May 2009
PID Analyzers, LLC Newsletter
From the makers of HNU, the original photoionizer
In This Issue
Homeland Security Applications
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In this May News Edition I've included a Preview of our participation in the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHCE) in Toronto, Canada May 31 through June 3, 2009. Toronto is such a beautiful city and we are delighted to attend.
The question we are always asked at trade shows is "What's NEW with HNU"? Our answer at AIHCE will be The Truly Portable GC (anyone who owns or did own an HNU 311 will appreciate this), a portable FID and for those of you still using the HNU 101 series photoionizers: the 102+ ppb PID with additional sensor capability and interchangeable 10.6 and 11.7 heads.  
Jack is presenting a PODIUM SESSION at AIHCE entitled Modification of OSHA Methods for Field Portable GCs  (Abstract is below).
Our post-sales service and support contact information is listed at the end of this email. Make sure to email me to receive a discount on the service of your 101 or 102 PID. 
 We are currently signing Domestic and Foreign Distributors. Contact me to discuss opportunities in your territory.
  Modification of OSHA Methods
 for Field Portable GCs
To Be Presented at the AIHCE 2009 
Control/Tracking Number: 09-PO-985-AIHA
Activity: AIHce Podium Field Detection and Analysis.
Date/Time: PO 133 
  Session scheduled for Wednesday, June 3 at 1:00 p.m. to 4:20 p.m
Author : J. Driscoll, PID Analyzers, LLC, Pembroke, MA.
OSHA has developed hundreds of GC methods for analyzing organic compounds in the workplace as part of the standards process. These methods were developed to provide a analytical methods for samples collected on adsorbent tubes in the workplace. Typical sample volumes collected range from 250 ml (at the ceiling value) to 12 liters (below the PEL) of sample collected on the adsorbent tubes. Once the sample (250 ml) is diluted, it is equivalent to injecting a 1 cc sample at approximately 5x the PEL. For area monitoring, we would like to have a detection limit that is 1/20th of the PEL. If these detectors were used in a Portable GC in the field, analysts would have difficulty detecting 1/2 the PEL for those compounds with low PELs. In other words, many of these methods would be "sensitivity challenged" because of the use of the flame ionization detector (FID). These OSHA GC methods can still be used but it clear that a more sensitive method (a concentrator for the FID, or capillary columns to improve the sensitivity > 10 times) is needed in order to obtain the required sensitivity. Another option is the use of a photoionization detector that has 50-100 times more sensitivity than an FID.
Another difficulty that occurs at low ppm or ppb levels with polar species is adsorption or reactivity on/with surfaces of the sampling system and lines. This results in serious problems with reproducibility and accuracy. Examples include amines, phenols, organic & inorganic acids, pesticides �
We will evaluate a number of methods for amines, sulfur compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons and diphenyl oxide. We will compare these results of the FID/NPD detectors with the photoionization detector (PID). This should provide an alternate method that has more sensitivity (.50x) and/or selectivity and does not require support gases.
Topic (Complete):  Field Detection (Gas and Vapor Detection) ;  Air Sampling Instrument Performance ;  Environmental Keyword (Complete):  field portable gc ; modification of OSHA methods ; PID 

Email to obtain a copy of this presentation. 
Model 312 ppb GC for fast & accurate field results 
 Applications include leak detection, monitoring indoor air quality,
 homeland security, area monitoring, fenceline monitoring.
Click on the QUICK LINK on the left hand margin of this E-Newsletter for more information.
Email for more information

Post Sales Service & Support 
PID Analyzers, LLC, provides service as well as customer support for hnu, hnu systems, Process Analyzers and PID Analyzers' instruments. If you have service questions, need to calibrate your PIDs, GCs, or get annual maintenance and service contracts or if you've just inherited an HNU you may contact Christine via E-mail or via telephone 781-709-2131 x202. USA & Canada call 800-724-5600 X202.
I thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.
Watch your "Snail-Mail" box for our 
May Flowers Service Special;
 it's got a red tulips on it
 If you want to be on the list for next month send me an email put "Service Snail Mail" in the subject line. If you prefer the green version (by email) please specify!
Portable FID
A new portable FID is now available. The Model 115 is an FID based Analyzer for measuring total hydrocarbons including methane to 50,000 ppm. It has enhanced features such as a faster response time and datalogging .
Email for a datasheet or a quote.  
The ppb PID 
Snap on Heads are available only from PID. The readout unit recognizes the head type and calibration factors when the heads are interchanged. 
ppb range for PID, capable of adding 1-3 optional sensors such as 30+ EC sensors, IR (4) or TCD or Combustible Gas (CG).
 Our 11.7 lamp is the only stable one available as a result of our development of the first 11.7 eV lamp nearly 30 years ago. Our 10.2/10.6 eV lamps remain the best in the business since we developed them over 30 years ago.
Headspace Software : The accuracy of VOC measurements in soil and water is greatly improved with the built in software method.
Email  for a quote

I thank you for taking the time to read my E-Newlsetter today and hope that I provided some useful information. Please be sure to click "Confirm" at the top of this Email if you would like to continue receiving my Monthly E-Newsletter. 
If you have any questions, comments or customer service related issues you can contact me via email or via telephone at 781-709-2131 or toll free at 800-724-5600.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jennifer Maclachlan, Manager 

PID Analyzers, LLC