New Venue, New Possibilities
Men listening attentively to a talk during the 14th In The Father's Footsteps Conference at the Embassy Suites Conference Center.  | First, a recap: 740 men attended the 14th annual Catholic Men's Conference at the new Embassy Suites Conference Center in Norman. Your response was overwhelming and confirmed that we had upgraded
to a truly world class facility. Feedback from the conference surveys indicated
that attendees loved the speakers, the facilities and the
overall events of the day. Of course, we always gain insight into ways we can improve our operations - and those
improvements are already reflected in our 2011 plans.
Moving In The Father's Footsteps to the Embassy Suites was a necessary but risky decision. We outgrew the facility at McGuinness and knew that any professional conference center would involve significantly greater costs as these venues obligate turnkey services. The choice of the Embassy Suites reflects the quality of the property, the high degree of professionalism demonstrated by the staff, the flexibility of the layout and service options and the excellent reputation of the venue's operators.
Developing A New Model for Conference Funding
An exterior view of the Embassy Suites Conference Center and Hotel in Norman, OK  | The Oklahoma Fellowship's Executive Committee viewed the venue change as a one year, "prove it or else" decision
and invested reserve funds accumulated from
prior conferences to underwrite the 2010 event rather than risk price increases two years in a row as the new budget model took shape. Our self-assessment and the
feedback you provided tell us we "proved" it: we will stay at the Embassy Suites and work to grow our attendance base. The move required spending more reserve funds than
originally anticipated and we will look to new funding resources moving forward.
For 2010, we received a portion of funding through underwriting and
in-kind donations and plan to grow that type of support in the
future. We
make every effort to offer the best possible conference experience at a
value price. In a day when other events or entertainment costs are
high, we want this event to be fairly priced while delivering maximum
benefit to attendees.
Fr. Larry Richards, one of five outstanding speakers confirmed for the 2011 conference.  |
2011 Conference Preview
15th annual In The Father's Footsteps is Saturday, March
12th at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in
Efforts are being made to enhance content for young men with
an expanded and focused program
Conference speakers are aligned
to the theme..."The Way of the Cross" Breakouts and round table discussions are redesigned to meet your needs
and desires
2011 Conference Fees
As part of the new conference funding model explained above, we will be
increasing the conference registrations fees as follows:
- Early Bird Registration: $55
- Regular Men's Registration: $65
- Young Men's Registration: $29
After much prayer and research, we feel this pricing allows us
to continue to provide a quality conference day experience. This is the first registration fee increase in many
years. As always, we will waive or reduce the conference fee without question
to benefit those for whom cost is a barrier to entry.