Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition Newsletter

June 14, 2012 

In this issue
Thank You for Making the 12th Annual LA River Ride Possible
Become a Neighborhood Bike Ambassador
Join the CLIF Bar 2 Mile Challenge this June and Help Raise $10,000 for LACBC
Supporting a Bike-able Los Angeles with Research Event Next Wednesday
Support the 3-Foot Passing Bill
Bike Infrastructure and Policy Updates from Around the County
LACBC Members: Membership Survey Opens Tomorrow
What's Ringing Our Bike Bells: Even Dogs Ride Bikes
Events, Meetings, & Volunteer Opportunities

Thank You for Making the 12th Annual LA River Ride Possible


Thank you to all our riders, volunteers, sponsors, and supporters for making our 12th Annual Los Angeles River Ride such a great success. Riders came out on a beautiful Sunday to explore LA by bike. Beginning as a small ride a dozen years ago, this ride has grown to become LACBC's biggest event and biggest fundraiser with over 2,000 participants from LA County and beyond! Your ride fees help support the creation of a better, more bike-able LA County.


View our photos on our Facebook Page and read more on the LACBC blog.


We'll see you again next year for the 12th Annual LA River Ride!

Become a Neighborhood Bike Ambassador

The Neighborhood Bike Ambassador program is a new way for LACBC members & volunteers to work on neighborhood-scale projects and organize local support for bike projects and LACBC campaigns in the City of Los Angeles.


This new LACBC initiative is to support the implementation of the City of LA bicycle master plan. Neighborhood Bike Ambassadors will work on one of 5 City of LA area committees: the Valley, South LA, the Westside, Central LA, and the Eastside/Northeast LA. Neighborhood Bike Ambassadors will meet monthly starting in early fall 2012 and each area committee will generate a set of goals to pursue over the coming months.


Learn more here and sign-up to become a Neighborhood Bike Ambassador today! Los Angeles Streetsblog also covered this new program this week.

Join the CLIF Bar 2 Mile Challenge this June and Help Raise $10,000 for LACBC
Title Banner

We're almost halfway through the month of June and your logged bike trips have helped raise over $3,700 for LACBC. Let's reach our goal of 10,000 logged trips this June to raise $10,000 for LACBC! Join the 2 Mile Challenge.


For the June 2012 Challenge, every bike trip you log will raise $1 for LACBC, up to $10,000! Join the ride!


How do you join the ride?

  1. Head over to CLIF Bar's 2 Mile Challenge for the month of June.
  2. Create a login (or use your Facebook Account) by clicking "Sign In" at the top of the screen on the right hand side.
  3. You'll then need to log in again.
  4. Once you've logged in and finished some additional details of your profile, click on "Dashboard" at the top of screen.
  5. In order to log your rides/trips in manually, simply enter the number of miles covered in the field with the red background, click on "Log Miles" and that's it.
  6. Logged rides show up on the left side of your dashboard if you need to edit them.

You can also log your rides on your iPhone with the BioLogic BikeBrain app.


Please remember to log every ride, no matter what the length, this June and help us build a better, more bike-able LA County! Spread the word via our Facebook event to all your friends.

Supporting a Bike-able Los Angeles with Research Event Next Wednesday 

Safe & Healthy Streets logo Research

LACBC believes in the power of student research to help inform our organization's campaigns & local policy makers to create a more bike-able Los Angeles County. Join the LACBC Board Planning Committee & hear the latest bicycle related research findings from recent UCLA Urban Planning Graduate Students.


After the student presentations we invite everyone to brainstorm about projects or campaigns in some way inspired by the research. Stickers will be provided to mark ideas you like, and hopefully at the end of the meeting we'll coalesce around one or two ideas that the LACBC Board Planning Committee can work on. LACBC members and supporters are invited to get involved with the Planning Committee and LACBC campaigns.  


Project presentations: 

  • York Boulevard; The Economic Impacts of a Road Diet - Cullen McCormick (2012)
  • Redefining Impact; How California Cities Have Leveraged CEQA to Support Complete Streets - Jen Karmels (2012)
  • Bicycle Parking Ordinances; Examples From the United States - Rye Baerg (2011)

When: Wednesday, June 20; 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Where: MALDEF Building, Edison Room - 634 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014


Free for members, $5 for non-members. Register for membership at the event and entry is free!


Light hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be served. Check out our website for more information.

Support the 3-Foot Passing Bill

Last month the California Senate approved Senate Bill 1464, the California Bicycle Coalition-sponsored 3-foot passing bill, after more than 2,200 bicyclists sent emails urging them to vote YES. If you're one of those bicyclists who sent an email, thanks! 


