Papermakers' Partner

Papermakers' Partner is published by Paper Trade Associates

April 2011
Event Capturing Systems Inc. (ECS)has developed advanced technology camera systems and lighting that will not break the bank $$$ while helping hundreds of Paper, Tissue, Printers and Converters greatly improve operating efficiencies and reduce defects.  In a single product ECS can inspect your web or product while helping operators to find defect causes or break causes. Therefore greatly improving production and effciencies........ Check out some of the highlighted features below.                               Thank you,        Paper Trade Associates
Event Capturing Systems (ECS)

Today ECS, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of industrial video solutions for the paper, packaging and related converting industries and has over 450 installations worldwide. It developed the foundation for this technology in the early 1990's and was the first company to bring to market a digital based event capture solution. This solution provides valuable insight into high speed manufacturing downtime as well as real-time image processing tools to determine product quality and centerlining standards.

New Camera System Technology
ECS makes full use of new camera transmission standard has emerged that does not have many of the limitations of NTSC (analog) and other digital standards (Camera Link, Firewire) - it's called GigE. This technology sends the camera information as an Ethernet digital signal from camera to processing computers. Coaxial cable is replaced by Ethernet or fiber optic. Systems that use this architecture have the following advantages:
  • Higher Resolution
  • Higher Frame Rate
  • Cost Effect Upgrade Path
  • No Specialized Hardware
  • Low Total Cost of Ownership (low cost repair with stand off-the-shelf computer components)
  • Lossless Camera Signal Transmission
  • Simplicity of System Architecture - Increased System Uptime Availability of Advanced Software Features
The ECS LED Advantage 

ECS has incorporated LED technology as its primary light component.  LED technology has several distinct advantages as compared to incandescent (halogen/high intensity discharge - HID) and high frequency fluorescent.  Key to the ECS design is to pulse the LED light to a high frequency synchronized to a setting that is controlled by the frame rate and shutter speed of the camera.  This is called 'flashing' and the LED is only on from 10% to 25% of the time just as a camera is only exposing the chip (CCD) for a fraction of a second (to achieve stop action clarity).  If the camera only needs light for a one millisecond burst - why use a constant-on light source?  This flashing minimizes the duty cycle of the LED, increases life, eliminates the need for specialized heat dissipation concerns, allows for a smaller power supply and provides for a small form factor light that can easily outperform traditional high wattage HID lighting systems.  This synchronization between camera and light requires a cable between the two components.


Paper Trade Associates has been working with camera systems for over 10 years.  If you would like more information on what ECS has to offer please contact us. 

Paper Trade Associates  office 207-809-1757

Chris Kellner  413-478-5060

Tom Morganstern 207-232-0685 

In This Issue
Event Capturing Systems
New Camera Technology
LED Lighting
ECS System Features
ECS System Features

ECS systems are used in many applications.

  • A napkin converting line uses the system to monitor holes coming off a parent roll. When a hole is detected the line receives a signal that puts the line in jog mode. By doing this a web break is prevented saving 1/2 hour of downtime. In one day this line caught 16 holes which would have caused 8 hours of lost time. Plus they did not need to scrap that particular parent roll! You do the math$$$$
  •  Web inspection is now one of the most common uses.  Where as before the system was used to help detect break causes helping operator reduce repetitive break causes by 80%.
  • Web inspection can pick-up dirt, holes and other contaminants with the use of various cameras, lenses and lighting. The defect or contaminants can then be mapped/marked on the roll so it can be easily trimmed out at the rereeler etc....
  • The most common comment after a system is installed is that the operators are learning things about their process they never even considered.
  • All cameras are synchronized and housed in the appropriate enclosures to assure trouble free continuous operation even in the wettest dirtiest environments....
  • ECS can upgrade all manufacturer's systems and have done so.
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