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  November 2010
Letter from the Executive Director
Debi & Levi

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks.  It is a time in which we reflect upon the gifts that make each of us unique and relationships we have created with others.  When thinking about relationships, it occurred to me that volunteers and dogs are similar in that both have unique abilities that need to be appreciated.  Austin Dog Alliance is an organization run primarily by volunteers.  These volunteers all share the passion for making dogs a part of our lives in a positive way.  Some of our volunteers are very detail oriented, and therefore, they take on the roles which require consistency and attention to detail.  Some of our volunteers are really good on the phone, so they take on the role of coordinating therapy teams or talking with potential adopters.  Some are very creative and help with flyers and brochures.  Some are great at transitioning dogs from the shelter to a home and offer their time to foster.   
With a volunteer base of about 300, in 2010 we have been able to provide the community with over 6,000 hours of pet therapy community service in hospitals, nursing homes, libraries, special events and schools and the successful adoption of over 225 dogs.  We also provided the community with Paws in the Park and will provide another event, Bow Wow Express, on December 19th.  The key to our success has been utilizing the strengths and skills of each of the wonderful volunteers who offer their time.  


Dogs are similar.  (It always goes back to dogs when I'm writing. :))  Some dogs are really, really happy and friendly.  Some are very happy and well behaved in the home, but a bit nervous when out and about.  Some are awesome at agility, but really don't like strange people approaching them.  Some will lay around all day, and others never stop.  The key to working with dogs, just like with volunteers, is to understand their strengths and capitalize on them.    Instead of wanting all dogs to fit a certain mold, it's a lot easier if we learn to appreciate the strengths and learn to manage and/or accept the weaknesses.  If we learn to vary our training approach based on the dog, and not on what may have worked before with another dog, we end up with a stronger relationship with our furry friend. 

Debi's Pack
Rozi, Max, Levi & Riley


I have a pack of four dogs living in my home.  Two are wonderful therapy dogs.  One is a crazy, enthusiastic ball of energy who may never settle down enough to be a therapy dog.  The biggest is a 100 pound German Shepherd mix aptly named Max, who keeps all the dogs in line at home, but could never succeed in a therapy environment.  By accepting them as who they are, I can enjoy their varied skills and temperaments and incorporate them into my life and work in many ways.  Max is my only dog who never gets to work with kids at the Center, but he sure brings me joy at home, and, his ability to help me with aggressive dogs is absolutely priceless.     


So as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I hope you will join me in giving thanks for all the people and dogs in our lives who provide us with a rich kaleidoscope of experiences by each bringing their own unique set of gifts to each situation. 


Thank you to all our volunteers, adopters, students, K9 Kids Club participants, board members, pet therapy dogs (and cat), and supporters who each share something of themselves with Austin Dog Alliance.  Your contributions, big and small, of time and or money, make a difference in the lives of families in our community.


signature block 
Debi Krakar, CPDT
Executive Director, Austin Dog Alliance

Note:  Keep up to date with all the latest happenings on our Facebook page.  To see current pictures on our Facebook page follow the link.  We are expanding our hours at the Training Center so you have more opportunities to stock up on holiday gifts.  We also have gift cards.  Stop by and say 'Hello'.

Bow Wow Express - Holiday Festival 

December 19th at Milburn Park in Cedar Park 

Bow Wow Express - Holiday Festival
Family and Dog Friendly Event
Sunday, December 19th from 1 - 4
Milburn Park, Cedar Park
Train Rides - Dogs welcome to ride too!Bow Wow Express Logo
Carnival Games with prizes
Ornament, Snowflake and Bow Making
Hot Chocolate Bar - Complete with whipped cream & sprinkles
Dog Biscuit Decorating
Holiday Cookie Decorating
Holiday Market - Gifts for Dogs
Story time with Bow Wow Reading Dogs - The Polar Express
Family Photos with Santa*

A $20 donation per family is suggested, but not required.

To sponsor the event or to participate with a vendor booth, please contact us at or call the Training Center at 335-7100. 

*  Fee for Photos
Upcoming Training Classes -- November & December

Rozi in BluebonnetsPuppy Manners I (ages 7 weeks - 14 weeks) and Dog Manners I & II (14 weeks and older) classes are held on a regular basis during the day (Wednesday mornings), evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.  Please check our website for availability and registration. 

Class is offered Wednesday evenings, starting December 1.  This is a two week class.  

All of our training classes meet inside at 12129 RR 620 N in Northwest Austin.  (HWY 183 and RR 620 area) Unless otherwise noted, classes are 6 weeks in length for one hour each class.  Highlights of some of our offerings are listed below.

Pet Therapy Seminar -  Bring your well trained and friendly dog to the seminar for a mini-assessment of your readiness to begin volunteering as a team.  
December 4th at 1:30 PM with Carolyn Honish, CPDT, Delta Society Evaluator and Instructor

Pet Therapy 6 week Class - This class will prepare you for volunteering in a variety of pet therapy environments with your dog. This class is unique in that we are not just going to refine your dog's obedience skills, but we are also going to help you and your dog become a team and feel confident in a variety of challenging situations. Our pet therapy classes are taught by professional dog trainers who are also Delta Society Pet Partner Instructors and Evaluators. 

The last class for 2010 is starting on Saturday morning, November 6th. 

Barking and Growling Dog Class - Does your bark or growl at other dogs while out for a walk. These dogs are often called reactive. Learn what's triggering your dog's response and how to control it. Learn about leadership, getting your dog's attention with distractions and improving your basic skills such as leash walking and stay when out in public.

