Newsletter - May 2010 
Embracing Hope
May, Green Ribbon of Hope 
In memory of Kristen and in hope for a safe return of our missing children, Child Find Canada encourages all communities to show their support by wearing a green ribbon for the month of May.  The Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign strives to bring public awareness about International Missing Children's Day on May 25th and the Alberta's missing children issue throughout Canada. Proceeds generated by the Green Ribbon Campaign will enable Child Find  to continue their mandate of assisting and educating the general public  about child exploitation and abduction.
In 2008, 56,102 children were reported missing to Canadian law enforcement; of those, 5,943 were reported missing in Alberta.
Have you seen these MISSING CHILDREN?
MISSING - Abby Maryk
Name: Abby Maryk 
Date of birth: Sep 09, 2002
Missing since: Sep 01, 2008
Missing from: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

MISSING - Dylan Koshman
Name: Dylan Koshman
Date of birth: Apr 11, 1987
Missing since: Oct 11, 2008
Missing from: Edmonton, Alberta Canada
MISSING: Dominic Maryk 
Name: Dominic Maryk
Date of birth: Jan 17, 2001
Missing since: Sep 01, 2008
Missing from: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
If you have any information regarding these missing children, please contact your local police office or call 1.800.561.1733
All calls are confidential.
View all missing children at

MISSING - Abby Maryk

During Kristen French's disappearance, Stephanie, one of her  classmates  wrote a poem. To this day, Holy Cross School, led by its principal, Joe Zeroda,  still actively promotes the Green Ribbon of Hope.  The symbol of the green ribbon was gifted to Child Find by the school and the French family.  It is meant, not just as a reminder of Kristen, but of all missing children.

Colour Me Green
Colour me green, God
Colour me all over
I need to be painted green,
Oh so much green,
Paint Kristen's loved ones green,
Paint the world green
Green is hope,
Green with hope and red with love,
Only then will it be alright,
Only then will she come back.
Green of the world,
Green for Kristen.
Lord, grant us the strength
To go on searching for Kristen.
Green for life,
Green for Kristen.
Lord, grant us hope
So that we may carry on,
Green for her parents,
Green for Kristen.
Lord, grant reassurance
To Kristen's parents and friends
Who need and miss her.
Green for Hope
Green for Kristen,
And green for Holy Cross.

 Stephanie, Grade 9, Age 14
Source: Child Find Ontario Head Office


Useful Resources 

The Alberta Prevention of Bullying Helpline gives callers information and strategies on bullying prevention. Trained counsellors are available Toll Free 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling  1.888.456.2323

 Child Abuse Hotline
Child Disability Resource Link
Family Violence Info Line
310.1818 (24/7)
Kids Help Phone
Tips for Tots 
  Tips for Teens
Missing Child Checklist
Preparing your child
Parental Abduction
Preventing Runaways
Stranger Abductions
CFA Volunteer
~Cherie Anderson - CFA Volunteer
 Child Find Alberta would not be able to do what we do without our amazing volunteers, the heart of CFA.
During 2008 and 2009 our dedicated volunteers contributed 5,101 hours of their time assisting with office administration work, poster distribution, educational presentations, fundraising, fingerprinting and special events!
Be a champion for the children of Alberta!
Email us at [email protected]
or call us at


Kristen French - Web resources
Remembering Kristen French
It is hard to believe that it has been 18 years since Kristen French, from St. Catharine's, Ontario, went missing. Tragically Kristen was abducted and subsequently murdered by serial killers Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. Kristen was on her way home from school (Holy Cross Secondary School) when she was approached in the parking lot by Homolka and Bernardo under the pretense of needing directions and lured her into their car. Kristen was held captive for three days, until her captors killed her on April 19, and sadly her body was found on April 30, 1992.

Kristen French was a normal 15 year old who knew the safety rules but still fell victim. Sometimes the unexpected happens when we let our guard down. In Kristen's case, her abuctors did not fit what is commonly believed to be the "profile" of a predador.

It was believed that Kristen stood strong and declined to cooperate with her abductors. On one of the memorials dedicated to Kristine is engraved "Her legacy proves an inspiration." 
While Kristen was missing, students, teachers and friends from Holy Cross Secondary School chose the Green Ribbon of Hope as the symbol for their search. This became a national campaign that continues to this day by Child Find to raise awareness of all missing children.
Please help us remember Kristen French by wearing a Green Ribbon this May, as a symbol of hope for all those who have gone missing.
What is your hope?
Order your green ribbon here!
The Plight of Children: Abduction and Victimization: What Are We Doing Right?

