JFK Lancer Productions & Publications
JFK News and Updates
Sept. 3, 2010

Each day brings us closer and closer to our special remembrance activities for the anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination in November. It seems by this time of the year we at Lancer hear from more people who have an interest in why JFK was killed, who did it, and why we still study his death. They are amazed and sometimes gratified to hear that our community has reached such a deep level of historical information on the case. Many folks then go on to join our forums or to even join us in Dallas for the annual conference. Do you know someone who has always wanted to go to Dealey Plaza, take a bus tour of the related sites or listen to historians, authors and researchers advance new information? Get autographs! I bet you do. Invite them to join us in Dallas. You will both be glad you did.
As always, I thank you all for your support of JFK Lancer. Your participation means so much to us all, really.
Debra Conway
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications
New Articles and Book Reviews at CTKA
Reflections on President Kennedy
RFK Film
New Articles and Book Reviews at CTKA
CTKA (Sit-kah) (Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy Assassination)
is an activist group lobbying for full disclosure of all records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The CTKA website has long been the "go-to" place for reviews by Jim DiEugenio and other writers, as well as articles on the JFK assassination evidence.

Jim's reviews have depth and his understanding of the case makes for interesting reading. I recently told him how I enjoy his reviews because, "1.) you know the case so well, and 2.) you're not afraid of anyone!" Realizing that a book review is the reviewer's viewpoint --- you may not agree with every opinion in the CTKA reviews, but you will get that other viewpoint.
CTKA Website


The Impossible One Day Journey Of CE 399,
By Jim DiEugenio (with help by J. Edgar Hoover) At the time of the assassination, CE 399 as we know it today, did not exist.

Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism & the Forensic Evidence In the Kennedy Assassination

Reviewed by Martin Hay, "...the problem is not the evidence but how it has been interpreted in the cause of "social constructivism."

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board
is former ARRB staffer Douglas Horne's five-volume assessment of that panel's work on the JFK assassination during the 1990s.  Below are critiques of each volume.

Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three
Volumes Four and Five
by James DiEugenio

"Conspiracy Theories" by Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule: A Decidedly Negative Review by David Mantik.

Reflections on President Kennedy

Reflections on Jack Kennedy

September 3rd, 2010  

by Stephen Lendman

Though much about his background and public service warrants criticism, he also deserves praise rarely given properly, this article offering some and the writer's personal reflections on his commencement address to my June 14, 1956 graduating class, a message not heard now by US leaders - erudite, incisive and timely.

Kennedy's June 14, 1956 Commencement Speech

Given outdoors on a blistering hot/humid day, he began expressing "pleasure to join with my fellow alumni in this pilgrimage to the second home of (my) youth," noting the difference between academia's purpose to advance knowledge and his own "where the emphasis is somewhat different," saying:

"Our political parties, our politicians are interested, of necessity, in winning popular support - a majority; and only indirectly truth is the object of our controversy," often sacrificed for political advantage.

The "political profession needs to have its temperature lowered in the cooling waters of the scholastic pool. We need both the technical judgment and the disinterested viewpoint of the scholar, to prevent us from becoming imprisoned by our own slogans. Therefore, it's regrettable that the gap between the intellectual and the politician seems to be growing."

No wonder, he added, that politicians are so scorned, quoting James Russell Lowell's mid-19th century satiric attack on Caleb Cushing, a celebrated Attorney General and congressional member, calling him "true to one party, that is himself." It's as true today than then.

Read the rest of this article...
RFK Film
RFK in Africa

Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and  resistance. - 

Using never before seen archival footage, and interviews in South Africa and the United States, filmmakers Larry Shore and Tami Gold tell the unknown story of Robert Kennedy's 1966 visit to South Africa during the worst years of Apartheid. The film evokes the connections between the American Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa. The filmmakers find witness to this special moment in time through the sights and sounds of present day South Africa.

RFK IN THE LAND OF APARTHEID... follows Senator Kennedy to the site of his famous "Ripple of Hope" speech at the University of Cape Town and his encounter with Afrikaans students at Stellenbosch, the pro-Apartheid university.

A high point of the film is Kennedy's meeting with one of the unknown giants of African history - the banned President of the African National Congress, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Chief Albert Lutuli - living under house arrest in a remote rural area. The film travels with Robert Kennedy to Soweto, South Africa's largest black township, where he meets thousands of people and gives voice to Chief Lutuli's silenced call for a free South Africa.

We witness Kennedy publicly challenging the dominant Cold War ideology that anti-Communism, espoused by repressive regimes like that in South Africa, should be the only factor determining American foreign policy.

With an original sound track by American musician Jason Moran and voices from the University of Cape Town Africa Choir, the film tells an unusual story through the words and actions of an American politician whose legacy continues to advance human rights around the world.

Produced by Larry Shore
Directed by Tami Gold & Larry Shore
Edited by Harry Kafka
Cinematography by Tami Gold & Edin Velez
� Shoreline Productions, 2009
  Length (56 min.)

 Watch the trailer for the film here.

University of Cape Town, NUSAS Day of Affirmation, June 6th, 1966 
This is the only one of Senator Kennedy's South African speeches that is well known outside of South Africa. It is generally considered to be the greatest speech of Robert Kennedy's career. One paragraph in particular- the "Ripple of Hope" paragraph- is one of the most quoted paragraphs in American politics.

The speech went through numerous rewrites and had input from many people, but its two primary authors were Richard Goodwin and Adam Walinsky. It was delivered in Jameson Hall at the University of Cape Town on June 6th, 1966. Senator Kennedy was the guest speaker at the annual NUSAS Day of Affirmation.

Visit the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights.

JFK Library Event:

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the eldest child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy, introduced Margaret Marshall, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and RFK's student host while he was in South Africa, Albertina Luthuli, Chief Luthuli's daughter and a member of the South African Parliament, and filmmaker Larry Shore at the screening of a new documentary on Robert Kennedy's 1966 historic trip.  Veteran broadcast journalist Sarah-Ann Shaw moderated.  *Adam Walinsky, RFK's speechwriter, was not able to attend due to illness.

transcript �     full video �    

Don't miss the early bird registration for November In Dallas 2010!! You have only a few days left to take advantage of the special prices. See below for easy registration links. Check the NID 2010 Website for more updates. See you there in November!!

An invitation to sell your book at JFK Lancer's November In Dallas 2010 Conference on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Retail Room retail room

Conference Date and Time: Friday, November 12 - Sunday, November 14, 2010
: Adolphus Hotel, Dallas

Debra Conway
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications
November In Dallas DVDs
James Tague and Jim Marrs
Tague and Marrs
Do you know that most all NID DVD presentations are only $10!! That's right. You can easily keep up with the latest research or opinion by ordering these DVDs and watch them conveniently on your television or computer.

Order yours today!!
Our Price: $10