Egret Masthead
Photo courtesy of Patrick Anderson

Glynn County Board of Commissioners

August 2011 Issue

Commissioner's Message  

Tom Sublett


 Dear Citizens, Taxpayers, Employees & Friends,


2011 is winding down and coming to a close, and the Holiday Season is my favorite time of year.  People treat each other with 'extra kindness and courtesy' during this season, and even treat Commissioners well!  


This year was full of challenges and accomplishments, too. Like every preceding year, we excelled in some areas and with many projects. We also 'stubbed our toes' on a few.  The causeway barrier, pier upgrade, Postell Park and several others on St. Simons are finally done and we will not have any major construction projects on St. Simons next year!  Drainage, road paving, North Glynn Recreation Complex additions, Pate building expansion, and many other projects on the mainland are completed or underway and approaching completion and there should not be too many major disruptions there next year either. We will continue to complete Splost 4 & 5 projects as quickly as we are able. 


We will continue to work to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your local government. Thank you for all of your patience, understanding,  support and hard work throughout this year.  I think we are all very fortunate to live in a beautiful and blessed community.  Please remember to try to help your neighbors, friends, and church members who may still be struggling a little bit this year, especially during this holiday season. Please be safe & have fun, too!  Let's all pray for a good and strong economy next year.


All the best to you & yours,



Tom Sublett 

2011 Chairman

County Employee Recognized for Cleanup Efforts

Pictured here (l to r): Vance Wayne, 2011 Commission Chair Tom Sublett & Marsha Smith
Each year Keep Brunswick-Golden Isles Beautiful hosts a Community breakfast to say thank you to those individuals and organizations that have championed cleanup and beautification efforts for our hometown. During the 2011 Breakfast, KBGIB Executive Director Marsha Smith presented the Government Award to Vance Wayne, a Glynn County Recreation & Parks Program Manager, saying:
 "This morning we would like to recognize an individual who has worked with our organization and countless community volunteers over many years to help keep our beach areas and  parks clean on St. Simons. Whether it's KBGIB Adopt-A Beach partners or volunteer groups conducting beach sweeps and park cleanups, he and his staff are always there to assist and make everyone jobs much easier. The true test for him comes every year in late October. You know that time of year when the "Big Game" is played. 
With thousands of visitors lining our small beach areas, he and his staff work tirelessly through the late evening and early morning hours. He also transports our Recycling Trailer over to the beach and sets out recycling containers so that everything that can be recycled is collected. He maintains a positive attitude during some really tough times and ....never fail...year after year...our volunteers brag on his efforts and that of his staff. It's evident to everyone that his work is always well-managed, competent and done with pride."
Vance has been an employee of Glynn County for six years and oversees the beautification and maintenance of landscapes in our parks and on the beaches. He is a regular fixture on St. Simons Island and is well known by citizens, visitors and surrounding businesses.

"Vance is dedicated to the citizens and visitors of Glynn County", said Recreation & Parks Director Wesley Davis. "He works hard to make sure the beaches, parks, and facilities on St. Simons Island are safe and clean. He is a hard worker and is always willing to help without complaint. The Glynn County Recreation and Parks Department is very fortunate to have Vance Wayne as a Program Manager." 


Fast News...
County Commissioners & Staff tried their hand at Brunswick Stew in this year's Stewbilee held in October. Pictured here (l to r): County Attorney Aaron Mumford, Commissioners Sublett, Taylor & Coleman

  • County offices will be closed Thursday, November 24 & Friday, November 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
  • The Glynn County Recreation Department will hold Santa Cinema on Friday, December 2nd from 6-8 p.m. at the St. Simons Island Casino. The $3.00 admission includes snacks, hot chocolate and pictures with Santa.
  • The next Board of Commissioners Work Session will be held on Tuesday, December 20th at 9:30 a.m. at the W. Harold Pate building. The public is invited to attend. 
Commission Focuses on Site
for Detention Center


The Glynn County Board of Commissioners announced on November 18th its decision to focus land acquisition efforts for a detention center facility on one of the two locations recommended by the Jail Advisory Committee. The Board is currently in negotiations with the property owner to purchase approximately 35 acres adjacent to the Glynn County Public Works complex, which is inclusive of the former drive-in theatre location.


At their November 17, 2011 meeting the Board of Commissioners voted to approve awarding a contract to IPG Architects for the design and engineering of a 610 bed detention facility, inclusive of support space for future expansion and Sheriff's Office administrative office space. The design of the facility will begin immediately with the construction anticipated to start in the summer of 2012.


For a full task list to be completed for project finalization, please visit our website here.



Coming in January....
Recyclebank- Coming Soon
what's up, GNew LogoLYNN is a publication of the Glynn County Public Information Office and is distributed the first week of every month to keep citizens of Glynn County informed and knowledgeable about important news that affects the community. Please submit comments or inquiries to Candice Temple at [email protected]. 
In This Issue
Commissioner's Message
Employee Spotlight
Fast News
Announcement of Detention Center Site Selection

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Project Updates


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