Networking Rocks! is almost here. Are you coming? If you are and haven't registered yet, please do so here: It's this Wednesday morning, October 28th.

If not, why not? Fact is, if you're networking at all, you can't afford not to go. Listen to this:

After a 10-minute preview of the content that I gave at the Femfessionals luncheon on Friday, one woman said the activity "gave me an epiphany about my business." And that was just the 10-minute preview version.

This is not your usual boring lecture... this workshop is guaranteed to give you actionable tactics and switch on lightbulbs about how you can start turning more business cards into business. (FYI - we performance guarantee everything we do.)

Details & registration at

Hope to see you there!

Michelle Villalobos

Michelle Villalobos Headshot With Sharpies
join my network...
Questions about this event?
Contact Jessica Lurie: or (888) 531-3830.

Want me to answer any marketing or social media questions? Post them on my blog:

Twitter Birdie