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Fire on the Altar
   An awesome opportunity
   to lay it all down, and with
   no agendas, to worship the
   Lord for Who He is!
Fri. 7:00 PM - Sun. 9:00 PM
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Dusty Kemp


Ridiculous and complicated teachings are not new to modern Christianity. They have been around since mankind started thinking
apart from God. These godless thoughts are called "vain imaginations". Thinking is good. Sitting around and inventing new doctrines is bad. I have always thought there wouldn't be much time for this foolishness if the basic commands of Jesus weren't being neglected. I'm referring to loving our neighbors, feeding the poor, helping the hurting, visiting the sick, witnessing to the lost, getting a job, etc.

Mary and I were discussing a complicated and strange doctrine with a friend of ours via email recently. She is a precious lady, who is wise and has seen much over the years. Her response touched my heart so much, that I wanted to share it with you...

"I believe that time is too short to debate, argue, point fingers and try to figure things out, particularly God, as some are inclined to do.  I know I simply, (that is the key word, simply,) love Jesus with my whole heart.  I want to understand what He desires me to understand.  I have found that rather than be so questioning of Him, again, I simply wait on Him to show, explain, and illuminate the secrets, the mysteries, and the deeper things of Himself. God is complex, supernatural, awesome, all-knowing, and all powerful, and yet I find Him and the gospel of His peace and His love, very simple and clear.  The more I try to make Him complicated, I wind up confused, discouraged and insufficient in really knowing and understanding Him. If I just allow myself to fall in love with the person of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit reveals the depth of His love for me, and His eagerness for me to simply love and abide in Him. 


I'm quite satisfied, comfortable, and fulfilled with this relationship and explanation of who He is to me and in me. I find that His anointing and authority in us is proportionate to the love in our hearts for Him and others and our obedience to His commands. I would rather spend all of my time with Him, rather than creating and understanding big-worded formulas that would purport to define Him for me.  If we simply seek Him, we will find Him. I believe that I have...although, daily, He reveals more of Himself to me."


Wasn't that great? I couldn't have said it better, or as good. Knowing the Lord is supposed to be simple and pure. Keep your life that way and you will be okay. I leave you today with Paul's encouragement to the Corinthians...


But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.  (II Corinthians 11:3)

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10800 Hammerly Blvd. Houston, TX 77043