Class is offered on Sunday afternoons, starting November 14th.   Class size is limited to 4 dogs.  We only have two spots left for this very popular class. 

Secrets of Leash Walking  - Learn how to keep your dog focused on you when passing distractions such as strollers, joggers, bikers, and other families walking their dog. Learn how to master the use of a hands free leash so that you can walk fast or jog to get exercise while walking your dog. Learn which equipment choices make leash walking easier. Discover how to motivate your dog if treats are not enough. 

Private Lessons - If your dog is uncomfortable with groups of other dogs or your schedule just doesn't allow you to consistently attend a 6 week course, give us call.  We can arrange a private lesson at a fee of $75 per hour.  Discounts available for multi-hour packages.   


For more information and to register, please see our website at or call the Training Center at 335-7100.

Puppies, Puppies, Puppies......We have adorable Puppies! 

We have been blessed with two litters of puppies this season.  One litter is from a mama dog that appears to be a Coonhound.  She is about 55 pounds.   Daddy dog must have been a Catahoula, because the pups look very much like Catahoulas.  The other litter has a mama dog that is grey/white/black fluffy coated and about 32 pounds.  She looks a bit like a Terrier mix.  However, her pups are black and white with dots.  As they get older, they are developing a fluffier coat, but they sure don't look like mama dog.  So far, it looks like most of the pups will be small like their mom. 

Both of these litters will be ready to go to forever homes in the next couple of weeks.  They are being raised in homes where they are exposed to other dogs, kids, adults and all the normal sounds and smells of a typical home.  Prior to going home, they will receive their first DHPP and Bordetalla, heartworm and flea preventative, a micro chip, several dewormings, a spay or neuter and a vet exam at Anderson Mill Animal Hospital.  Our adoption fee is $250. 

To get our adopters off to a great start, a Puppy Head Start seminar is being offered on November 17th at 6 PM and 24th at 6:30 PM.  This seminar is now being offered for FREE to the community.  Please RSVP to if you are interested in attending. 

To learn more about our puppies or to apply to adopt, please visit our website

To learn more about fostering puppies or adult dogs, please contact us at

Bow Wow Santa Program - Holiday Donations For Vet Care
Dogs at Christmas
Anderson Mill Animal Clinic will be accepting donations on our behalf for vet care.  There are many times when a dog's vet costs substantially exceed the adoption fee.  Heart worm treatment, demodex,  ear infections, hip issues, pregnancy complications, distemper or severe cases of kennel cough all impact the dog's cost.  Donations to help with vet care of our rescued dogs can be made in person or by calling (512) 258-4163.  While you are visiting the clinic, please be sure to thank them for taking such good care of our dogs.  

K9 Club - Autism/Asperger's Exceeds Expectations 

by Debi Krakar

k9 kids logo
This is my favorite quote from a parent:

"This is the MOST awesome program ever!!!!!!!!    My brain is turning over in excitement of how thankful I am that there is such a thing available for kids. It has impacted my child beyond words can express."

The K9 Club - Autism/Asperger's enrichment program has exceeded our expectations and has proven to be a concept that works.  Our program is based on several ideas.  One is from Temple Grandin that social skills should be taught by engaging the child in social situations using a topic that a child is interested in.  ie - DOGS.  The kids in our program love dogs and everything related to dogs.  This gives us instant credibility and a starting point for relationships between the instructors and students and student to student.  We all love dogs.  Another concept is the magical soothing ability of a dog.  The dog's presence scientifically lowers blood pressure and just seems to engage and calm the children.  We see substantially less fidgeting when the dog is beside the child.  I've been very impressed with how well the kids have learned to train and handle the dogs.  We started the first week with allot of throwing the treats at the dogs or washing hands with three wipes after giving a treat, to now, just calmly giving a treat from their hand and wiping the slobber on their jeans.  :)  We have also seen camaraderie develop between the children.  For children who typically have difficulties making friends, this is a heart warming thing to see. 
We are near the end of our first 8 week after school session.  I'm very thankful to have been given the opportunity to pursue my vision of a program designed to improve social skills for children with high functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome.  These children and their very dedicated parents have inspired and humbled me.  My heartfelt thanks to my co-instructors who have volunteered their time and talents to make this program work.  Special thanks to Carolyn Honish, Meagan Kirchner and Lynne Raymond. 
The next session of K9 Club - Autism/Asperger's will begin on January 11.  An application and interview are required prior to signing up. 

Donations are needed to sustain and expand this program.  Please consider donating today. 

Vote for Paws in the Park
most awesome
Help us win!  Vote in the Austin Pets Directory - favorite pet related business contest any time between now and December 01, 2010.
Thank You!

Austin Dog Alliance
is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, with the mission of making dogs an integral part of our community through the use of positive, science-based training methods and the human-canine bond. This special bond improves the lives of families and benefits the community through hospital and nursing home visits, reading dog programs, and educational programs that enhance the self-esteem of our children.
Austin Dog Alliance is funded by the revenue generated from our training classes and donations by individuals and corporations.  All donations are tax deductible.  Please donate today!
In This Issue
Bow Wow Express
Training Classes Nov/Dec
Bow Wow Santa
K9 Kid - Autism/Asperger's
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Board of Directors
 Executive Director

Romp N Run Ranch

 Pet Therapy and Paws for Alert Director

Trainer/Volunteer Coordinator

Lauren Conrad

Dr. Susan Culp, DVM
Hiway 620
Animal Hospital

Dr. Allen Codding, DVM
Anderson Mill
Animal Clinic

David Manzer
PR Consultant
The Sage Closer

 Leadership Team

Adoption Program Managers

Pet Therapy Volunteer Coordinator

Office Manager