Explore The Miracle of YOU!
with Joanne and Kuno
Family Constellations Workshop:
"Embracing the Present Moment"
Saturda y, February 25, 2012
Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer, LCSW-C.
ItThis Family Constellations workshop is offered to the general public. You are welcome to join! Click HERE to learn more, watch a VIDEO by Joanne, or SIGN UP NOW!.
Core Energetics Seminar:
" Eros, Love & Sexuality: The Powerful Forces that Unify Humanity"
Saturday, March 10, 2012
With Kuno Bachbauer & Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer
Learn about the how Eros, Love and Sexuality are necessary for pleasure, expansion and fulfilment. Explore the mystery and free the power of your life force! (Open to couples + singles) SIGN UP NOW! |
Release Stress and Raise your Vibration:
"Osho Kundalini Meditation - Release, Relax, Celebrate"
Thursday, February 9, 2012 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Led by Kuno Bachbauer. Read more about this Meditation HERE, watch Kuno's explanation on VIDEO, or R.S.V.P. .... SIGN UP NOW. |
Family Constellations Training Program
Last chance: We still are accepting registrations
until the February teaching module....
Study Family Constellations work
as a professional skill AND grow as a Person!
Registrations for this year-long Family Constellations Training conducted by Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer,
LCSW-C are still being accepted (until February).
Ongoing: Core Energetics Process Groups
Led by Joanne & Kuno (Monday) and Kuno (Tuesday). Body-centered group process.
We offer two Core Energetics Process Groups: Mondays/Tuesdays.
Interview & Registration is necessary.
Call 301-762-5866 or email: KunoBAlive@AOL.com
Read more about the Power of Groups: HERE