End of Year News from

Gateways: Access to Jewish Education

Dear Friends,


All of us here at Gateways: Access to Jewish Education sincerely hope you and yours are having an absolutely wonderful Hanukkah.


As 2010 draws to a close, we want to thank you for everything you to do to swing open the gates and make the Gateways dream a reality -- providing a Jewish education for our children with special needs.


Those of you who came out to Mishkan Tefila on November 21 for "Sweet Sounds: An Afternoon of Jazz and Chocolate" know what an incredibly moving day it was. Honoring Gateways (and before that Etgar L'Noar) pioneers Jennifer and Erik Bittner and recognizing our retiring Day School Program Director (and Jewish Special Education Collaborative pioneer) Sue Schweber took us back to our roots. It reminded us that it's thanks to individuals like them with vision and dedication who wouldn't take "no" for an answer that Gateways' students aren't left out of Jewish education anymore.


Binny and Class
Gateways student lights the menorah with classmates at SHAS 

Those who couldn't make the event (and those of you who were there and want to re-experience the magic!), just click here to enjoy some photos and the many inspirational speeches we heard that day.   


Tonight, as we add yet another light to our menorahs, let us see each and every child as a candle asking to be lit with the flame of Jewish learning and engagement. It's up to us to strike the match and see each one of them spring to life, to light the way to our future.


As the calendar year draws to an end, please consider making an annual gift to Gateways. By partnering with Gateways, you are taking a stand that ALL children deserve a Jewish education that's just right for them. On behalf of all of our children and their families, I want to thank you for swinging open the gates to Jewish learning and life.


With your help, 2011 will be the year we are able to reach more children in our community -- and beyond - than ever before, to make sure each of them can receive their birthright: a Jewish education.


With blessings for a wonderful Hanukkah and a sweet 2011,




Arlene Remz, Executive Director


What a Day! Sweet Sounds: An Afternoon of Jazz and Chocolate, November 21, 2010


On November 21, more than 400 supporters came out to celebrate Gateways' innovative programming and its transformative impact on so many children with special needs. The crowd honored Jennifer and Erik Bittner, whose vision and determination ensured that Boston-area children with special needs could receive the Jewish education that's right for them. Also recognized was Gateways' outgoing Day School Program Director Sue Schweber, for her years of hard work, partnering with our day schools to welcome students with special needs.    


"We need to educate and engage every Jewish soul and, thanks to Gateways, our community now has the opportunity to make this dream come true..." ­­ Barry Shrage, CJP President

Arlene with Honorees
Arlene Remz, Jennifer & Erik Bittner, Sue & Bill Schweber

Please join us! To learn how each child can access the Gateways program that's right for them -- or to become a Gateways volunteer or supporter -- call us at 617.630.9010, e-mail us at info@jgateways.org or visit us online at www.jgateways.org.


Gateways FREE Early Learning Series (GELS), Workshops for Parents and Professionals, Kicking Off December 15


Night terrors, distractibility and tantrums. Playdates, pouting and power struggles.


The behavior of small children can puzzle - and confound -- even the most experienced parent or teacher. Now Gateways is demystifying their behavior and helping parents and professionals alike navigate even the most challenging situations, and maximize learning during these key formative years.


Starting December 15 at the JCC in Newton is Gateways Early Learning Series (GELS), a series of free workshops led by Gateways developmental educators, guest experts and national book authors.    


To fit everyone's schedules, educators are invited during the afternoon sessions and parents (grandparents too!) in the evenings. Note to educators: You can get PDP credits for these workshops by attending either the afternoon or evening sessions.


Workshops for Developing Life Skills in Preschool:

Confronting the Questions that Nag Parents & Professionals

Inside/Outside: Getting the Kids Ready for Winter
December 15.  3-5 p.m. for Educators, 7-8:30 p.m. for Parents     

Presenter: Gateways Occupational Therapist Shana Krell

Take home activities designed to develop preschoolers' competence and confidence.


The Power of Pictures and Words Together

January 12.  3-5 p.m. for Educators, 7-8:30 p.m. for Parents    

Presenters: Gateways Developmental Educators Sherry Grossman and Judy Weinberg

Explore the power of visual cues and stories to teach children about the world they live in. Make and take samples to use in class or at home.


Building Relationships through Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 16. 3-5 p.m. for Educators, 7-8:30 p.m. for Parents    

Presenters: Gateways Developmental Educators Sherry Grossman and Judy Weinberg

Teachers serve as parents' eyes and ears during the school day. Learn how both parties can optimize this key partnership for growth.


Is it a Big Problem or a Little Problem?

Wednesday March 9. 3-5 p.m. for Educators, 7-8:30 p.m. for Parents    

Guest presenters: Judi Greenberg and Amy Freedman, co-authors of Is it a Big Problem or a Little Problem?
Learn when a behavior requires early intervention, and how to work together to ensure the best environment for optimum development.


Please visit www.jgateways.org for the full list of GELS workshops!

Gateways: Access to Jewish Education

Gateways: Access to Jewish Education
333 Nahanton Street
Newton, Massachusetts 02459

(617) 630-9010