There are many prevention programs throughout Canada that are very successful. Our schools are active in promoting safe schools and communities, and the not-for-profit sector is working diligently to assist parents, educate the public, and partner with law enforcement.
Additionally, children are more aware of how to avoid or stop abduction from occurring. They are educated to scream, kick, grab hold of a pole in a store or other area so that an abductor cannot lure or carry them away, as well as use other actions to avoid being abducted.
Most importantly, parents are spending more quality time educating their children. Encouragingly, a life saving trend appears to be surfacing. Children are talking about, and concentrating on, ways to "stay alive' while enduring horrific circumstances.
The first incident that gave everyone hope was the stranger abduction situation involving a United States child, Elizabeth Smart, age 14 years. She lived with her abductors for nine months before she was found by police and returned home safely.
As well, parents and educators are helping children internalize the importance of using their instincts to keep them safe in abduction circumstances. In recent years, two Canadian children opened the trunk of their abductors car from the inside, and while still inside, drew the attention of a passer-by who helped them safely exit the car. In other incidents, an abducted child stayed alive for a week after being confined in a trailer in the woods against her/his will, while another  child was released by the predator after several days missing from home.
Although there is no solid evidence to back up this observation at the current time, beyond isolated examples, I have noticed the change in children's attitude ...and that is "to stay alive" no matter what the circumstances.
With regard to law enforcement positive changes in the search and recovery process, the Amber Alert program is in place throughout Canada and the United States. In Canada, 2002 to 2009, 37 Amber Alerts were activated. Of the 43 missing children involved, but prior to 2009, three children were found deceased. The Amber Alert, a broadcasting tool, is activated when a child is missing, providing certain criteria are met. The criteria must include, among others, having a description of some thing or an individual to look for following abduction.
As well, most police agencies realize an abducted child can be murdered within hours of capture. Consequently, many police agencies have developed extensive "Investigative Response Plans" so they can search for a missing child quickly and expediently.
In conclusion, strong communities help build strong nations. So I leave with you this challenge, "Be a voice for the children and youth of your community".
Article written for Child Find Alberta by Marlene L. Dalley, PhD., National Missing Children Services, RCMP.


What's coming up? International Children's Festival 

The Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign highlights  Missing Children's Day on May 25th. This year, Child Find Alberta will be celebrating at The Calgary International Children's Festival which runs from May 25 to 29. Festival performances take place in and around the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts in the heart of downtown Calgary.

This fun-filled afternoon will include live entertainment, performances, games, and more. The Calgary International Children's Festival is a dynamic performing arts festival that presents critically acclaimed professional theatre, music and dance for young audiences. Since its inception in 1987, the Festival has grown to become an international leader in arts presentation with productions tailored from the very young to 16 years of age.
Child Find Alberta will be at the Children's Festival on May 29th from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of Child Find Alberta's FREE child fingerprinting service at the All About Me I.D. clinic on site. The All About Me I.D. Booklet includes a recent photograph, relevant information about the child and a set of ink fingerprints. The main purpose of this program is to supply parents with standardized child identification, a valuable resource in case of an unfortunate case of a missing child; as well as impresses upon the need for parents to maintain up-to-date records of their children. 

Child Find Alberta continues to work with  the Ministry of Children and Youth Sevices. The Ministry has created and operates two great sites aimed at protecting children. We enourage you and your children to visit these sites.  is a hard-hitting site for teens that includes information on predator tactics, real life stories and tips on how teens can stay safe. is an interactive site for 5 to 10 year olds. The site teaches kids critical Internet safety skills through games. A cast of animal friends teach kids the importance of protecting personal information and that people may not always be who they say they are. A section for adults provides additional tips on how to keep kids safe.

We are thankful 

Moms, Dads & Kids_CANASA Edmonton
Child Find Alberta would like to thank CANASA Edmonton and Moms, Dads & Kids for selecting Child Find Alberta as their charity of chioce for 2010. Their generosity and support allows us to continue to serve communities throughout Alberta.


What's your hope?
It is not a small challenge Child Find Alberta is facing.  The Toronto Sun reported last month that a 27-year-old Calgary man appeared in court after being charged with 26 counts of luring and child pornography.  Alberta's ICE (Integrated Child Exploitation) unit alleges he pursued six girls between 12 and 17 through a popular website.  
Earlier last month, a 37-year-old Edmonton man was sentenced to 11 years in prison for videotaping the sexual abuse of six children, including his own two daughters. 
Craig Krieger, one of eight prosecutors working between Edmonton and Calgary, suggests parents educate their kids about this "real-life risk," including why they should never send revealing digital images of themselves to anyone.  The prosecutor  said that at any given time in Alberta, there are 10-20 adults before the courts charged with online luring for enticing a child to either pose nude in front of a webcam or meet for sex.  An additional 70-80 are before the courts at any given time for possessing or manufacturing child porn.
These are just a few examples of child exploitation and abuse in Alberta.  Child Find Alberta is a registered charity that relies on the generosity of individuals like you to continue to offer our programming and services free of charge.  Please give generously today and allow us  to continue our work  to combat those that prey on our children.  With your financial support we can strive to keep every child safe from harm. 


