JFK Lancer Productions & Publications
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications Newsletter
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Thank you for being a part of the JFK Lancer community. I look forward to hearing from our readers so let me know more about what you'd like us to include in these newsletters. Send your book or event information for consideration.

Debra Conway
Updates at Mary Ferrell Foundation Website
The New MFF - Expanded to Include Watergate and Intelligence Agency Abuse Investigations

See below for more info!
In This Issue
Mary Ferrell Foundation
The New MFF
Larry Hancock Radio Appearance
Kevin Coster Band Plays Dallas
The New MFF - Expanded to Include Watergate and Intelligence Agency Abuse Investigations
Watergate and the Post-Watergate Intelligence Investigations

The tumultuous year 1968, which saw the assassinations of Martin
Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, ended with the election of
President Richard Nixon, the man whom John F. Kennedy had beaten 8 years earlier. Nixon escalated the Vietnam War still further and inflamed much of the nation, though the "law and order" candidate won a landslide re-election in 1972. Less than two years later, he resigned in disgrace, undone by a scandal known as Watergate.

The Mary Ferrell Foundation has recently acquired a variety of primary source materials on the Watergate crisis and is making them available online. These include the Final Report of the Senate Watergate Committee and its hearings volumes, the hearings of the House Judiciary Committee which voted articles of impeachment, and other reports. These are accompanied by Watergate-related White House audio recordings and online archives of essays and books.

We have also supplemented our materials on the Post-Watergate Intelligence Investigations. The reports of the Church Committee and associated transcripts and files are now accompanied by materials from the House's Pike Committee, and additional reports such as a Senate volume on the CIA's MKULTRA program.
These topics intersect with the JFK assassination and our other subjects in various ways, and the additional of these materials provides a wider window into that period of time. Please note related
changes to our main Starting Points page, the Document Archive main page, and the middle column of this home page.

With an expanded scope, the MFF website remains the premier online resource on the assassinations of the 1960s. New document collections will be added shortly, including additional FBI files on the MLK assassination, House Assassinations Committee press releases, and transcripts of the JFK-Nixon debates and campaign appearances.


Mary Ferrell Foundation's archive of MLK records:


It is currently the HSCA Report and 13 appendix volumes (the MLK ones), plus an incomplete set of FBI "MURKIN" files on the case.  In the coming weeks, there will be more MURKIN files going up as well as some other files, including some FBI files on the Invaders.

There are also other resources available on the MFF site; start from the MLK introductory home page:

Night Fright Radio Show- Larry Hancock
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

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JFK researcher Larry Hancock, author of "Someone Would Have Talked." Brent Holland, host of Night Fright Radio, welcomes back Larry Hancock for a two hour show. You don't want to miss this!
click here to listen to Night Fright:

email:  nightfrightshow@gmail.com

Someone Would Have Talked goes beyond proving a conspiracy to murder JFK. Over 14.000 documents, White House diaries, telephone logs, and executive tape recordings detail how the new President managed a cover-up that changed the future of our country.
A second conspiracy designed to mislead the nation, the world, indeed, history.

For the "last word" on the tragedy of November 22, 1963, read Hancock's book!
- Dick Russell

Hancock's conclusions in regards to the conspiracy, assassination and cover-up
were the most logical I have ever seen. The puzzle pieces begin to fit at last.
- Amazon Review

Someone Would Have Talked is supported not only with the normal references and bibliography but also with an extensive library of exhibits and documents. Exhibits range from contemporary newspaper articles through testimony and telephone transcripts to diaries, investigative reports and memoranda. For the reader, we have set up a comprehensive website at http://www.larry-hancock.com for review of the documents and sources used for the book and noted in the endnotes.

Kevin Coster Band Plays in Dallas
Local Fans Attend

  Wed, 2/11/09, The Granada Theater
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Beverly Oliver Massegee, Debra Conway and Betty Windsor are guests in Kevin's bus after the show. Kevin was given copies of Larry Hancock's book, "Someone Would Have Talked" and Joan Mellen's book "Jim Garrison: His Life and Times, The Early Years" as gifts from JFK Lancer. The band was great and a good time was had by all!
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Thank you all so much for your continued support of JFK Lancer. Our last radio promotion was such a success that we are having another one. See below for details!

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." -President John F. Kennedy

(a tip o' the hat to Jeff Worcester for the quote.)

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Larry Hancock is on the radio and it's time for another great radio promo!! Buy Larry's book  and get a reprinted copy of John Martino's book "I Was Castro's Prisoner" donated to JFK Lancer by the Martino family --- both for only $45.00.

When John Martino died, his son, Doctor Edward Martino, began researching the events and persons that were so much a part of his father's life. Dr. Martino became familiar with the work of Larry Hancock, author of "Someone Would Have Talked", and in 2006 made the courageous decision to publicly identify himself and provide a series of remarks about his personal observations in Cuba with his father and of his father's life after his release from prison; including November 1963. Dr. Martino has provided permission to republish his father's book with the stipulation all proceeds are dedicated to JFK Lancer Publication and Productions' scholarship fund.

"I Was Castro's Prisoner" is historically significant book that in 1963 was a media sensation in conservative political circles. Martino's attention was focused on his exile companions and the elimination of Fidel Castro-any related political consequences would have been of little concern. Martino's attitude, aims and commitments grew from his "I Was Castro's Prisoner" experience. You will not find the details of what Martino did in 1963 in "I Was Castro's Prisoner"-what you will find, is the reason why Martino acted as he did.
... from the Foreword by Larry Hancock


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