Now SB 1464 is headed to its first hearing before the Assembly Transportation Committee on Monday, June 25. Please voice your support by Monday, June 19.


Here's how easy it is to make your voice heard: 


Send an email to the committee chair, Assembly Member Bonnie Lowenthal of Long Beach. You'll be able to add a personal message -- be sure to do this, especially if you've been hit or run off the road by a driver passing unsafely. This helps the committee understand why this bill is so important.


Or you can download a sample letter of support (Word doc), which you can personalize and send to Assembly Member Lowenthal at the address provided in the letter or email it to CBC for delivery. 


Please deliver your emails or letters no later than next Monday, June 19. This is a really important deadline -- messages received after that date won't be counted in the staff analysis.
Finally, if your Assembly Member sits on the Assembly Transportation Committee, please consider calling his or her district office to express your support for the bill. Every legislator counts and tracks messages from their constituents -- they matter!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CBC directly at 916-446-558 or
Bike Infrastructure and Policy Updates from Around the County

Glendale: Via local chapter Walk Bike Glendale, the City of Glendale is considering a road diet test on Honolulu Avenue and the issue is coming back to City Council one more time on Tuesday, June 19. Express your support in advocating for bicycle infrastructure and road safety improvements in Glendale. Walk Bike Glendale is asking Glendale residents, especially those that live around Montrose, to speak up in favor of the road diet by doing the following:

1. Come to the City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 19 at 6 PM at 613 E. Broadway on 2nd Floor, and speak up in favor of the road diet.

LACBC Members: Membership Survey Opens Tomorrow

To all our LACBC members: tomorrow morning you will receive an email with a link to this year's membership survey. We last conducted our membership survey in 2010, and now we're looking for feedback from YOU about how we're doing and what you would like to see LACBC prioritize.

The survey will be open from tomorrow morning through Thursday, June 21st, at noon. If you are a current LACBC member and do not receive an email tomorrow morning with the link, please email Carol Feucht, Membership and Communications Manager, at

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you!
What's Ringing Our Bike Bells: Even Dogs Ride Bikes
Norman Rides a Bike
Norman Rides a Bike

Spring is a busy time around LACBC with Bike Month festivities and River Ride preparation and so many great things overlapping with one another. In between meetings and events and email exchanges and petitions, we sometimes just want to sit back and watch something cute that makes us smile. How about a giant fluffy dog? What could be better? How about a giant fluffy dog riding a bike? Thank you, Internet!
Meet Norman, a dog who has previously learned to ride a scooter and can now ride a bike. We're pretty impressed and wonder what his next feat will be. Taking off the training wheels? Popping wheelies? Riding the 13th Annual LA River Ride? There are so many possibilities for such a talented dog, and we wouldn't put any of these ideas past him. Good dog!
Events, Meetings, & Volunteer Opportunities


E.T. Bike-In Movie & Photoshoot

When: Friday, June 15th; Photoshoot/ride at 7:00 PM, Screening at 8:30 PM

Where: Photoshoot/ride at 1000 Wilshire Blve; Screening at FIGat7th

Fans of Steven Spielberg's iconic film can celebrate the movie's 30th Anniversary at a free outdoor screening at FIGat7th. The screening, which starts at 8 PM, is part of the Los Angeles Film Festival, presented by Film Independent. LACBC will be providing free bike valet to all who ride their bikes. Prior to the screening, LACBC, LA Film Fest, and Universal Studios Home Entertainment invite you to pay homage to the famous film scene where Henry Thomas' character rides his bike with E.T. by recreating that special cycling moment near the entrance of the event. Meet at the courtyard of 1000 Wilshire Boulevard (cross Street is Francisco Street) at 7 PM to participate in the photoshoot. See Facebook Event.


Supporting A Bike-able Los Angeles With Research

When: Wednesday, June 20; 6:30 - 8:30 PM

More info in newsletter.

Sunday Funday Ride

When: Sunday, July 1

More info coming soon.
Other Events Around Town

Join LACBC or Renew


The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition is a member-supported organization that works for you to build a better, more bike-able L.A. County. 

Members are the backbone of LACBC! Help keep LACBC strong by becoming an 
LACBC member (or renewing your membership) and be part of the change!
Contact Information

Carol Feucht
Membership & Communications Manager
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition

Connect with LACBC: Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Visit our blog View our photos on flickr View our videos on YouTube