"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." Nelson Mandela
We want to thank all our supporters on this 19th Annual Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign.
�Max Pasley Enterprises Ltd.
�Marlborough Mall
Marlborough Mall
�Westburne Electric

Westburne Electric
�Centre Village Mall
Centre Village Mall
�CANASA Edmonton
CANASA Edmonton
�Moms Dads & Kids 
Moms, Dads & Kids
� Telsco Security Systems
Telsco Security Systems 
� 90.3 AMP Radio
90.3 AMP Radio 
� Calaway Park
Calaway Park
� StarBright for Kids
If you or your business would like to support The Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign or Child Find Alberta, please contact us at 403.538.7390 or email us at
[email protected]
We welcome our new volunteers ... the heart of Child Find Alberta. 
We welcome our new volunteers from Chestemere Alberta. Child Find Alberta partners with Parent Link across the province of Alberta to provide parents and children with useful resources. CFA trains volunteers, who are police screened, to provide our All About Me I.D. Program to the community.
Jeannette Mackay - Coordinator of Parent Link Chestermere shares with us about our relationship ... "On May 4th and May 10th Kidz 1st Network Parent Link Centres in Chestermere and Strathmore, in partnership with Child Find Alberta, held fingerprinting training sessions for staff and volunteers.  We are very excited about our partnership with Child Find Alberta and hope to meet many families at Child I.D. clinics throughout the year in Chestermere, Strathmore and towns within S.E. Rockyview and Wheatland County.
Parent Link Centres across Alberta are community planned and community based.  Parent Link Centres offer a comprehensive range of high-quality programs that meet the diverse needs of families and communities, under four core service areas: Parent Education, Early Childhood Development, Family Support and Information and Referral (including Developmental Screening).

Parent Link Centres provide high-quality, comprehensive, accessible, community-based programs that comply with province-wide standards of excellence and respond to the changing needs of parents and families.  In fulfilling this mandate, the centres promote family wellness and positive parent-child relationships, improve parenting knowledge and skills, foster optimal child development, and ensure that children get a healthy start in life.  For more information on services in your area visit "
Photo by Vicky Cairney - Starting from the left, back row: Sue Tolley, Jeanette MacKay, Karen Jonah, Amalia Zarokostas, Yvonne Brittner, Stacy Bodner, Jennifer Bartz-Viger. Front Row (from the left): Tanya Galey, Rachel Haberstock-Kaechle, Jen MacKay and Angela Lackey. 

What's new?
19th Annual Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign
Please help us remember Kristen French and all our missing children by wearing a Green Ribbon this May, as a symbol of hope for all those who have gone missing.

Order your green ribbon here!

NEW!! To re-enforce our programs, we are launching our All About Me I.D. Document which can be completed online for your records only

See all our Events 
 See all our FREE events here!
In efforts to expand our resources to Albertans, we have started our Social Media Program through Facebook, Twitter and our montly E-newsletter.
 Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
Are your kids Bored?
Little Black Book for Busy Families
Moms, Check out and you can find ways to loose your "Boring Mom" status, start planning for the holidays and take the pain out of planning family outings for the summer. Visit to be one of the first to get your hands on the 2nd edition of The 'Little Black Book' for busy families..™
Just $7.00 Plus shipping.
Hot off the Press, but hurry!
This price will end when the printer delivers the books May 30th.  
Or call 780.945.7400 and order your copy Today.

Boys and Girls Club
For over 70 years, Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary have carried on a tradition of helping young people to discover, develop and achieve their full potential as adults, citizens and leaders, by engaging them in activities that challenge and enrich their minds, bodies and spirits and nurture their self-esteem. Our safe, caring club environments have enabled so many young Calgarians to play, learn and develop valuable skills for life.
Don't miss out on the amazing fun we are going to have this summer! Summer day camps will run July 5th until August 20th, from 9:00am to 3:30pm daily for children ages 6 to 12. Each week will have a variety of games, crafts and activities related to the theme of the week! The cost of summer day camps is $65/week (members) and $130/week (non-members) for 5-day weeks and $55/$110 respectively for 4-day weeks.
Please call 403.276.9981, or visit your local Club for more information.

Thank you for your wonderful support, people like you make our mandate possible ... to keep every child safe from harm!

The Child Find Alberta Team