February 2011  | Vol 2, Issue  2
Serving up financial planning and investment advice with a dash of fun!

TitleMilestones Financial Planning, LLC

SUPER Fund Find for your portfolio
          SUPER Financial Planning Tips
SUPER Game Day Dips
                                                ...and more!
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celebrate life

"I just believe that attitude is the balancing factor in your life."

~Irma Franklin, age 101, who doesn't use a cane, does her own grocery shopping, and walks 20 minutes for exercise each day.

If your attitude really does determine your altitude (Zig Ziglar), how high are you flying? We hope you have time to count your blessings - it's an important part of "living young".

Fund Find of the Month:  

This fund has something for most everyone

Dividends can equal safety or dullness, depending upon what you man holding moneyare looking for. Microcaps, Small-Caps, and Mid-Caps may seem too risky - or just what the doctor ordered for a better chance at growth. Is it possible to get it all in one fund? I believe so, and we've been happy with the results so far. Read more...

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In This Issue
Fund Find(s) of the Month
TIP of the Month
(Almost) Famous Recipes of the Month
Cash Conservation 101
Quick Links
NAPFA siteFee-only

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Do you need a speaker for your next event? We do that! Email us for available dates.

February Article: Why Investors Don't Make Money

Is putting your money in the stock market a gamble - or an investment? This question has been flip a coindebated by believers and nay-sayers as long as the stock market has been around. As a part of our risk assessment, I typically ask this question of new clients and the responses can be interesting. However, I have a very simple theory as to why the majority of investors don't make money in the stock market. It's just one word - and it may surprise you. Read more...

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(Almost) Famous Recipes of the Month: Game Day Dips
Buffalo Chicken DipCooking for a party (even if it's a party of two) is one of the favorite things we do in our house. Husband Bob (a.k.a. the "BobFather" - but more on that story another time) and I each have our specialties. His badge of honor is to NEVER use a recipe, just whatever ingredients are at hand. In contrast, I prefer to begin with a recipe and continually revise with each remake (plus I always clean up the mess). Not exactly Fred and Ginger, but it works well enough that we favor our cooking adventures to restaurant fare.

Artichoke dipSuper Bowl time is a great excuse for putting together lots of delicious noshes. Even if a party doesn't break out, we have a great time. The two dips we have for you this month are really special. The Buffalo Chicken Dip is much more user-friendly than drippy wings. It comes from my dear daughter-in-law, Carina, who just happened to grow up withing spitting distance of Buffalo, NY. Need I say more? The Artichoke Dip was given to me by a client many years ago and is one of the easiest you'll ever find. (By the way: don't be put off by the name - men LOVE this stuff!)

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Cash Conservation 101  

protecting your dollars from extinction 

This month's Cash Conservation 101 is the first of a series of tips designed to assist our esteemed readers in the pursuit of financial preservation. While we've all been exhorted time and again to save this or that vanishingpenguins on iceberg species, iceberg, or juniper tree, we hear very little about protecting that most elusive of American creatures - the savings account. Each month. we will present ideas to inspire you to save more, spend less, and think hard before flipping that well-used debit or credit card out of  your  billfold.  Read more...

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In Closing...

Did you know that, while cosmetologists are regulated by states, financial planners are not? That's right, just about anybody who wants can market themselves as qualified to give advice on personal financial matters to others for a fee.

In January, David W., a former insurance salesman from Gilbertsville, KY, told me that
for three years he had been looking for someone who didn't' "peddle products". After reading a financial article on MSN about Fee-Only planners, he knew he'd found what he was looking for. He emailed us following his appointment, " I had no idea what to expect as I have always tried to avoid thinking and discussing finances with anyone. I found it easy to discuss with you and was surprised at the dept of the discussion that we had... Thank you for your help. It may not seem to you as if you did much, but your meeting gave me so many things to think about and that was what I really needed."

Sometimes all you need is a different point of view from someone you trust. It shouldn't be that difficult to tell the difference between a Fee-Only planner and a commission-based broker, but it is. Want to know more? Check out the consumer section of NAPFA's website - we're a member firm or contact us to schedule your free investment review and initial consult.
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Johanna Fox Turner has worked in the financial services industry as a CPA for over 30 years and owns two businesses, Johanna Fox, CPA, Inc. and Milestones Financial Planning, LLC. You can learn more by downloading her resume' from the Milestones Financial Planning website.
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Milestones Financial Planning, LLC  

907 Paris Road

Mayfield, KY 42066  


270/247.0555 (phone)

270/247.2080 (fax)  

800/991.2721 (toll-free)


