Van-Again Gift Certficates
are sold in increments of $50 and are good toward anything that we sell
here at Van-Again including service. The part number in our webstore is
gift1. If you want one of these as a present be sure to print out this newletter,
circle the part about the gift certificates, and stick it on the fridge
(all very inconspicuously of course :-)
Square Headlight Upgrade Kit- $475.
Includes the European outter headlights, bulbs, adjusters, and wiring.
Helps have brighter light where you need them at low beam. Actually be able to see where you are going at night!
New Syncro Driveshafts- $525
These brand new Syncro Vanagon driveshafts that are made here in the US. They completely redesigned for better
quality and reliability than the original. They also use a commonly available/cheaper u-joint that is easily replaced
for the future. If your Syncro is vibrating going down the road
this is probably the part you need to smooth things out.
Check out the products for yourself on our
Parts Fast
One thing we heard over and over was "it's hard to find you search
page." So we put the search engine on the home page. Find parts
in seconds. Check it out on the homepage.
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2001 Lakeshore Dr., Millville, NJ, 08332 phone
856.327.4936 fax 856.506.0087
E-mail: sales@vanagain.com