In this July News Edition we'd like to say that we're having a long and hot summer here in the Northeast but unfortunately it's been unseasonably cold and rainy and we've got seven days of rain and scattered thunderstorms forcasted; so no swimming, kayaking, tennis or golf this week. Oh well, we've still got August, right? And some spectacular July savings on our Model 102 and 102+ analyzers. If you click on the "Recent E-Newsletter Archives" in the Quick Links section of this Newsletter you'll find a coupon for 10% off your order of a Model 102 or 102+ in the "Update Your PID" emailer.
Attention Global Spec subscribers: Check out our NEW banner advertisement in the Gas and Air Instruments section.
Our post-sales service and support contact information is listed at the end of this email. Make sure to email me to receive a discount on the service of your 101 or 102 PID.
We are currently signing Domestic and Foreign Distributors. We are seeking manufacturers reps for our portable & continuous analyzer product line in the following areas: USA 1. Eastern Pennsylvania & S. New Jersey area 2. Chicago area INTERNATIONAL 1. Taiwan. The products include continuous VOC analyzers, process gas chromatographs, oxygen analyzers (low ppm to 100%), hydrogen analyzers. Contact Dr. Jack Driscoll at sales@hnu.com.
We began sending out notification emails last month letting you know who your local PID rep is. We will continue to do this as we add new Distributors and Representatives to our team. |
The most versatile multichannel analyzer available
is our Model DL102 Snap-On Photonionizer - SPECIAL OFFER FOR MODEL 102 & 102+ -For the month of July only, trade in your old model pid (any brand will do) and we will give you a credit of $300 toward the purchase of a new Model 102 or 102+. The model 102 is digital version of the 101 with many improvements. It is a PID only analyzer like the 101.
The 102+ is a multichnnel PID with optional (low cost) ppb VOC option. It can also have 1-3 additional channels with optional IR, CG, TCD or selection of up to 30 different electrochemical sensors. |
A Versatile PID with Multiple Snap On Heads
by Dr. Jack Driscoll
The industrial hygienist is called upon whenever there is a problem that affects human health. In some cases, there is little time to react, just grab the gear and go. PID's 102+ with Snap on Heads are perfect for this application since all sensors can be calibrated with a simple 2 point calibration, the logging function is the same and a wide variety of heads and sensors are available for a multitude of applications.. The approach for the multiple heads comes from our Model 101 () where we used multiple probes to optimize the light sources for each lamp. This new approach employs a compact multisensory head to replace the probes. The process of photoionization occurs when a photon of sufficient energy is absorbed by a molecule and results in the formation of an electron plus an ion :
R+ + hv = R+ + e-
R = an ionizable species
hv = a photon with sufficient energy to ionize species R
The ion current is proportional to the concentration. A PID consists of an ion chamber, a UV lamp (9.5, 10.6 or 11.7), high voltage sources for the accelerating electrode and lamp, an amplifier and a digital display. The simplest and most common head is, of course, the 10.6 PID Head. There are three types of PID heads (9.5, 10.6 and 11.7 eV). Each of these are interchangeable and can be easily snapped into place. The readout unit when snapped in will display the appropriate PID head and library of response factors for that head. The Analyzer can be calibrated on any gas in the library and the Respond As feature will correct for the direct response for any other gas in the library. The calibration data is stored in memory.
The most common head is the 10.6 eV. It has the longest lifetime (5,000-6,000 hours). The 11.7 was described in a previous paper (email jen@pid.bz for a copy; put "11.7 paper" in subject line). The 10.6 has the highest sensitivity and is 20 times more sensitive than the 9.5 or 11.7 In addition, with the 102+, 1- 3 additional sensors can be accommodated in the same head. Another option is to have a separate confined space head (CG or IR, H2S, O2, CO) head which can be snapped into place. Other options are also available. Other heads can have an infrared (IR), combustible gas (CG) , thermal conductivity (TCD) sensor, a mixture of the previous sensors with one to three electrochemical (EC) sensors, or 1-3 EC sensors. Each head can be setup differently and snapped into a single readout module. Some applications for the different PID heads can be seen in Table I where the 9.5 head is useful for easily ionized species such as amines, aromatics, the 11.7 is useful for low molecular (tightly bonded) species formaldehyde,acrylonitrile, methanol, and chloroalkanes that cannot be detected with the 10.6 lamp. The 10.6 is the most sensitive general purpose lamp.
Table I Response for Various Lamps Lamp eV Response 9.5 Styrene, mercaptans, amines 10.6 Alkanes > C4, alkenes, aromatics,hydrides ( H2S, NH3, PH3, AsH3) 11.7 Alkanes (except CH4), aromatics, alkenes,, chloroalkanes, CAN, acrylonitrile, formaldehyde Other Sensors Dual beam miniature IR detectors for CH4 (% LEL to 100%) and CO2 (ppm to 100%) CG library TCD library H2 EC sensors Signals from electrochemical sensors result from oxidation or reduction reactions some of which are shown below: The signal can be positive or negative with respect to ground and the output can be voltage or current. We have designed a device that can amplify low level voltage or current signals which are then processed by a bipolar 16 bit ADC and fast mictroprocessor (50 MIPS).
With these flexible electronics and software, it is easy for customers to interchange sensors without worrying about a limited (range = 64,000:1) range or polarity of the various sensors. In conclusion, the Model 102+ is the most versatile multichannel analyzer available.
For more information including pricing, email jen@pid.bz Please put "A Versatile PID" in the subject line.
Post Sales Service & Support
PID Analyzers, LLC, provides service as well as customer support for hnu, hnu systems, Process Analyzers and PID Analyzers' instruments. If you have service questions, need to calibrate your PIDs, GCs, or get annual maintenance and service contracts or if you've just inherited an HNU you may contact Christine via E-mail christine@hnu.com or via telephone 781-709-2131 x202. USA & Canada call 800-724-5600 X202.
I thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.
We're trying to track down our users. If you've got an old HNU, let us know so we can send you email coupons for service and monthly discounts on consummable parts. Email me today jen@pid.bz
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I thank you for taking the time to read my E-Newlsetter today and hope that I provided some useful information. Please be sure to click "Confirm" at the top of this Email if you would like to continue receiving my Monthly E-Newsletter.
If you have any questions, comments or customer service related issues you can contact me via email mailto:jen@pid.bz or via telephone at 781-709-2131 or toll free at 800-724-5600.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, |
Jennifer Maclachlan, Manager
PID Analyzers, LLC