Living Faith Loving God     Age-appropriate
     Quality Content

Issue #21                                                                             May 2009
In This Issue
A Word from Karyn...
Active Learning Series...
Karyn's Child-Sensitive Teaching...
Speaking & Exhibitor Events...
Discussion Group & Blog...
Age-appropriate - Quality Content - Teacher-friendlyTopofNewsletter
Quality curriculum can be economical

Hi good friend!CST New 2009 tilt

Our office has been getting lots of requests for information about our curricula lately.  So I thought I'd give some background on my philosophy, some how's and why's behind the writing.

I began teaching Sunday school when I was fourteen, so
btk-2I've spent a lot of time in the classroom.  I was raised studying the Bible and continue to read it and ponder God's teachings, and because of my classroom experience, I've always tried to think of how to explain God's teachings to different age levels.  In college, I took education courses, including curriculum, and graduated with a degree in elementary education and a certificate in early childhood.  Not too long after that, I was recruited to write Sunday school curriculum by a professor at the University of Hawaii.  He was the one who really taught me how to write curriculum, although what we worked on together never saw the light of day.

Because I was actively teaching, I wrote for myself.  I knew what I wanted for the children:  something that would engage them, relate to their world
1st-2nd(age-appropriate), and enrich their spirits with solid biblical teaching that could carry them into their own growing relationship with God.  I also knew what I wanted for myself as a teacher:  a curriculum that would be clear, flexible, fun to teach, and re-usable.  In other words, once I've taught through a curriculum, I have all the materials and the practice to use it again the next year with a different group of kids.  I know I'll do a better job next time.  The first year is the hardest, because the teacher is learning how to teach it.  But after that, working with the curriculum should be easier.

For this reason all my curricula are non-dated.  In other words, teachers can use them for as many years as they
1st-2ndwish and not have to purchase something new every year.  This is economical.  I've used curricula from different companies over the years, and I hate to see a church spend big bucks purchasing lots of fancy material, much of which is left on the shelves, "old" after a year or so only because the curriculum company has come out with their new line of products.  I know they have to do this to make money, but as a teacher, I'm interested in being economical.  One teacher guide (about $15) per teacher per quarter--no materials kits to purchase.  All take-home pages are included for photocopying.  There are, of course, materials recommended for most activities, but these are items like paper, glue, cotton balls, etc., readily available at discount stores.
BQ1 tiltI also write my curricula with the new teacher in mind.  I hope that after teaching each quarter of my curriculum, a teacher will be better trained to teach again.  Compass with tiltBut I'll talk more about that in my next newsletter.  If you have specific questions you'd like me to address, you can e-mail them to

Meanwhile, have a great May!

Karyn Signature

Karyn Henley


Enhance the value of any pre-school Bible curriculum
Active Learning Series
ALS Books all 6No matter what Bible curriculum you use with your children, fresh new activities are always a plus, adding variety for your students and for you as a teacher.

Over 850 activities in 6-volume set

Each volume of Karyn Henley's Active Learning Series contains well over 100 engaging activities to involve children (ages 2-5) in age-appropriate active learning. Ideal for Sunday school, daycare, child care, and homeschool. Convenient indexes make these economical resources compatible with any Bible curriculum for this age group. [Download samples now]...

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CSTbookKaryn's foundational book
Child-Sensitive Teaching
CST book captionedChild-Sensitive Teaching, stresses the importance of "the significant adult," the person who is able to "speak into" the child's life, to affect the child's values.  Parents are, of course, the adults of choice.  But teachers, grandparents, and family friends can take on these roles as well.  How do you know who is a significant adult?  Ask these three questions:
1) Who spends time with the child?
2) Who plays (and works at chores) with the child?
3) Who listens (with interest and without judgment) when the child has something to say?

Child-Sensitive Teaching is available in single copies ($10.99) and economical 6 packs ($57.00).
  [Download sample chapter]...

Speaking & Exhibitor Events
May 8-9, 2009
Exhibitor & Vendor Workshop with Karyn Henley
Arlington Book Fair
Arlington Convention Center
Arlington, TX
Contact: Hearth & Home Ministries

Karyn's Workshop: 
"Faith and Moral Development: Birth Thru Adolescence"
Friday, May 8 - Room M-9, 9:30am - 10:30am
(repeated Saturday, May 9 - Room M-9, 9:30am - 10:30am)

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September 24-26, 2009
Exhibitor only
MOPS International Convention
Gaylord Opryland Convention Center
Nashville, TN

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More dates are pending.
Please check our Events Calendar for updated information.

Want to have Karyn present a seminar at your church?
Email Ralph Henley or call 1-888.573.3953

Our discussion group & Karyn's Blog
A Karyn Henley Resources discussion forum has been launched at for friends and users of Karyn's books, videos, curriculum and other materials.

Whether you are a children's pastor, family minister, parent, or educator, you are invited to join in, share your ideas, and let others know about the unique ways you have been using Karyn's materials.


100 ways sample

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