What will YOU accomplish in 2010?
(And HOW will you do it?)


This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Not just because I get to relax, have fun, be with my family and, of course, go skiing. No, I especially love it because I really need the downtime to wipe the slate clean, strategize and PLAN for the new year.

So this month's I'm giving away three of my favorite planning/eye-opening/life-changing tools to help you plan for next year. Scroll down to "Free Tools & Resources."

Here's a rundown of what else is going on:

Free Tools & Resources
* You: The (Online) Brand Slideshow & Download
* Calculate The Value Of Your Hour
* Write A Personal Mission Statement

YOU: The (Online) Brand Slideshow & Download

Here's the slideshow from our most popular workshop ever, which we've just retired and are turning into an info-product! It's not the same as seeing it in person, hearing the audio or reading the upcoming eBook, but it's something to get you started (plus it's free).

You The Online Brand Title slide

Slideshow & Download.
The REAL Value of Your TIME Calculator

  This little application is a great way to figure out what each hour of your time is really worth - taking into account how many vacation days/year you want, how many hours/day you want to work, and even how PRODUCTIVE you are! Click the image to download.

Value of An Hour Calculator

(Excel file)
Write A Personal Mission Statement Worksheet & Guide

Writing a Mission Statement will give you direction, focus and clarity. It was life-changing for me, and for many of my clients. Give it a shot! I recommend setting aside about 2 hours to work on this before you set your New Year's Resolutions.

Write A Personal Mission Statement Title

Online Slideshow & Download


December & January

Get Ready for 2010
Strategic Planning POW-WOWs
December 17th, 18th & 21st

We figured most of you would probably be "working" that last week before the holidays... but not really working working, you know? So we planned these fun, intimate, hands-on, round-table, 10-person workshops so you can be productive on those "lost days" before the holidays. Hosted by Anex Office on South Beach.

You can attend one, some, or ALL sessions... there is special pricing for packages.

Session I:
New Year, New You: 2010 Strategic Planning Session

Thursday December 17th: 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Sign up here

Session II:
Pricing For Profit: Develop Your Pricing Strategy for 2010
Friday, December 18th, 9 am to 12:30 pm

Sign up here

Session III:
Create A Low-Cost, No-Frills, Do-It-Yourself Marketing Plan for 2010

Monday, December 21st 9 am to 12:30 pm

Sign up here

Hosted By:

Anex Office Logo

Virtual office solutions & rentals for small businesses who dream & act big!

1000 5th St Ste 200
Miami Beach, FL 33139

If They Don't LOVE It... It's Just SPAM
Denver, Colorado, January 14th, 2010
It's Just Spam Invite Colorado

Get Connected 2010!
January 29th - 31st 2010
I will be a featured speaker in this event below, alongside one of my heroes, Dr. Ivan Misner (founder of BNI!) The weekend-long conference is all about how to build your business through networking.

My topic: "Stop Drowning in Business Cards! How to Input, Organize, Maintain & Follow Up With The Contacts Who Matter To Your Business."

Get Connected!

Join my network & get free resources every month