In This Issue
Shower Oscillator Stroke Rate
Oscillate that spray boom!
Moisture Streaks are born...
Gem Insert Nozzles
Quick Links
CVN Systems: showers, oscillators, uhle pipes ... 
Fluoron: dryer can cleaning, release coatings, Teflon sleeves
Spray Tech: shower nozzles
Shower Oscillator Stroke Rate Correct?



Improper stroke rate and length can cause the following problems: poor felt performance, uneven moisture profiles, filling, felt wear, edge wear and streaking to name few.... 


The formula to use to check to see if you have the proper stroke rate is simple:

machine speed (fpm) / felt loop length (in feet) X nozzle diameter (in inches)

To get our stroke rate calculation spread sheet just send an email with the words "stroke rate" in the subject line to: our automated reply system will send you an excel spreadsheet with the formulas built in.

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Yankee Spray Boom Oscillation
  • Do you oscillate your Yankee Spray Boom?
  • If not, you should be. 

Benefits are much more even distribution of your coatings.  This will allow you to reduce the amount of coating you use.  The other benefit documented is great creping blade life and more even blade wear angles.

Clean those dryer cans!

Fluoron's Beimfohr Roll Cleaning System (BCS) is helping many mills get their drying efficiencies and moisture profiles back to where they should be.  

Fluoron's  BCS cleans build-up from cans faster and less expensively than other methods, and without having a man in the machine.  The mill needs only provide 60-psi air and 30-amp, 220/240-volt single-phase power with neutral line.

The BCS removes starch, size, coating and pitch as well as rust, hot melts and contaminants from recycled pulp.  Fluoron says it is faster and more effective than blasting with sand, soda ash, dry ice or grinding.

If necessary, on large machines with heavy build-up, six heads can be used, progressing across the face of the dryer to clean and complete the resurfacing in one pass.

The BCS can also be used on felt rolls to prevent felts from losing their seams and to keep the felts straight.  On troublesome felt rolls and stretch rolls, after cleaning Fluoron recommends the installation of Fluoro-Wear 102TM roll covers to eliminate corrosion and build-up which causes high felt wear.

A mill which had three of its paper machines cleaned in the past year reports,"The moisture profiles are a lot better and when you can run faster and have better quality, it pays for itself in a hurry."

Papermaker's Partner Newsletter: moisture profiles not as good as you want? We can help!      
 May 2008, Vol. XXXV, Issue 2

In this issue of our "Papermaker's Partner" we are focusing on potential ways to improve your moisture profiles.  The recommendations we offer are proven by actual first hand experience of Paper Trade Associates. (this email was previously sent out in September 2007. We had such a good response we thought we would send it again!)
Moisture Streaks are born from...

A source for most of these streaks is from fan style lube or chemical showers. We have been very successful reducing sheet moisture variations by redesigning the operation of the fan uhle box lube showers and chemical addition showers.

In most cases resolution had been achieved by the addition of oscillation to existing showers. The primary issue is that fan nozzles DO NOT distribute fluids uniformly. The edges of a fan nozzle spray is much heavier than in the center. Thus when a fan shower pipe is designed the spray pattern of the nozzles overlap. These overlaps are where the moisture streaks are created.

Don't overlook press roll lube showers as well. Press roll lube shower can effect doctor blade wear and sheet moisture.

We can redesign virtually any shower arrangement to reduce moisture variations.

Another benefit experienced has been greatly improved felt life (as much as 50% life improvement has been documented).

Gem Insert Nozzles
  • Like better cleaning & life for your machine clothing?   
  • Looking to reduce your shower water usage?  
  • Replacing worn nozzles with Gem (Sapphire, Ruby or NEW Cerbide) nozzles net amazing results.
We have been offering Gem (Ruby or Sapphire) Insert Nozzles for over 5 years. Gem Nozzles wear 5 to 10 times longer than common stainless ones.  Believe it or not, when a wire cleaning shower on a 200" wide paper machine with .040" nozzles wear to .042" the shower will use almost 4 extra GPM or 1.9 million gallons more per year!
Other water savings from using Gem Nozzles is due to the improved Jet integrity which allows the showers to be operated at reduced shower pressure to get the same cleaning results.  Shower pressures have been reduced by as much as 30-40%. This can lead to improved clothing life as well.  Worn nozzles in the above mentioned shower would cost a mill approximately $6,300/year more in water, energy and sewer.
Gem nozzles can replace most common Jet Style Nozzles (disk types, threaded, dandy nozzles...)
To schedule a PTA representative in to do a complete machine shower survey click on an email link below.
Give us a call with any question.  We use our extensive experience to solve moisture profile problems.

Tom Morganstern Jr   cell 207-232-0685

Chris Kellner         cell 413-478-0560

Dick Ahn           cell 484-431-1318  

Paper Trade Associates is a sales agency that has been in operation since 1991.  The principals of PTA average over 30 years experience of working with various Paper Machine applications and processes.