October 2009
PID Analyzers, LLC Newsletter
Superior stand-alone detector technology to portable GC's and beyond
In This Issue
Which Total VOC Analyzer is right for you?
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In this October News Edition we are enjoying the Fall Foliage that has really blossomed in the last week.  We even had snow here in Massachusetts last Sunday during the Patriots football game in Foxborough; it's really a bit too early for snow even for us New Englanders!
Our R&D team has been busy organizing work teams for the upcoming PITTCON research projects since our recent acceptance notifications were received. Exciting things are happening in the field of Nanotechnology research; for more information read our Abstract below entitled: Hydrogen-sorption on Graphite, Graphite Nanofibers, and Palladium surfaces.
Attention Global Spec subscribers: we're adding Product Announcements and Technical Articles weekly. 
Our post-sales service and support contact information is listed at the end of this email. Make sure to email me to receive a discount on the service of your 101 or 102 PID. 
We are currently signing Domestic and Foreign Distributors. We are seeking manufacturers reps for our portable & continuous analyzer product line in the following areas: USA 1. The Carolinas 2. Chicago area 3. S. NJ and E. PA  INTERNATIONAL 1. Japan 2. Thailand. The products include continuous VOC analyzers, process gas chromatographs, oxygen analyzers (low ppm to 100%), hydrogen analyzers. Contact Dr. Jack Driscoll at sales@hnu.com with credentials. We will continue to notify you by email as we sign add new Distributors and Representatives to our team that handle your area.

We've begun our foray into social media networking: "PID Analyzers for air, water and process monitoring" is on Facebook.  
If you are on Facebook, please become a fan.
You can utilize the social media networking links in this email to share this newsletter with friends or colleagues who might be interested in working with us as a customer, vendor, re-seller or distributor.
Which Total VOC Analyzer is right for you?
Comparison of our 201B vs 112 for VOC's

Auto calibration (24 hr)
Remote Cal via contact closure
Outputs RS232, optional: 4-20 mA, RS485, MODBUS,
Diagnostics include lamp out, low cal, overrange,
Flow sensor Optional
4-20 mA out 1 or 2 per meter
Pump Dual head
Sensors 1, 2 up to 4
Max concentration �  6,000 ppm
Setpoints >2 
Manual calibration only
4-20 mA (option), RS232 201 has multiple outputs
Diagnostics are limited  
Flow sensor is not available  
1 Sensor
Single head pump
Maximum concentration is 3,000 ppm
Setpoints 1 max

Email jen@pid.bz for a quote.

PITTCON 2010 Preview 
Hydrogen-sorption on Graphite, Graphite Nanofibers, and Palladium surfaces
PID Analyzers - Jack Driscoll
Suffolk University - Ben Anacleto, Francesca Little, Walter Johnson, Jiwoon Kim, Pol Perov, Prashant Sharma, Nat Steinstultz
We study the hydrogenation of graphite, graphite nanofibers and Palladium nanoparticles and thin films using scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Earlier theoretical [1] and X-ray absorption [2] studies have established the presence of both physisorption and chemisorption in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Our aim is to study chemisorption of hydrogen on carbon nanotubes and graphite under ambient conditions using the STM. We intend to compare our results of hydrogenation of Palladium with previous STM studies [3,4] to better understand Pd-H charge transfer interaction in nanoparticles.
Our preliminary studies of Pd films deposited on Si substrates have indicated that exposure to H2 resulted in increase of the Pd film thickness, and annealing the film in air or in vacuum reversed the thickness changes.  However, even prior to the exposure of the Pd film to H2, the film thickness as measured in air by a spectroscopic ellipsometer was always large than the original thickness defined during the deposition process. This could be caused by the adsorption of hydrogen or water vapors on the Pd film and by surface reactions.
These metal-hydrogen systems are interesting both from a theoretical point of view and for their utility in  sensor technology, and hydrogen storage technology [4].   
[1] S. Park, D. Srivastava, and K. J. Cho, Nano Lett.3, 1273(2003).
[2] A. Nikitin, H. Ogasawara, D. Mann, R. Denecke, Z. Zhang, H. Dai, K. Cho, and A. Nilsson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 22550 (2005)
[3] Mitsui T, Rose M. K., Fomin E., OgletreeD. F., Salmeron M., Surf. Sc. 540, 5 (2003).
[4] Pundt, A., and Kirchheim, R., Ann. Rev. Mat. Res. 36(1), 555 (2006).
Interested in learning more about this research which will be presented at PITTCON 2010, email Dr. Jack Driscoll at sales@hnu.com If you plan to be at PITTCON 2010 in Orlando, FL February 28 through March 5 make sure to let me know so we can plan to meet with you at our booth jen@pid.bz.
Post Sales Service & Support 
PID Analyzers, LLC, provides service as well as customer support for hnu, hnu systems, Process Analyzers and PID Analyzers' instruments. If you have service questions, need to calibrate your PIDs, GCs, or get annual maintenance and service contracts or if you've just inherited an HNU you may contact Christine via E-mail christine@hnu.com or via telephone 781-709-2131 x202. USA & Canada call 800-724-5600 X202.
 I thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.
We're trying to track down our users. If you've got an old HNU, we've got a TRADE-IN program for you! Email me to take advantage of these excellent offers.
We're still honoring the monthly postcard mailings from 2009; so if it's time to service and you've got one my cute postcards handy, tell Christine when you call in/email in your Return Authorizations. 
Let us know who you are so we can send you email coupons for service and monthly discounts on consummable parts. Email me today jen@pid.bz  
I thank you for taking the time to read my E-Newlsetter today and hope that I provided some useful information. Please be sure to click "Confirm" at the top of this Email if you would like to continue receiving my Monthly E-Newsletter. 
 If you have any questions, comments or customer service related issues you can contact me via email mailto:jen@pid.bz or via telephone at 781-709-2138 or toll free at 800-724-5600.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jennifer Maclachlan, Manager PID Analyzers, LLC