Egret Masthead
Photo courtesy of Patrick Anderson

Glynn County Board of Commissioners

March 2012 Issue

Commissioner's Message  

Mary Hunt
District 4


Mary Hunt

 It's here, it's here!!!  Spring is finally here! That means ball season is upon us. Warm breezes are blowing, flowers are blooming, and the sounds of cracking bats fill the air. 


I smile every time I reminisce about my childhood spent playing softball this time of year. "Bust that tater Mary!". Memories, sweet memories!  I now get to cheer on my son as he plays his last season of T-ball with the county. He is so excited to compete.


Now is the time to put away your winter coat and get outside for some fresh air and exercise. We are so blessed to live in a place where we can go to one of our many recreation areas and stretch our legs. All the ball fields are buzzing with children and adults getting out to play my favorite sport. If ball games don't tickle your fancy then try the walking trail at North Glynn, putt-putt at the Fun Zone, or a stroll on the beach with your dog. There is so much you can do in the Golden Isles to get your blood flowing. Get out, get active, just do it!




Fast News...

Courthouse Azaleas
  • The Glynn County Tree Advisory Board is sponsoring the TREE-MENDOUS TREE CONTEST to find the biggest trees in our county. The application deadline to submit a tree for consideration is April 10, 2010. More information can be found on the County website.
  • The azaleas are in bloom at the Historic Courthouse in downtown Brunswick. It is the perfect time to capture a family photo for the spring. The courthouse grounds are free & open to the public any time.
Warm Weather Will Bring Return of Mosquitos
Mosquito headshot 
Glynn County's mild winter will prove to be a challenge for the Mosquito Control division, as their fight against mosquitoes in our county is off to an early start. While Mosquito Control will be taking to the land and air to combat the mosquito population, it will still need the help of residents. In addition to protecting themselves with insect repellent while outdoors during the warm months, residents can survey their yards to insure they are not creating a mosquito breeding habitat with common, everyday items.


Mosquitoes require water to breed. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant or slow moving water, or on moist soil or leaf litter in areas likely to collect water. By eliminating these water sources, you can keep new generations of mosquitoes from taking up residence in your yard.   

  1. Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Be sure your downspouts drain properly, without leaving puddles in the drainage area. 
  2. Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated, even when not in use. Homeowners who go on vacation without chlorinating their pools may return to a veritable mosquito hatchery.   
  3. Walk your property after a rain, and look for areas in the landscape that are not draining well. If you find puddles that remain for four or more days, regrade the area.  
  4. Ornamental ponds should be aerated to keep water moving and discourage mosquitoes from laying eggs. Alternately, stock the pond with mosquito-eating fish.  
  5. Dump anything that holds water twice per week if it has rained. Birdbaths, non-chlorinated wading pools, footbaths, garbage can lids, and pottery will all attract breeding mosquitoes. Remember to empty the saucers under your flower pots, and don't leave water in pet bowls for more than two days.  
  6. Keep your property clean of items that can hold water, including discarded aluminum cans and tires.
2012 Youth in Government Day
Youth in Government
Each year high school students from Brunswick High and Glynn Academy are hosted by City & County officials for an up close look at how government works. This activity is sponsored by the St. Simons Optimist Club.
Featured Department
Property Appraisal Office
PAO staff


The Glynn County Property Appraisal Office provides property valuations for over 47,000 real property parcels and 3,000 personal property accounts in Glynn County. The team of nineteen employees work year round to value the properties in some 700 neighborhoods. This includes residential, commercial and industrial properties.


Based on the sale of home in a neighborhood, the Property Appraisal Office works to change the value of about half of all properties each year. A recession, like the one currently being experienced in our County, can slow down the number of real estate sales. The PAO can only revalue a property if there is evidence of sales in a neighborhood. Property owners may make an appeal of their property value whether they feel the value is too high or too low.


On average, most counties revalue properties every 3rd or 5th year. Chief Appraiser Bobby Gerhardt explains that because we are a destination county, the values in Glynn fluctuate more frequently than in most other places across the state.


"We are revaluing properties each year," says Gerhardt. "Our appraisers are working very hard to get the job done. Each Appraiser is revaluing about 5,000 properties in a given year."


The international standard for appraising is 3,500 per year on average. The Glynn County Property Appraisal Office sends out four teams of appraiser (2 each) that share the responsibility for 10,000 parcels in assigned neighborhoods. The department is currently conducting its 2012 revaluation and will be working toward a mid-May deadline when assessment notices must go out to property owners. Once the assessment notices have been mailed, the department shifts its efforts to begin working on property appeals.

2012 Candidate Qualifying Information is now available on the Board of Elections page of the County website. 

what's up, GLYNN is a publication of the Glynn County Public Information Office and is distributed every month to keep citizens of Glynn County informed and knowledgeable about important news that affects the community. Please submit comments or inquiries to Candice Temple at [email protected]. 
In This Issue
Commissioner's Message
Fast News
Warm Weather Brings Mosquitoes
2012 Youth in Government
Featured Department

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Warm Weather Brings Mosquitoes
Mosquito headshot
What residents can do to help the County combat against mosquitoes.